Wolf RPG Doujin Circle Gyuu games run painfully slow

Jun 1, 2017
So, I've played a few of Doujin Circle Gyuu's games - namely Sword Princess Cistina, Treasure Hunter Mai, and Assassin Sara - and all of them run noticeably slower than virtually any other RPG Maker game that I've played. Way, way slower, in some cases, especially when in combat or during a conversation. Has anybody else noticed that, and if so, do you have any suggested remedies?


Dec 5, 2017
@hewhocumsbynight for me I think it's good like that !! after i do not know if you talk about the speed of movement or the story !! but you still have a link for Assassin Sara in English if possible? ^^
Jun 1, 2017
@hewhocumsbynight for me I think it's good like that !! after i do not know if you talk about the speed of movement or the story !! but you still have a link for Assassin Sara in English if possible? ^^
Um, not sure - I might still have it on my extended drive, I'd have to check. I think it was a machine translation. I'm not talking about the speed of movement, or of the plot - the actual game seems to process way slower than most other similar games, and seems to have resource problems or something.


Dec 5, 2017
@hewhocumsbynight ah ok yes i see what you mean !! perso jais already us also slow games as you said and I just start the story that I delete them !! fake when not even abused on speed !! - "
and if not I wait to see if you find it on your PC or if you have a link to the game in English it's me! good day ^^