Ren'Py - Dominion Redux [v1.04 Bugfix] [Fallen Angel Productions and Mylph Money]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6870930

    Yet another project with bad writing and grindfest nonsense sandbox like the developer's old games.

    The only okay-ish part is the renders. Other than that, it's so boring seeing the same scene 326426 times.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    First of all, the story is bad, abrupt and illogical, better to say that there is no story, but it's a sandbox, so I didn't really expect Lord of the Rings from it, I admit sometimes it's even funny, so - moving on.

    Grinding, too much grinding even for sandbox, you literally work your ass of figuratively speaking and.... And it leads us to the main problem - Point System. This system apparently doesn't work correct or should I say doesn't work at all at some moments. Through this mechanics you gather points with girls to keep them from the other dude and a gang, but in the end you get slapped in the face with the fact that other dudes still have their way with your family members.
    I know it sounds weird but The point system is pointless heheh.

    So, for those who is seeking for the answer - No, NTR is not. I repeat - it is NOT avoidable, red code)) Means you can't prevent it from happening, you have been warned.

    No, seriously, it looks like Dev in this game for some reason decided to go full rampage on vanilla players, he even put a note in description that this type of content is optional, which is a blatant lie, yeah))

    Now, the conclusion, why so low rating - if we forget for a second about the Dev's trick, I still would have given it a few points, but... the infamous point system. How it was supposed to work (my perspective): depending on your choices/actions this mechanics rewards you in the end correspondingly. So, if you like voyeur/ntr stuff, you do the needed grinding and you get this type of content, the same is with vanilla, you choose corresponding choices and get vanilla. But in reality you are only rewarded on ntr-route, because on vanilla-route even if you literally work your ass off (and waste hell of a time) the game still throws it at your face, deal with it.
    Maximum you can do is to skip those scenes sometimes, but it still happens which you can guess from further dialogues, for me it is better to see ntr than being left in suspense, wondering what they have been doing there with that dude... - of course, of course they have been playing chess)))
    And for some scenes you don't need any guessing, the game tells you this straight.

    Anyway, in few words - in my case there is a lot of unrewarding grinding. Hence low rate.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This felt like a bait and switch. Without console access, I don't think NTR is actually optional. The characters are flat and of course extremely unrealistic. The graphics are pretty decent, but not my cup of tea as far as proportions go. The plot... well, it's an excuse to have a guy's family corrupted and then taken by the gang, with him forced to watch. Once again, really not optional NTR.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Dominion [v1.05] [Fallen Angel Productions and Mylph Money]

    What a grindfest with muddy writting. The dialogs are bland and boring, not skipping them is a real torture.

    Characters/models: 1.5/5 Sometimes can be hot and appealing, but most of the time you'll feel a NEED to punch their "faces".
    Story: shit/5 Any 5 year old could write better story.
    Gameplay: shit*2/5 Grind after grind after grind after grind after grind afte...

    Just stay away from this one, it wasn't worth it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The game felt muddy nothing really clicked the story about coming home after getting sent away for sexual conduct but then coming home and the family is so full on sexual didn't make sense to me.
    The dialog seemed bland and uninviting, I started skipping more and more especially watching the same seems again and again for up the score needed.

    I don't know if the character designs were a artistic choice or if an artistic limitation but I didn't enjoy the look of the characters. I got the feeling of it being over the top for the sake of it not really because it was adding something. Escpecially the faces are, to me, very unappealing.

    The introduction to the game - as you can read on the page - has all sorts of warnings about NTR. I don't really care either way but got slightly suprised ingame as NTR happened and then the game went on a rant about NTR and avoiding it. It just seemed odd cause for one I didn't pick up how to avoid it unless I missed some sort of friday event because another event happened to blocked it or why there seemed to be an option to turn it off. But either way it happened not that it really mattered to me but then to have the game itself rant about it seemed weird.
    It seems like the developer wants to force NTR but cannot figure out how to just accept wanting to make NTR for reason. It just seemed like the developer is more busy with the NTR dialog than just making their game.

    I don't know how far I made it in the game. I tried to follow the quest log and some automatic events didn't seem to trigger. In the end it didn't matter much as the dialog had me pretty checked out.

    I wouldn't recommend the game it seems low quality, half baked, directionless, insecure and without substance.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A cool game.

    Nice art, okay writing, although as it seems to be common with this creator (I had the same issues with Summoner's Legacy), everything seems to be half-assed. Take the first part before the move: only the mom has her clothing evolving along with her corruption. The NTR? For Deon, only a few scenes in the character's respective bedrooms, but barely anything on sandbox view appart from the mom. The gang is even worse, as I couldn't even trigger scenes for one of the character's (the younger sister). The rest is pretty standard for the creator, it's basically the same themes, same scenes, just with other characters. I wish the creator took the time to put more flesh on the game's bones to give us a sense that he's evolving in his gamemaking.
    If you look at the art: it's standard when it comes to current DAZ art. There didn't seem to be much hought given to lighting or composition, but it's very well complemented with some exotic (in a good way) posing and some well done large insertions (with some nice scultping too it seems).

    Anyways in conclusion: basically Summoner's legacy but with a male MC. No real evolution from that sequel.
    If I had any advice to give to the dev: don't rush things. If I were you I'd make a whole update adding things to what's already there; improving a couple things, and then get back on track. And that's it for my review.

    EDIT: in fact that's not it for my review lol. The scenes are still hot as fuck, and the kinks don't hesitate to go wild. I'd give this game easily 4 stars if the dev took my advice on fleshing out the game more. I need to see that the dev actually gives a shit.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    It's terrible and one star out of five is exactly what this game is. I will be fair to the sandbox despite being very,very, very grindy to the point you start playing a second game in the background, it's not buggy. But that's it.

    Yeah some models look good, but the weird facial expression and some feminazi haircut doesn't make my dick hard at all. The models of the mother is a hit-or-miss so it's for you to judge, the lil sister looks good but the older is ugly as fuck. Sadly I can't even enjoy the sex scenes since even if I can ignore the dumb and low effort of a story for the sake of a good wank, the renders with the sex positions are cheaply done.

    The other problem I have with this game is what it told me in its description and what I got delivered. To sum it up, despite what it says, NTR is not avoidable. You just skip the scenes but here and there the dialogs are the same with some renders which hinted it happened offscreen.

    Read Devs own explanation for it: #402

    So I wouldnt suggest it to anyone even if you like NTR or incest as characters and scenarios they talk with each other are generic but also face palming dumb, but also since to get to the fuck scenes takes to much time of your time but also they arnt even good.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Some people dislike the models of the ladies for their distinct features, but I genuinely like them. They're not the same face I've seen 5 times. But good lord, the writing is pretty garbage. It's strange that such a thinly-veiled incest story feels so drawn out? It's a lot of repetition in both content and story, and it ultimately just isn't enjoyable. Sex scenes are pretty good though.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm also one of those who do not understand why sole people dislike the game so much... I rarely review games at F95 but I think the current rating is lower than deserved.

    - nice renders with a artsyle that is unique than a lot of the standard models you'll find I a lot of other games.
    - No bugs
    - Not grindy

    -story is somewhat thin (But I'm not here for the story to be honest)
    -no sound (But is not that important)

    I look forward to each update!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this one despite it being different from nunya's other (futa) stuff. I don't hate the main character but he has kind of stupid smug look that reminds of a friend (which is very distracting).
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is quite decent. Good renders. The idea of developement is solid. Ntr is very easily avoidable.

    I take 1 star off, because it would have been awesome if renders were animated. I hope there will be more ntr. It makes playing efficiently more rewarding and avoids turning a game into a boring click-through.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The girls aren't really pretty but they have nice bodies, and that is something. The story is really poor, the game start with you in a train going back to home, the MC saw that a girl was no using underwear and suddenly take off her clothes and they have sex, just to be clear, the MC have sex with a girl that is never introduced and they don't know each other, this show you how stupid and nonsentical the writing is. You arrive home and is more of the same, the mother and sisters act like sluts and even the MC acts like if they were they girlfriends or something, the way that everyone interact with each other looks more like the girls were prostitutes in a brothel than his family.
    The world is empty, is a sandbox, but like any other you have nothing to do more than skip for hours or days until something happen.
    The game is pretty grindy like you can guess, you have to "farm" love points with the girls but each day you lose points too, so, you are forced to interact with all of them because in the long run it would be more bothersome.
    The NTR scenes are good, the downside would be if you don't like NTR, because you are forced to watch some NTR scenes, just because the Dev want it and gave a lame excuse about why you have to watch it, when it could be handled in other way.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game from a great developer. Renders are A+.
    Love his content and I hope he doesn't change what he is doing.

    There are people who are rating it 1 star. Those people are insane, it's people like you who will push developers to the edge and they will quit. Not only that, I bet you don't even support anyone, just freeload and complain.

    This is an awesome game, period. If you are unhappy with it, go play something else.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The MC was kicked out of the house and sent to boarding school several years ago and has had no contact from family.
    Now he's back home and nothing ever happened, all is good and happy. Heck of a story line.
    The models all have really dumb expressions on their faces and otherwise just look a bit weird.

    Could be a worthwhile game once they redo all the graphics and rewrite it with a decent plot.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4175490

    No this is not another blind anti-NTR review. I didn't even make it to the NTR part of the game. I was actually looking forward to it but ended up so bored by the early game, it didn't seem worth it. Into the delete pile.

    Models are weird-looking despite seeming render quality - large eyes, severe cheekbones (especially Mom), comically large dicks, awkward hairlines, and too many shaved haircuts for my taste.

    Buggy - school location throws an exception error every time I tried to go to it. If I have not yet met the story requirement then just don't make it available.

    Too many sandbox locations with nothing to do. The quest guide helps but you basically end up just fast-forwarding through time hoping you go to the right location at the right time. This is a played-out and unengaging game mechanism which devs need to stop using. As with most of the other games guilty of this hackneyed approach, you spend half the time 'doing dishes'. I am not playing an adult game to do the fucking dishes, ffs.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I mean, the other game was NOT a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but man! Did they really screw the pooch on this one. From a pretty below average Incest Harem game to a full blown En Tee Argh Fest? I find it hard to believe that if you were a fan of the old game that you would like this.

    It's a complete betrayal of the spirit the original was doing. Did it have it's flaws? Yes, but it didn't pretend to be anything more than simple game. This game strips ALL that away and puts the MC and ALL the Love Interests into the sunken place. What a joke!

    1/5 stars. Good riddance!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    review based on 1.01 version
    biggest problem that game is... dev. let me explain- dev have solid amount abandomed games (4-5) and there zero chance become normal complete game. dnt say me "1 game from that dev have tag "completed" "- its mistake, that game abandoned, like all others from that dev. i also played 3 games from that dev
    - good cg (same as in previous games)
    - good ui (same as in previous games)
    - unavoidable ntr, unlike previous games. i dnt care about that, but many other players dnt like it
    - no chance to become normal complete game

    is it a bad game? no. is it worth waiting for many updates/final? no chance
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders are not good, bizarre toss ins of real porn on things like TV screens, a spineless MC without any explanation, piss poor story, there is so many aspects of this game that make it a game that is not only not good, but downright bad. This is not worth your time.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    So, this looks like a revamp of the other projects from the devs. Only difference is that the MC is a male in this VN.
    This is the reason why the 3 star rating.

    The MCs landlady looks like she has had a stroke in some of the scenes. The left side of her face is sliding off.
    You run around doing little things throughout the day to actually get some content.
    Working is a joke. You can't even shake your weenie at the strip club to earn more money.
    There's no point to the other women in the stores. Or I didn't put enough time in to find out if there was or not.
    From the neck down the women look really good. From the neck up they all look like suck-eye babies. ( crack heads)
    I think it took me like 30 in game days to finish up with the current content.

    I'm going to have to give a hard pass on this one. Not that I'm trying to say that others shouldn't give it a try. For me it's just not interesting if it's pretty much a rewash of previous models and renders used from other projects that the dev team has used before.
    Good luck
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Stars and nothing less. Love the concept, animations and originality of the characters. This is different in a good way. Story is short, but sweet. Scenes are hot, and the animations/artwork is really good. I can't wait for the next update, this game is a certified banger!