Unity - Completed - Dungeon Girl [Final] [MCG]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The structure of this game as one giant tutorial continuously introducing new mechanics reminds me of the original Portal. That is the CLOSEST to a good thing I have to say about this game.

    Negative things? Let's count.
    1) It utterly fails to have the player discover game mechanics through environmental clues and instead must outright state them in text blocks. Missing the entire reason the game it reminds me of is so good.
    2) The physical mechanics in game are so terrible that several puzzles can be all but invalidated by pushing blocks from corners and alternating to effectively slide the block diagonally, making otherwise extensive multi-step solutions into at worst 2 step processes.
    3) The guard detection system is so broken and terrible that in several levels where the intended solution involves getting spotted I had to carefully avoid getting spotted by the WRONG guard or at the wrong spot so they wouldn't get stuck running into a wall or on the wrong floor of a level and soft lock the whole game.
    4) Numerous levels were excessively long corridors on levels that served only to demonstrate the excessively slow movement of the MC after being caught by a guard.
    5) Multiple levels intend for the MC to be caught and consume "health" in guard interactions. They still start the MC at 1hp so if you ever forget to use the provided healing item at the start of the level you lose immediately. Just start the MC at full health(3hp).
    6) Several levels are simply platform jumps. That doesn't even qualify as a puzzle in my eyes.
    7+8) The big one. These mechanics are so intrinsically tied and so infuriatingly implemented that I can't really separate them for the list, but they MORE than deserve to be 2 negatives. The MC's ability to jump AND sprint on EVERY level is a resource. The jumps are never more than you strictly need to finish the puzzle the intended way, and the sprint is a pitifully small amount. If you miss even a single jump, that's a full reset. Run out of sprint and you are stuck moving painfully slow around unnecessarily long hallways, and that's WITHOUT a guard deciding to tie your legs up. Every platformer I have ever known has allowed unlimited use of the jump, and at worst a recharging sprint. This is markedly worse on BOTH. Many levels require a sprint jump to clear a certain gap, so if you use your sprint to simply move through the level faster and avoid boring walking time you can end up stuck standing on a ledge at the end of an otherwise solved puzzle, with no sprint. That's a full level reset. Do it ALL again.
    9) more of a bizarre and incongruous thing, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to what each guard will do to the MC beyond what that particular level NEEDS that guard to do. Early levels before the tying mechanic has been introduced? Guess I'll just torture you, and not bother you with that later mechanic. Worse still, later levels that do intend for you to end up tied only seem to have that properly coded on the specific guards intended to tie you, and the rest simply glitch out and run into you forever, softlocking you and not even triggering the game over screen.
    10) the lack of a skip function for guard animations is painful. This is the 15th time I've seen this guard tie the MC up in the same way because the game keep soft locking due to god awful guard detection design. That 10 seconds animation is beyond frustrating.

    TL:DR playing this game was a wasted 90 minutes of my life. Save yourself the bother, and don't play it. Roughly 3/4 of that time was spent fighting the poor game design, not even solving the puzzles, and NONE of it was spent on the naughty bits, because those don't exist.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Dungeon Girl Review

    You play as a girl named Yang, who is tied up and has to solve puzzles to escape a dungeon. The game is at its core a knock off of a certain other Tied-up-girl-solves-puzzles game, that I can’t mention here, because of F95Zone’s review rules. It has the same gameplay loop of solving Sokoban-style 3D block pushing puzzles, using a limited amount of jumps and block-destroying kicks. Dungeon Girl does, however, have some unique mechanics like guards you have to stealth around and power-ups that can be activated at will. However, the guards are completely broken. It is really easy to softlock a puzzle by being spotted by a guard, and the guard not being able to pathfind to your character, forcing you to restart the level, even if you have the extra life powerup. It is frustrating having done everything right, only to have the AI bug out on you and force you to reset. But that isn't the only way the AI is completely broken. I figured out later that as long as you aren't crouching with the C key, you are completely invisible to the guards. Yes, the only way to get caught is by actively sneaking. If you run all over the place, the guards will pay you absolutely no mind. Guards are the core mechanic that sets the game apart from that other unmentionable game and it just doesn't work. It is a shame, as some of the puzzles are well designed and fun to figure out, but most of the game is just running past broken enemies.

    Beating levels unlocks clothing you can dress your character in. Oddly, there is no button to go back in the clothing selection menu, but you can click anywhere on the left side of the screen to go back one menu. There is nothing in the game indicating this, I just found it out by accident. The game uses the same assets as the rest of the games MCG has released on steam, with the same issues of clothing and rope clipping into your character model.

    The game has no sexual content, but I can forgive that, as the game is obviously focused on bondage fetish only.

    Dungeon Girl might just be the best game MCG has ever released, by the fact that it is just a more broken version of another, better game released back in 2015, and that is just sad.

    In conclusion: Don’t play this. If you want a bondage puzzle game, play that other game instead. 1/5
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    All You do in this game is walking in tiny maze...
    You can push rocks and kick them to destroy...

    All game is about to find magic portal...
    Gameplay 0/5...
    Graphics 1/5...
    Sounds 0/5... it's really cool to hear pim pim pim pim loop all the time...

    I feel like i just wasted 10 minutes... + extra time to download this game...

    Description is a lie... there is no strategy and no action, all You do is to just like i said go from star to end of super tiny maze...

    first level -> just go forward... extreme difficulty
    Level 2 -> Go forward... but push stone cube first, 1 tile away...
    Level 3 -> Go forward... but kick stone cube first...
    Level 4 -> ... well there You gonna be suprised... go left but push rock down first...