Unity - Domination Quest Integrated Edition [v3.03] [Kokage no Izumi]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The sequel of Domination Quest passes over the torch wonderfully, continuing the story where it left off. The content and creativity increased dramatically from the last game. Taking me at least 7 hours of speeding through the story, with plenty of content left after beating the game. Despite all that, it still has its problems. Such as the some-how overpowered enemies on the field and forced grinding for better items to even stand a chance against the enemies. Nonetheless, the game is still fun with these problems, with even more content to discover than the last game.

    The final scene of the game made me feel a little empty tho ngl
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Its my favourite monstergirl collectiong h-game.

    Fair but decently challenging gameplay as well as not being too wordy help to stay engaged throughout.

    Lost of different monster girls with a variety of scenes for every fetish.

    You can totally use the monsters from part 1 in part 2. They still learn new moves and traits. Every monster has something special that you can play into which helps to set them apart from a gameplay standpoint.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Take everything good on the first game and keep it the same or upgrade it a little, then take everything bad and make it even worst (somehow).
    Not worth playing at all, if you want to view the story cheat it, the game is fun as seeing plants wrong in real time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm having a grand time finding these monster ladies and bonding with them! Not fond of urine, but the rest make up for that one rough spot. I hope there will be more ladies in the next game centered around Domination Quest, I've already got some ideas if the dev is interested.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Gonna make a counter review to the previous review. This game heavily relies on levels, more so than other games such as pokemon. In pokemon, a level or two can rarely make a difference and it more so depends on type advantage. While this game does have a type advantage system, its rarely used. The main thing that matters is levels. A single level can be the difference between getting whiped or destroying a boss. Levels are not too difficult to grind as well, but they do require easy access to healing. Each level gained gives some stats and occasionally gives new moves. This matters massively as while one monster learns a move from the get go, another may learn that same move a few levels later. This both encourages swapping mosters and keeping your favorite monsters, as each monster will get a chance to learn powerfull moves to become key parts of the party. I have used the very first monster I ever tamed all the way until the end of the newest version of volume 2, and she still learns new moves.
    The massive downside is when the player loses all their progress and regains it later on. Unless the player has grinded a lot, their newer monsters may not be as powerful as their old monsters. This makes it difficult to not just go back to the old team from volume 1. Every monster in volume 1 can learn the same skills as the monsters in volume 2, so it doesn't take long for even that positive to no longer mater.
    Overall, this volume, which is still not fully released due to many delays, was both an upgrade (new monsters, moves, mechanics, locales, h scenes) and a less fun time (less variation to h scene, new monsters not as useful, easy auto can make grinding easy). Also for those having difficulty with some bosses, volume 2 gives a mandatory item that is used to kill dragons. It can be used by the larger monsters and deals massive damage to dragon enemies. The previous review included that a boss prevents the player from getting their stuff after they get their previous monsters back. You still have the sword I believe, which should make the boss easy.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Short answer:
    Frustrating regression game wise Decent continuation in every other way,

    Long Answer:
    Honestly I really Loved volume 1, the character designs are pretty interesting, the set-up while unoriginal was still a decent hook to keep playing, the porn being alright, and the gameplay being kind of fun.

    So how did Volume 2 fuck up most of these so badly?

    Simple it places the volume 1's weaknesses at the forefront and then some.

    The game's mechanics while often compared to pokemon I find it inaccurate. It more plays like Persona where most monsters don't really have much staying power encouraging you to get new replacements. While also taking cues from Yo-kai watch where team management is more important by punishing you for not being active as a way to discourage mindlessness.

    This is often aparent in a few of Domination Quest's mechanics. The Monster's stamina is constantly going down each turn and Kuro's mana is the only way to replenish it. However Kuro's mana is also a stand for his health as once all monster girls die Kuro immedeately becomes targeted giving you limited turns to do something before it's game over. doesn't help when some monsters (usually large sized bosses) have a grapple move that cut's your team's access to Kuro putting a double time limit to free him or he dies (which is game over) or your monsters run out of stamina (game over). Things like that helps in making the battles dynamic. I argue that it's a great system in volume 1 emphasis on volume 1.

    Volume 2 on the other hand creates an imbalance with the enemies often making this system fall flat on it's face and taking the great ideas and throwing them out the window.

    Volume 2 starts off by temporarily stripping you of your progress i.e. the monsters, items and money you gained in volume 1 starting you back at level 1. Usually in a better game moments like these puts your progress into retrospect making you have to rethink how to do things since you for a time don't have access to your powerhouses.

    But in volume 2 it's a straight difficulty spike once you get your first new monsters, you're eventually thrown into a dungeon where the enemies basically foreshadow the rest of the the encounters for volume 2. They either have powerful attacks with a high status chance, powerful a.o.e. attacks, fast wile packing multi hit moves, or in some cases have a 1 hit kill move. Surprise attacks in this game suck because of these factors. If any of them get a surprise attack REGARDLESS of difficulty it's much better to just run away than to try and fight back wasting resources just to be able to fight back only for those enemies to use a move that effectively resets your recovery progress.

    Bosses have also taken a hit this time around as in normal difficulty they are essentially damage sponges with absurd strength, and grapple moves that stall for mana and stamina. Things like this forced me to play on easy something that volume 1 never did.

    In addition to that this part of the game doesn't really give you the tools to make it less bearable as the monsters during this segment take too long to come into their own as party members so much so that they can easily get out classed by other new monsters. Take the moth girl for example. When you first get her she has a few healing moves and pitiful physical attack so she's mainly a healer but eventually she gets support moves but by then you've already get access to monsters that does her job and then some like the Baphomet girl who has moves that inflict status, a healing move that heals everyone, and a support skill that not only adds passive healing to Kuro's mana but gives attack boosts to allies who needs a stamina refill. Yeah I already said that most monsters in this game aren't meant to have a ton of staying power but in a segment like this where you don't have many other equal options to fall back on, it becomes frustrating. But that's besides the point what about when you get everything back?

    Sorry to say that it gets better but only for a brief period of time as eventually you start running into enemies that do the same shit in the previous segment and you don't get everything back immediately or everything for that matter. Kuro can get his lost skills back, but not his lost levels. you have to beat one more boss to get your items back. it's not a bad part I do stress but most of my complaints about the enemies continues after this. Though I've raged on too much about the main gameplay. I genuinely like the game's core systems it's just that volume 2 rarely plays to it's strengths.

    The Map:

    I honestly don't mind the 2.5D here though I attibute that to the fact that sprites are overdone due to many rpg porn games being made in game builders that use sprites. The map visually has a ton of creative highs I like the forest segment where you're crossing tree routes over water, or a cave that's stripped of much of it's resources until you find an area full of crystals (that tank the framerate). I find the artstyle visually appealing at times despite some not being all that original. but the overall level design is a whole other discussion. Volume 1 also had weak level design but volume 2 has a lot more stinkers. One of the more egrigous ones is a boat segment that has you press right for a time while dealing with the bulshit enemies as random encounters. It doesn't help when the levels shower you in recovery springs as if the designers knew that the enemies are too much.

    The Art:
    I actually like the use of multiple artists unlike most. It gives a variety of interesting designs to look at. That's why I liked Volume 1 and with all the Bitching you'd think I'd have a huge problem with Volume 2's. No not really the game still keeps up with the variety. Though there's a large amount breast feeding scenes to say they make up the most of the new content is misleading as there's still a bunch of gore, vore, and now new fetishes like dick girls and scat. It's still a varied game in the fetishes it cares about.

    I'm putting story in this part because it feels like a footnote as I feel like I'm going through the motions at this point. It's a competent story nothing to really moan about besides the random point where you are stripped of your items as I really feel like it didn't really need to happen. Though I do like the times where the game tries to go more cinematic with the story I.E. when the dragon sword is used and it immediately initiates a cutscene. I also liked the attention to detail with two of the older monsters ending up in prison because that was where Kuro obtained the two and they go on a short quest to obtain freedom and reunite with him It's kind of entertaining.

    I'll also put the casino here as well since it's not all that egregious as if you really don't like the casino-y part, then go to the basement and youll find games that actually take advantage of the core systems. It's almost like a chao garden minigame in how simple and fun it can be.

    Domination Quest Volume 1 is a good game and it a shame that Volume 2 plays like an antithesis to that statement. However unlike most games I review, volume 2 still compells me to keep playing. With a lot of games on this site I dislike I often play as much as I can stomach (which is often a hefty chunk of what's availiable for credibility sake) but unlike those games volume 2 compells me to continue following it without wanting to rage quit or quit out of boredom. That's mainly because volume 1's core is still here and outside of gameplay, there's a lot more things to like as an overall experience. That's why I still give it a high rating. That's a feat for this site where some games I play here are so bad or so boring that I rather just look at the scenes and call it a day. Volume 2 is definitly a game that I sometimes warm up on.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is extremely annoying and repetitive. It drags down anything good about this game so badly that it's absolutely not worth playing.

    Plus this volume adds a huge pet peeve of mine that makes me despise any game. Fucking casinos.
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    In a word, boring.

    As many have said, this could be compared to that one pocket monster catching game in the sense that you more or less capture girls to add to your roster of fighters. That being said, the following would be more apt.

    It's like Pokemon if the game was slower, had a horrible UI, significantly slower and poorly balanced fights, and a dash of hentai.

    You will spend the vast majority of your game running from point A to B while fighting enemies in the slowest RPGM combat I've seen in any game with art quality like this, and though it has the usually praise worthy addition of an "auto" fight function...even that requires you to button mash to get through each popup box that accompanies any attack. The combat speed as a whole goes at a snail's pace, and that's made all the worse by how boring the fights are. Your characters deal very little damage, the enemies deal drastically more damage, and you are forced to sit here spamming heals, damage, and at times, the capture spell in the hopes of capturing the single zone specific girl before they use a spell that kills themselves.

    The 3D element is a very nice touch for this game, and although I didn't first see much of why it existed, I immediately was fond once I entered a spiraling stone stairway. It added a very unique feel to the 2D on 3D feel, and the look grew on me. That being said, the map design is atrocious, being akin to scribbles on a map in an attempt to make you run around collecting what few items are scattered about while you slowly fight through enemies. Though there is an item that reduces the rate that enemies spawn for a limited time, you'll still fight 5-6 groups of enemies before you get from one end of it to another. The item exists, but it sure doesn't do much.

    The art within the game is made by several different artists, meaning the quality is often a mixed bag. Some characters look far, far worse than others, where as some look incredible.

    As for fetishes, the spread is...odd. Sadly, it seems that it's primarily tailored very specifically towards people into breast feeding, as over half of the base game's early game content is just that. Breast feeding in most cases, and breast feeding with a handjob in a few. Within the first full hour of playing, I had only two scenes that didn't revolve entirely around breasts, one scene of which still started with breast feeding. The other was vore.

    The crux of this game's flaws stems from its horribly slow progression and combat, all of which is made worse by the shockingly sparse hentai. This game seems to be far more focused on having the player fight an uphill battle for every scene they get, and despite how many scenes it looks like this game has within it from the preview images and 3gb size...you sure don't get much out of an hour of gameplay. I've currently unlocked no repayable scenes that don't game over me. To get scenes with the girls I have, I need to rank up their affection with me, but so far I've only managed to rank up their trust.

    As I said before, this game is just dreadfully boring. The writing is...pretty standard for hentai, and the quality of it rarely influences my feelings on the game. The most off putting thing is not the potentially strange and even unwanted fetishes, but the fact that after a bit over an hour, I've only been met with as many scenes as I have fingers on either hand. Having genetically normal hands, this number of scenes would be better if all were full scenes, but they aren't. Several I found were just brief stills, a few sentences, and then the screen goes black and you hear your character getting milked...you don't even see anything. A lot of what happens is just implied, and I really don't feel that the excessive, excruciating grind is worth an implication of lewd activity.

    If you have a LOT of free time and don't mind a GUI straight out of 2002, you can probably stomach this game. If you enjoy breast feeding above most other things, you'll probably really enjoy this game's start. If you want...anything else, you're in for quite the wait.