Unity - Completed - DragonStone [Final] [Nuwave Digital]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    for me personally a quite well executed game if not one of the best from the hole execution point of view regarding story/world building, render quality, animations.
    but for the game itself took quite like to download so i wondered why its so big. for me a bit too much text but i wouldn't mind that if the women of this game would be more my to my taste and there comes the biggest negative pint for me. the males all look "normal" or more or less "realistic" but the women all look like lollies and dolls... why? also most are too slim/flat for my personal taste and especially the female mc (and i like female mc games!) is a turn off for me cause she looks not only a bit too young, but also like a doll with too few curves for me at least.

    + worldbuilding
    + english
    + animations!
    + render quality
    + setting
    + navigation

    - girls look too slim/flat for me
    - girls look like dolls...
    - i would rather play a full multiple protag game than being forced to play most of the time with the for me least attractive girl as mc
    - too few choices for me personally at least
    - a bit too much dialogue/text
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders and setting have lot's of potential.. and the themes are something I am actually interested in exploring..

    But the dialogue & "story" is just.. the worst.

    It's long, verbose, repetitive.. it feels generated by AI.. except that when I've used AI to generate stories myself, they turn out way better than this.. :cautious:

    The conversations just go on and on and they meander all over the place without moving the story forward or even really saying anything of substance at all.. The game is also 95% just slamming your left mouse button.. there is very little choice or agency in this game.

    I had to give up 20 minutes in.. the story made zero sense and my finger got sore.. This game really exhibits "Quantity over Quality". Yes, AI *can* be used to generate novels of branching storyline in seconds.. but should you..? (no..)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Nothing much else to say, not many choices. And the story? What story? No story. Basically just a point and click game where you're clicking where to go next. Really wanted to give more than 1 star for at least the graphics and tits, but seeing that the game is "completed", safe to say it deserved its current ratings. Then again, when compared to many other erotic visual novels and games, there are much worse ones in terms of quality and content. Hard to believe that this game is "completed" when it's obviously a work in progress, like srsly, it's just terrible mate. Hopefully an improvement in the near future but I doubt it.

    RIP to people who bought it on Steam.
    Likes: WW786
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game just geninely wasn't enjoyable, there were very few choices involved and 90% of what occurred in the game is predetermined, the only "choices" you really have is wether you go to bed or actually go do stuff."
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Just another in the torrent of absolutely godawful AI-generated products. All assets are taken from asset stores, but looks to be animated via algorithm, leading to images that look nothing like what is described in the text and will give you nightmares with how jank they look. Speaking of the text, it strings itself together without any real connection between sentences. It's obviously AI-generated without editing. It's just a new brand of shovelware trying to take advantage of horny idiots. Don't throw away data and time downloading this.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Finally, we have a case study on "How not to use AI generated media"

    Lets break it down.

    AI generated images, which are fine when done correctly. They weren't in this case, at all. The intro to the game's story and background is riddled with eldritch abominations, no care or post-generation editing was done. Leaving a horrific contrast between that and the rest of the game.

    Getting deeper into the game, you'll notice something off about the plot, how it jumps incoherently. Things just happen, and then aren't addressed or followed up on, and it's like you're dealing with short term memory loss.

    Well, that's because the entire plot seems to have been AI generated via a storyteller. The creator of the game then making the scenes after the fact, and not bothering to actually go back and edit anything.

    As for the scenes themselves, they have little to no correlation to what the text onscreen at the time says.

    Not to mention:

    Because this is an entirely normal way to hold a book, yes, mhm.

    It's painfully obvious that this is a unity asset store flip, thrown onto Steam with as little effort as humanly possible involved. Oh, wait, that's because it is: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/rpg-medieval-kingdom-kit-118468

    I'm not going to bother finding the slew of other assets that were bought and used, because frankly that's not a problem. I don't expect everyone to go out and make models, textures, animations, etc, themselves.

    The issue is when people do what this developer did. This wasn't a passion project, or even a clearly commercial product. It's a cash grab, deceptive, dishonest, and insulting to the slew of developers who do care.

    Here's a quick quote from their store page: " Each image is carefully crafted to showcase the game's characters, creatures, and landscapes in stunning detail. "

    No, no they weren't.

    Don't buy this, don't play this, don't support developers like this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Dragon Stone ["Final"]
    Unfortunately the story of this fantasy vn isn’t that interesting and you’ll end up clicking through a lot of low quality dialogues, which don’t have much impact. The prologue doesn't seem to fit to the rest of the vn, because of the different art style (drawn vs 3d models). Apart from that it's just poorly written. I'll provide the summary of the silly prologue, so that you can see for yourself, that the devs really aren't good at storytelling:
    A dragon riding woman is overpowerd by an invading army and raped by the entire army in the aftermath of the battle. After much suffering, she escapes her captors and ends up in the arms of an evil mage, who also rapes her, makes her his sex pet, but at the same time teaches her magic, so that she becomes a witch. In the end she settles down in a village and helps the population there. Years, decades maybe even centuries have passed since then, until the female mc is born in that village, where the dragon witch used to live.

    Gameplaywise it’s point & click, so you’ve got to find newly accessible areas on the map to progress the story.

    Some of the female 3d models in the game do have these strange enlarged Manga style inspired eyes. This makes those 3d models look unnecessarily unrealistic. So you might have scenes where one npc looks perfectly normal, while the other one has got silly Manga-eyes, killing the atmosphere for me. Also some of the renders look grainy.

    The “completed” tag is undeserved and the mods should remove it, because this game is still work in progress. Nevertheless there is quite an amount of content for the time being. Albeit the content isn't really catching, though.

    All in all giving less than 2 stars seems unfair to me, especially when compared to many other erotic visual novels and games, which are much worse quality- and contentwise.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    i sleep during the intro, skip most of the dialogues because they are soooo boring and sleep more during all my skip, nothing got my eyes. Ok alright something got my attention , nice renders and...and...wait that's all, you just click on some part of the game to access a zone where you got the next part of the story, most of them are just two or three npc and the main character, talking and talking,...Bad game but a super great ASMR !!! Troubles sleeping ? play it...
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    There is no way that this actually is the final version of the game even though the posting currently says so.

    There are a grand total of three choices in this game and none of them even impact anything. The dialouge is poorly written and there are only a couple scenes of the MC having sex. The devs lifted a couple appearances and names from GoT which is just pure laziness. The renders are the only positive thing about this.

    Not good 2/5.