Excellent example of “came for the tags, stayed for the story”. Though the premise is a fairly generic, the pacing and solid writing really pull this game above similar titles to the point I actually cheered when I hit a particularly emotional beat. The gameplay is simple stamina management where you attack to build meter and cash out with specials that never gets too tedious or hard - if anything I wish the game was a bit more difficult and the specials/elemental system just a bit more fleshed out.
Porn-wise, the artwork is decent, there’s a great variety of fetishes and while animations are simple and sparse, they are appreciated. Most importantly, the H-scenes are unlocked as you play so you don’t need to lose to get them, with all scenes (except the “lover” routes) being unlocked when you beat the game - which took me about 10 hours to do.
I’d recommend this to just about anyone, with my only ding is that music is mostly forgettable.
Porn-wise, the artwork is decent, there’s a great variety of fetishes and while animations are simple and sparse, they are appreciated. Most importantly, the H-scenes are unlocked as you play so you don’t need to lose to get them, with all scenes (except the “lover” routes) being unlocked when you beat the game - which took me about 10 hours to do.
I’d recommend this to just about anyone, with my only ding is that music is mostly forgettable.