Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Driving Hard [v0.1.5] [So Hard Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    I liked the scenery, textures (the motel texture was a bit blurry but everything else was excellent), and graphics of this game. The driving simulation was good too. The models were good. The sex was decent. If this game gets more content added later on, I will gladly play the future versions.

    This developer did a better job at making and designing a 3D game (Unreal or Unity) than most other 3D adult game developers that I've seen. I was able to get the game windowed with borders at the custom size I wanted, which too many games don't let me do. The video settings were easy to find and use too.

    But the game does have a lot of flaws. Which I will get into now. Along with some pros.

    The graphics are splendid. Because the textures and graphics are so good, you get a feel of immersion being out on the road late at night. Well, in fact, I saw the world during the day time and it looked awesome too. It's just a really good world asset. The motel texture was lacking though. It looked a bit blurry. I mean it's a nice looking motel, I just wish that the texture on it was higher resolution and better looking.

    There was nothing at all wrong with the camera angle on the driving. In fact, everything in regards to driving was perfect. The truck engine sound was good too, unlike some other 3D games that I made that used a really awful noob vehicle sound. One thing about the truck is if you flip it over, you have to load a save. I think that it would be better to use a hotkey to "reset" the vehicle on the road close to where the truck flipped over.

    One thing is that the game started out laggy and I had to reduce some settings to fix the lag. By default, all the settings were on Epic. I changed most of them to High. These are my recommended settings:

    View Distance - High
    Anti-Aliasing - High
    Post Processing - High
    Shadows - Low
    Global Illumination - High
    Reflection - Low
    Textures - Epic
    Effects - High
    Foliage - High
    Shading - High

    I always like Textures to be on a really high setting. There is a Cinematic option for Textures, but I didn't test it and I don't think I will need it. I usually always put Shadows and Reflections on low in most games if I need a FPS boost. Also, sometimes some games look better with low shadows than with high or epic ones. I don't know why I kept Shading on High, but because there wasn't any more lag after the other changes that I made, I kept it at High. I think Reflections is like seeing shadows of tree leaves on your truck and stuff like that. I don't need that, so I turned it off. I'm sure that I got a huge FPS boot by reducing Reflections.

    The grammar isn't the greatest. I would have used less commas, and separated some lines into two sentences Examples: Instead of "Huh, I thought I couldn't stand it, I really wanted to piss!", I would have wrote something like "Woah, I could barely hold it any longer. I really need to piss!". I would have split up "Now I need to find a hotel for an overnight stay, tomorrow I will continue my journey for a load." into two different sentences. Things like that.

    The dialogue is nonexistent in this game. I ran into two guys parked at a rest stop, and I had three small choices. Offend them, ask for directions, or tell them I am sorry for disturbing them and I will leave them alone. And later, I could tell a motel employee that I want a room or a woman. That's the dialogue for the entire game. This game would be much more enjoyable if there was more dialogue and story, but only if the dialogue is good.

    One error. In Settings, it should be written Post Processing, not Posr Processing.

    When I started this game, I drove down the highway, saw some guys parked at a rest stop, and got out and talked to them. And then there was a motel and later a gas station. I liked the idea of there being NPCs out on the road while driving, but the game could use more NPCs. There wasn't even a NPC at the gas station. There was some warehouse looking building next to the gas station, and it was blocked off so you couldn't get near it. There could have been more NPCs at the motel too, like in one of the rooms or out in the parking lot. And I hope there will be more NPCs on the highway later on. Like maybe some females with a broken down vehicle on the side of the road.

    The motel that I mentioned before could be improved. There is an office door that you can't open or walk through. There are a bunch of motel room doors, that you can't open or knock on. You can enter your motel room, but not by opening a door. You just walk close to it and the game auto loads a different motel room map. I wish that this could be improved. Have doors that actually open. And don't let the game auto load a motel room map until we have walked through the door. It shouldn't load automatically by standing close outside the door.

    The Save and Load Save feature is horrible. It is a disaster. After meeting the two males at the rest stop, I saved. But there was no indicator that I saved. When I loaded the save, nothing happened until I exited the Settings menu. So I was thinking that I have to exit the Settings menu before the save is loaded, but the next time I tried that, nothing happened. I had to exit to the Main Menu and then press Continue to load a save. Then I learned that it doesn't load the save that I created, it just loads the most recent checkpoint. I saved before talking to the two guys, and then I bad mouthed them. I lost some money and took some damage. I loaded my save, and I was at the checkpoint, but AFTER I lost the money. That doesn't make sense. I would change the Save and Load Save entirely. When saving a game, it should switch you to a save screen with multiple save slots. When loading a game, it should switch you to a load save screen where you can choose which save you want to load. And we should be able to save "anywhere" instead of only fixed locations aka checkpoints.

    The sex scenes were okay. I got a little turned on, but my biggest complaint is that there is no camera pan at all and that the zoom feature is limited. You can only zoom in so far. The camera zoom uses the mouse wheel and it felt backwards. Like if I moved the mouse wheel in one direction thinking that I would zoom in, it zoomed out instead, and vice versa. So yeah, this is important. I would definitely remove the zoom distance limitation and add a camera pan (arrow keys).

    There were two women you could have sex with. An expensive good looking prostitute. A cheaper worse looking prostitute. Six poses for each female, four variations of each pose. Well there is a fifth variation, but it's just a "start" pose.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Played the v0.1a of this "game" it should be called: Driving Sucks!
    Because the dev doesn't even know how make a driving camera that follows the vehicle orientation.
    This is just a cash grab, the sex animations are horrible, don't waste your time or money on this crap.