Seeking Drain game where you make your opponent more powerful


Jul 11, 2022
I'm talking about femdom male mc games where the mc gets drained by his opponents, the only different thing i want is that it actually makes the opponent more powerful with each drain, not only making the mc less powerful.


May 13, 2021
I want more Male MC drain games like that but they are hard to come by. Most of these games have mechanics to let you level up again by grinding.

Domination Desire Banished is pretty good. It has the most level drain / enemy empowerment content. If you go into the settings, there is also an experimental option to make random enemies your 'rival' after they defeat you. Your rival can ambush you in different areas and continue to gain levels from you when you are defeated.

Kilgor & the succubus world: You can (kinda) make the boss enemies more powerful, but the difficulty scale / grinding gets pretty steep. The art assets are minimal so I wish there was a little more interactions with the succubus enemies. I've only beaten the first 4-5 bosses, but you can't really re-match them.

Shrift/Shrift II: Losing to enemy drains your levels and adds HP to the monster girls. The next time you battle them they have additional health equal to what they drained from you. I haven't played the first game but the I think the second expands more on the mechanic to make losing part of the playstyle if you prefer.

Shrift II:

Tower of Alfimia: This is A JP game that is only MTL into english, so the game is a bit janky. I've only played a bit but it does seem to have level drain mechanics.
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