Ren'Py - Abandoned - Dominum [v0.3] [Asmodeus Den]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall - 3/10 - TOO SHORT, meant to be a conquer game -> don't even get to do anything
    Story - 2/10
    Don't even get to do anything
    Plot - MC + demon wants to conquer land, evil voice in head of MC
    Renders - 7/10
    Models are good
    Animations - n.a
    Too few of them
    Writing - good but plenty of mistakes
    Sound - 6/10
    BGM - was good
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    My review of Dominum [v0.3]

    A rather disappointing game.

    It has very little artwork... Maybe 10-15 fullscreen images/backgrounds and a few sprites.
    This means most things are only described instead of shown and you end up staring at the same generic cave background for most of the game.
    The backgrounds that are there also look more like rough sketches, instead of beautiful artwork, and everything is 720p.

    In terms of english the meaning of each sentence is easily understandable, but almost every single one has spelling mistakes, and the writing in general isn't great.
    The text really needs some rework from someone fluent in english.

    In terms of audio, well... it does have some background music/ambient, but nothing special.
    Some scenes also have no audio.

    In terms of bugs choosing various options "too early" can make the game crash and at the end it suddenly switched to scenes from the village destruction path, even though I was on a different path.
    There's also issues with sprites remaining on screen, when they shouldn't be.

    In terms of game length the game currently is very short (around 30 minutes).

    Overall I liked the game's general story and theme, but I don't think this will go anywhere unfortunately.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So far the game offers a great power fantasy as the bad guy. And it does not stop from being gory or brutal. If you have a sadistic vain in you, you should definitly check this game out.
    Besides being the BBEG and an evil succubus side-kick, the game offers a suprising amount of choices how to deal with each situation.
    And compared to games, there rarley seems to be a "wrong" choice. It's more like it's giving you some control over what content you want. And thats the way it should be.

    Man this is the violent power fantasy I've been craving!
    Wasn't expecting much, but the art and writing is great.
    I'm gonna go straight to patreon.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very insteresting game.
    There's a cool premise, not many games actually allow you tob e the villain, good art, seems like the choices nad branching paths will be good too, sadly very short so far but with more content I think this one will be great.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Since this game is still a work in progress I am enjoying what has been made so far.

    As for the 2d art in this fine game it's a bit basic but not bad, the flow of the game play does not seem rushed and flows will as the game progresses.

    The plot of the story is the basic rise of an evil overlord which seems to be well thought out in this fine game.

    All in all this game has the potential to become a classic game as time progresses.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. There should be more like this. The story is not soemthing new. But thats okay i really love the choices. You can be really evil. Great game. The visuals are great to. Keep up the good work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    jörgen hermansson

    Great start! Characters seem interesting and there is good balance with story and smut. Big fan of the drawn art.
    I'm a sucker for games where you get to play the bad guy so definitely keeping an eye on this one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Dominum shows a lot of promise and is a great surprise in the recent influx of female protagonist-focused games that the Zone has been getting lately. While there isn't a lot here at the moment, what is here shows a lot of promise.

    Well done art that has a style of its own, and choices that do seem to impact the story at large. It is also nice to see a game where you can actually be the bad guy, though it does concern me that later in the game this may change. As it seems the main antagonists of the game, a seemingly tyrannical holy order, may end up being worse than you.

    If I could say one thing to the developer, is it that I would prefer to see the order as still the good guys with possibly a few bad actors abusing their power. That said it is not my game, and the story so far shows that the developer has a direction in mind.

    Overall the game has an interesting story, little to no technical problems (only ran into one instance of text not fully fitting in the dialogue box), well-done art, and gives the player great choices in how they want to achieve their goal while still keeping a consistent theme.

    Dominum is an easy recommendation for those that want to play evil-aligned characters, and I'll be keeping an eye on the title to see where it goes from here.
  9. 4.00 star(s)



    This version is fairly short, but I enjoyed it very much.

    The darker tone is somehow appealing and still gives you the option to be not-so-evil.

    The choices do matter and affect the story (which is quite nice), offering the value of replay-ability.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4327961

    What a gem of a game! The renders are brilliant and i loves this twisted dark mature theme. If the game have more of this in near future, it would be perfect for me. The dev is a gifted artist. So let me say: Thank you so much for this masterpiece !
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn! One of the few sandboxes I really enjoyed!

    Very brutal, no soppy crap. Will you make love or fuck the brains out of the farm girl? Choice is yours to take! No grinding like in sandboxes.

    Furthermore, the plot is very interesting. Conquering genre is very rare today, where you achieve development not through "sleep - go to store - work for a day - repeat" but through story-driving choices