HTML - Abandoned - Dukes & Dildos [v0.60] [Sara]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable game with plenty of branching possibilities, really well written subby scenarios, and several long-burning plotlines. Fun to explore and see the variety of fates available to a capable main character. Several paths are a little vague or clunky. Wish there was more!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a ton of potential! It plays really well for submissives!

    I absolutely love the DnD Rogue inspiration and the purchasable item to play cross gender. This artist has clearly put a lot of thought into their game and i have really enjoyed exploring the different routes!

    There is a lot of really interesting lore and character development so far. However, it took me quite awhile to unearth the story lines that the author has felt more invested in. I feel like there are a few too many dead ends.

    The early quests are quite fantastic, but I get quite lost when i'm asked to navigate the more expansive dungeon. I very much prefer the more simple left/right yes/no format of the earlier quests. Involving the maps makes things unnecessarily complicated in my opinion and counteracts the artist's narrative focus.

    I am a huge fan of this game and i can't wait to see what comes next!! I just hope the creator doesn't get lost in side stories and focuses on the content they enjoy creating most!!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    it just falls flat. characters are one-note and unexplored, combat needs balanced big time, half the stuff that happens just doesn't make any sense. And for a text-based game, you need good characters and story, not (and spoiler here for a path) being enslaved by your friend then do missions for her without ever mentioning it ande doing a series of side quests for them, not having ways to escape or get revenge. maybe there is later in the story, but just the abruptness and apathy to it just threw me off.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.49]

    I liked it.

    No art; it's text. Still it's not cyan text on a white background so good enough for the visual part.

    Like the writing; voice is smooth and readable. Scenario's been done but this isn't a bad rendition and the characterization is fuzzy in a sandbox way but there's none of the "pure in the speaks / skank in the sheets" disconnect like many games have.

    Porn's fine.

    Some early bits need an editing pass with an eye towards consistency, like moving between the bar and market rather than bar => keep OR market => keep. The D20 RPG spoof can be simultaneously vestigial and annoying .

    TLDR: Seems like good stuffs in the making, godspeed~
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a forest of dead paths like most branching games. Before you reach a dead end, you'll have crossed at least 1-3 points at which you'd expect to run into one, in other games.
    The writing is great, the game system needs more polish and relevance.

    If I may offer up suggestions:
    -Please keep the text shorter. While I enjoy the writing, I'd often be fine with less of it, if it meant I got to read more happening, or had more opportunities for input.
    Make sure some of your branches converge back together. Since you can just work with variables to keep past decisions relevant, or to branch back off again, you can make sure multiple paths share some content, so it is relevant to more people.
    Otherwise an ever-more branching off game like you're creating becomes simply impossible to complete after a certain point, without taking severe shotcuts.

    Thanks for the great effort and writing, I've been having fun with your game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game reminded me about all the great games of A. Bomire.
    I like the plot and a proper fantasy setting. I really like that there is a lot of branches in the story.
    The writing is very good and I find it very entertaining. It's a really fun start of the game I hope it will grow in the future.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    While it is obvious that this is a budding amateur project, it does not offer much at all in regards to an engaging plot or porn. The map layout and overall design harkens back to Inform-style adventure games, but most of the rooms and options shown here are pure busywork. What sex scenes that could be found are also unbelievably terse, with many of them lasting only a short sentence or two at most. The script is riddled with typos, and the RPG features are even more pointless than the ones featured in similar games like Kobold Adventure.

    In short, while I hope this project may blossom into something competent within a year or two, I would suggest not bothering with it at all for the time being.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR : This is text based (no images) game early in development. At this point it's not worth playing

    In this game you are supposed to reach certain place and steal an item. There are multiple paths you can take to achieve your goal. Unfortunately the game is in early development so paths are not finished and a lot of stuff is missing. You will reach placeholders really fast.
    It took me 15 minutes to explore everything this game has to offer. Thats really a little.
    On bright side the routes are interesting so there is definitely some potential here.

    I encountered some bugs , but developer fixed them fast. GJ

    To sum it up:
    At this point its not worth playing. Come back later after some updates.
    I am giving this 3/5 stars due to potential. Current content is worth 1/5.