VN - Ren'Py - DreamScape [v0.2R1] [DummyDelta]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Chapters 1-2

    I enjoyed this game, it's definitely up there and competitive quality-wise.
    The only thing I miss without being too petty is the HS2 models, which are way smoother and better looking all things considered.
    The story is good (kinda the whole point of VNs) and the scenes are good as well.
    It earned a permanent spot in my NSFW game library and I will check for updates regularly.
    I recommend this game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Found this on itch and want to share the review here too.

    Not very many girls, but really enjoy the red haired girl and the theme of the game. I normally do not like dreams in the games I play because they are not real and are just a way for sex scenes that have no impact on the game. But this game makes dreams real and not a copp out like some other games do.

    Very interesting story idea. But some scenes look lower quality in the beginning, and they're better as you go down, but i hope dummy gets better with next chapter. It kept my interest up a lot and I want to know where else is goes. Great girls. 5/5 stars. will watch.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality is a bit questionable in the beginning, but the game seems to get better as you go further along. Nice looking girls and a nice story, but there were arms clipping into each other. A minor nitpick, though, since it doesn't happen very often.

    MC personality is good, doesn't act like a perverted madman like most other games do, but the way he poses is girly. Maybe has a feminine side? Game only has two chapters, so maybe it will get better as it goes along. Love the girls, but a lack of numbers.

    Still, 5/5 Would Smash.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reivew for 0.2r1

    This game is interesting. There are not many characters or girls to choose from, but the story itself has room to be good. It is rather short because of the story, the music is good, but it does feel a little slow.


    -Beautiful graphics
    -Nice character personalitys
    -Good music
    -Interesting story


    -Story feels slow
    -Sometimes things clip into each other
    -Not many sex and lewd scenes
    -Lack of girls

    The game itself has a few issues, but the story itself keeps me interested and has lots of potential. I hope creator will improve as game continues.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I mean it's...competent? I really think this has a bunch of good stuff going for it but ultimately feels like it's less than the sum of its parts.
    I think the big problem is twofold- the first: it tries to present itself as....I mean it's just Persona. This game's plot is Persona. It might not end up being that, but that's the way it's happening so far. Who knows, maybe it changes. It probably has to have something different, because I don't think I even like any of the characters. There's nothing that makes me think "man the game is better because this character is in it". It's like people are going disconnected scene to disconnected scene and just...existing in a visual novel that's Persona and pretends it's not.
    So it's almost frustrating how...competent everything else is. The renders are great, the plot has sparse moments here and there. It's got mystery? Some of the characters have depth, kinda: though almost obligatorily if at all.
    I play this game and I feel like it's just less entertaining than it should be.
    Probably the worst 4/5 review ever: think of it this way. I'm wondering why it's not better than it is- this should be a slam dunk 5/5 for me; and it's not.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game moved at a snails pace and was boring. The renders were average. Didnt last long playing this as I lost interest fast with the bad humor and what felt like the MC repeating himself. Also didnt care for how the MC looked (rather feminine) At best a average game. Deleted.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    If you want to make a kinetic novel, fine. But label it that way.

    I came across three choices when playing before I closed the game.
    The first was a series of questions to ask another character, and if you decided NOT to ask a certain question and to just continue, the game flat out told you that the game was going to proceed as if you asked them all.

    The second was to see a scene or skip it. Scene happens either way.

    The last is the only one that is possibly meaningful, and was to allow something to happen or stop it. I only picked one of the options, so I don't know if it changes anything. Maybe it is an actual meaningful choice?

    But I can't help but feel that the game had room and reason to offer MANY meaningful (or even meaningless) choices up to that point, and just didn't. So, I'm just playing a static story.

    The story could be interesting enough to keep me playing, if it felt like I had any say over what is happening via choices. But I don't. And it isn't captivating enough to get me to keep playing when there are no choices.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: v0.1
    Story, Originality : 7/10, so far its good and promising
    Grammer : If you are nitpicky about this I'm sure you'll find a mistake or two but I didn't so its good.
    Renders : 7/10, It's not the best there is but its one of the good ones and it can improve
    Sounds: 8/10, it has good ambiance
    Amout of content: Could be better, its not short but with 1.4gb of size I expected a bit more.

    Overall 7,5/10, if you have doubts about playing, just download and play because it's worth it.