VN - Ren'Py - Driven Affairs [v0.6] [Naughty Algorithm]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game!

    I really love the art style! Animations are very simple, but enjoyable. From gameplay perspective it's your ordinary Ren'py game though.
    The choices here really matter which is always welcomed! Not from Harem fans though, since you can't have everything in one single playthrough. Others on the other hand may perceive it as a plus, since it allows for more time with the characters you actually want to see.

    If you are not the type of person to fall asleep after reading a couple lines of dialogue, then I really recommend this game!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is fantastic, what sex scenes we do have are well done narrative wise and incredibly sexy. Dialogue feels natural surprisingly, MC has their quirks and isn't a mindless drone for the Player. Story is genuinely interesting and has me wondering what's next. Probably my favorite VN so far.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing the 5.5 version and it's honestly pretty good. The art is magnificent and all the dialogues are precise enough for you to not feel like skipping them just to get to the juicy parts of the game. Overall, an excellent game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome art, being a VN, choice is not really on the menu, you just have to find ways to trigger the progression of the story. Some of the comments look like a lot of folks are expecting this to be full fledged decision-making tree, something not akin to visual novels. The art is great, but what I truly enjoyed was the few Easter eggs and references to pop and porn. The MC does seem awfully clever and educated for a driving grunt, but also, this is 2024, it's a gig economy. I would love to be able to revisit the scenes and have some hint if I missed one. Other than that, I can't wait for more content.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is gorgeous. The dialogue is pretty bad, the gameplay consists of either properly sucking up to the girl or saying the wrong thing and having her completely flip out on you, so that you don't get any scene as a result. The choices don't really represent what is normal in that social interaction either, so you probably need the walkthrough mod.

    There is no overarching story or sense of progression either. Just the boring chars getting driven around with the taxi driver either giving sage advice beyond his station or messing up and having his head ripped off for it, while the girls rant and rave over whatever excuse they are using for getting triggered. It's honestly amazing how insane they are, they have the mental and social skills of angry toddlers.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! The story can feel linear at times but the art is one of the best and writing is also done well. The MC does not feel like a dumb or super naive person and the teasing from the girls is drawn well!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Very well designed game, but not really for me. Teku's art is amazing, but I really, really dislike the aesthetic of this generic af every-man anime protagonist. Kinda ruins the scene content to be such a wimp. The core loop is interesting enough, driving high profile customers around town as a vessel for learning about / becoming involved in their lives. A lot of the gals back-stories / plots are either too slutty or too closely linked to the porn industry for my liking.

    + Next level art. Truly next level.
    + Core loop is decent for delivering the narrative.
    +Writing is decent
    +Protagonist is a decent person

    - You need to play the protagonist like a simp to get H scenes
    - Protagonist looks and acts kinda wimpy
    - Smut was less hot b/c of the protagonists weak aesthetic
    - A bunch of the LIs jobs are tied in with or actually are pornography and the plot progression implies that will ramp up.
    - Plot is rather aimless. The protagonist doesn't have a goal or a long term plot to pursue.
    - The plot has a hard time getting back onto its rails if you piss off one of the LI. That was a bit of a vibe whiplash. It probably needs more connective tissue b/t those events and things being cool again.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the girls (their characters and the graphics), the text is surprisingly good after seeing so much trash around. Also, the MC is a decent human being, not a self-projected 12-year-old moron, so he's likeable. Can't wait to see what's next.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style for this is gorgeous and yet somehow the writing matches or even betters it. I even got some genuine laughs. One of the best on this site for sure. Really engaged with where the author goes and there's excellent replay value.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. The art and animation is where this truly shines. The only negative is that we're only getting maybe 1-2 scenes per chapter which makes the wait unbarrable. I would love to see more scenes per chapter and a gallery since there seems to be different endings. But other than that, this is definitely worth your time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The visuals are stunning, it's well written and the story feels somewhat... ok. It's getting better, though I think it needs some kind of twist. But in the other hand, it feels like you're getting in the daily life of a driver with some kind of huge luck.

    All around, a solid game that you should check out.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic game, with a few flaws. If I was looking at it objectively, I would probably give it a 4/5. But I enjoyed it so much I had to go for the 5/5.

    The art is some of the best I have seen in a long time. It really does blow 95% of the 3d stuff out of the water.

    The dialogue is genuinely well-written. However, the choices are almost always agree with girl = correct. It would be nice to have a bit more flavour in the dialogue choices, rather than usually having 1 correct and one incorrect choice.

    The game could do a little bit of a better job remembering your previous decisions. It does in most cases, but there are a few scenes which don't make a TON of sense continuity-wise. This would honestly just take a couple of lines of dialogue to fix.

    The characters are fantastic. <3 July and Stella.

    Even the plot has started to get a little more interesting with the Stella stuff rn.

    All in all, my only hope for this game is that the devs focus on it a bit more. It is extremely good, but plagued with long wait times between updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish i could say i chose the "correct" option every time, but I'm too much of a samurai master. Love all these fuckin bitches to death for sho. Not only the sex but also just the relationships and drama, fuckin great. Makes you really feel like youve stepped into this guys shoes as a "discrete" cab servicer. 10/10 am awaiting the next chapter
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    As is with most games, don't disagree with the chicks if you want in their pants.
    That's typically fine. To be fair, the option to disagree with them is worded differently from how I would disagree. However the chicks do run with it and put random words in the mc's mouth that he and you might not have even had the intention of saying or thought of.
    I don't think there is a tracking system. and if there is one, it's rather disappointing. New scenes proceed like the chicks didn't just blow a fuse at the mc the last time they saw him, or the have a massive forgive and forget thing going on.
    You can bang one of the girls way before her current last sex scene. During her last scene of this update, she will act like that's her first time cheating ever and she just realises she was unfaithful to her husband for the first time. It does not seem to consider that you've already done the same thing before at all, or that she actually has cheated before she met the mc.

    long story short, just like most games have flaws. I noticed this one's flaws and think I'll let them be the deciding factor
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game well writern and constructued, art style is really good and the women in it are well writern characters that are engaging.
    Enjoyed the choices and the possible paths really want to see more of this.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Big Nothing food ever i am not even kidding this game fools you with really good art because of art author is hentai/comic artist so thats amazing quality here but when comes to story ugh i dont know.

    Like story is you are like always some hunk/handsome guy and this bitches is unfaithful beings and nothing more and dont get me wrong i like that but this is so easy and i am not even kidding.

    Characters first act like not easy to get but later you learn that they are just bitches nothing more thats ruins story for me like where ? development for this characters here even that chick who tries to find job and act like normal but that chick is slut too and i was like why ? just why ? and other so called faithful wife is slut too yeah paint me shocked here like all other stories this is same too.

    Handsome mc plus slut characters some sex scenes and thats it just art worth like 5/5 but story is meh really meh just classic bang girls nothing more.

    Summary is something like this classic rich chicks who betray husband or sucks any dick they find and they called it nothing anormal this is fine but sadly this is makes story so easy and boring like WHY ? I know sex is normal in hentai game but this takes away everything/fun from game.

    Story 3/5 Art5/5 game is for now not that long so up to you playing or not.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game. The choices between the girls are great...I went back and played every decision! The women are sexy and each desirable in their own ways. The animations are excellent...keep up the work on that. I look forward to future releases of this game. Great job!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Col Smith

    I've been playing VNs for quite a long time and I honestly cannot say when was the last time I was so involved with a game. Kind of reminds me of playing the old C's Ware's classics such as Eve Burst Error, Divi Dead, etc. Great story, and amazing artwork! The characters are very much enjoyable (especially July), and the dialogues are well structured and very funny. It's quite difficult to find a quality game these days, especially when every MC is trying to fuck his mother or the Holy Mary in those teenagers' bull-crap kind of game. The possibility to finish different scenarios in each chapter and yet still have a little bit of romance with the characters are super nice. My only suggestion would be to keep the story going with the original characters and to be careful while adding new ones to the game. I'm looking forward to the next updates and my congrats to both Teku and Manitu for the outstanding work!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A great premise for a game, very well executed with good writing and fantastic art. It should have more attention.

    Starting with the art, this is definitely among the top quality 2d art you'll find. Characters are visually different and it's clear that the artist has significant skill. My only complaint here is that there is a relatively limited amount of it. Some of the writing will describe a scene, but the image will not change. That's slightly disappointing but understandable given the effort that has to go into each image. Some of the images are animated and it works well.

    The writing is good - character personalities are clearly expressed and feel distinct from each other. The story progresses well and there's no ridiculousness. Overall the tone is fairly serious with a few jokes here and there. It could do with a pass on grammar and spelling, there were quite a few obvious mistakes I spotted. There is also noticeable repetition of some phrases like "cat-like", "clothing that looked like it was painted on", "statuesque" and others. If you notice it it is kind of distracting.

    The game is fairly straightforward with quickly branching paths, but there aren't a huge number of choices to make. Though the ones you do make do seem to have a significant impact on the story.

    It does require some suspension of disbelief to accept that these women would interact in this way with a chauffeur, but it's a minor complaint. There is some attempt to make this make sense by having you give them advice or help them in some way, but it still doesn't really track. But easy enough to ignore.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Its rare for me to rate a game because of the writing but this is such case.

    The story is very entertaining and made me laugh a lot, even though this is a porn game.

    The girls are very nice with their own personalities and the story has a lot of originality with the MC being a driver.

    The art and animations are awesome as well.

    I liked the routes as well. In this game, as far as i realized, you don't have to completely dump a girl to get the other. I would prefer that this was a kinetic novel though.

    TL;DR: Great game. If you are skipping the story, you are losing lots of fun.