Unity - Completed - Dr Red's Zombie Apocalypse [v1.0] [GuroGameGuy]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Just buy time to upgrade generator... Then spam 6 like crazy. That's the game. Otherwise, it's all good to meh.

    Gameplay, 1/5: Buggy Spamfest
    So... To sum it up, it's a bit like Age of War as the other review has said, where you buy units to go forwards and destroy the enemy base. There's 7 units you can buy, weak melee, medium melee, strong melee, weak shooter, strong shooter, medic, and bot. Of all of these, I found the most success by spamming the ever living hell out of my 6 button (weak shooter) as, though they may drop like flies, they get an attack out. Yes, perhaps one or two shots, which leads to the major problem of this gameplay loop:
    It's super unbalanced. All the melee units drop like flies even at max upgrades (literally couldn't spend any more money on them) and to win, you need to spam the ever living hell out of units because enemy units are tanky as hell, and do a crap ton of damage to your units. Plus, you can cancel your reload animation to spam shooting, so that's neat for us; but at the end of the day, there's no strategy. You don't need to think of unit production order, so that tank in front, shooter, then medic; no, just spam shooters because there are no tanks, they die, though medic support helps keep them upfront, since units push each other (with enough spamming) everyone dies.
    Examples of other bugs, spamming boxes makes them go really high, and if you're lucky, when an enemy breaks it, the boxes land on them, and they cannot attack the boxes, nor can they move, therefore blocking them until you've amassed an enormous amount of money. Units stand on each others heads; allied or enemies can stand on each other if spammed enough.

    Visuals, 3/5: Inconsistent, but Overall, Alright
    In terms of looks of characters, designs, etc., a lot of it makes no sense but it's a porn game so, whatever, it's all sexy or meets a fetish. The enemy design is pretty cool. But the animations look different to some of the others, i.e., the CG animations of getting fucked on the floor is different from the beheaded corpse bleeding CG. Small issue, still looks similar enough. My main gripe is how few CGs or animations there are.
    I'll preface this with, "I don't care anymore" type feeling, NTR, Guro, ETC., I'm bored but I want enough to see. So, for each girl, in the wave clearing, they all have ONE sex animation except the Heavy Gunner, who has two. Some have a few variations of being bisected or beheaded, some don't at all, like Weak Gunner (Yellow). And for a person with the username Guro Game Guy, there's very few guro scenes, where you can reasonably argue that they're just out of it or drugged, there's no corpse fucking using the bottom half or whatever. There's no other sex positions for full bodies either. It's just... lacking. But, again, there's still other CGs and stills which are okay.

    Story, N/A.

    Audio, 2/5: Lacks Variety

    There's like, one sound effect for the girls dying, one song, no variation in pitches of gun shots, etc. But they're all... Okay otherwise. So, due to lack of variation, -1 from a 3/5 quality audio.

    To Summarize:
    Gameplay needs very little strategy. Your reward of animations and CGs are quite lacking. Audio stuff is mid, somewhat lacking. There's a lot to be desired, and admittedly it is a small (in storage space) game. I'd give an extra star if there was just a bit more... variety to it all.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's... a game?

    Look, I don't think this is my vibe, cause of the guro, but also, there's nothing really on offer but the guro. Girls getting killed by zombies and killing zombies.

    The gameplay is extremely lackluster. It's barely a tower defense, more resembles like, Age of War or whatever the old flash game was called, but if it had no tech ups and was kind of just bad. Basically, you grind to max generator and then use your huge economy to buy infinite soldiers for human wave tactics and overwhelm the enemy base. You can't upgrade the player character at all either.

    There are only two sex positions in the game, and only the Heavy Gunner has the second one. Everyone else either doesn't have one or just gets fucked as a corpse on the floor.

    The artstyle is so generic, I would imagine it to be AI.