I had thought of so many ways to start this rating/review that I honestly cannot pick.
This is yet another instance of "Cool idea. Horrid execution" much like the last game. The developer doesn't seem to learn from their mistakes, neither from the feedback they receive (at least not all of it).
The game works, the options are actually properly registered for once, and the mouse is recognised. While these are basic functions, I've seen them missing in other games, naming no names.
The character creator.... The UI does its job, but it feels lacking. There's no drop down menus, no item names, no option to jump to a specific item. You are restricted to 3 extras and you cannot select a piece's colour from a palette, and I don't understand why. However, the biggest problem is a subjective one.
The character models are hideous. There's no other way to put it, frankly. I remember seeing early 3D porn videos with crude character models back in 2006 that looked about on par with these models. Even Daz Studio's models look better. One of the goals of a porn game is to titillate, but this achieves the exact opposite.
(And a minor complaint but, dude, those make up options... I'm surprised I can't get a Darth Maul facepaint.)
Onto the game itself. The movement is a bit clunky, particularly turning around, but at least sprinting gives you a decent sense of speed. Navigation is impossible since the indicator didn't even show up for me and many people are complaining the indicator points straight up most of the time. The items I found were quite pointless. I felt the impact of the negative ones, but most of the positive ones seemed to do nothing.
The corridors have no distinguishing features whatsoever and are covered in darkness. You can't access the options menu once in game and it's clear this is a borrowed options menu that doesn't work for this type of game. You can't change brightness or mouse sensitivity. Avoiding enemies is borderline impossible in these cramped hallways, and since they beeline towards you and are already bunched up against the door when you arrive, you can't rush in and juke them in the room..... Except when you can.
The AI. I'll attach a picture (a promotional picture even) I made that showcases it. Most enemies will spin in circles, turn around inexplicably and go away for a few seconds, get hung up on a specific piece of wall like it insulted them, or crowd on another door like the Titans of Attack on Titan. They have a grab attack for courtesy alone, since they can also grab you on contact. And when you get up from downed state, you have around 1 second of invincibility. The enemies crowd you while getting up, so you are bound to be grabbed again.
If grabbed, you have 3 options. Mash escape immediately and escape if you have high Stamina. Mash resist immediately and wait while enjoying the poorly animated animations. Or have low stamina and get fucked, either having to mash resist all the way through because you can't "out-DPS" the enemy, or get cheap "damage" because your bar emptied and now it's locked, even though the game never explained this.
It was when I entered a room and realised I looped the whole maze, even though I followed the right-hand rule, that I realised this game wasn't worth it. At least in the previous one you could select what animation to see. Oh yeah, and the text prompts and instructions still point to a wrestling game because the developer couldn't be arsed to change them.
Well, I couldn't be arsed to play any more of this. I had more fun making this 2-minute Photoshop edit of your game than
playing your game. That's a red flag.