Unity - Dungeon: Keep Her [v0.17 Alpha] [keepherdev]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Dungeon: Keep Her has the potential to be great, but...
    Even as of now, in 0.17 Alpha, the game grabs attention and feels interesting. Uh and thanks for making FUTAs optional, even if all the boys are femboys.

    However.. I have a few issues that bug me to no end.

    1) Buttons in the shop and crafting interfaces jump all over the place which end up costing gold if you click "Buy" just once to many, you instead sell back what you already bought and have to buy it once again.
    2) Item Sorting is .. yeah. Eh. Either let us do it manually or at the very least only "Auto Sort" when asked instead of it happening every time an item leaves or enters the inventory. It's annoying.
    3) Center Screen Pop Ups with selections in what is essentially a clicker game is going to be the death of me, I swear to god, the number of times I accidentally turn my girls into Zombies because I want to click on a farm and she just happens to level up.. Please just give me a notification button in one of the corners that I can click instead. So much wasted time having to reload a previous save.
    4) Do something, anything about the Potion Crafting Interface, please. Not being able to unselect a flower is annoying, especially for a resource that can only be purchased. I.e. only refreshes with an RNG roll once every 7 days. Why not give us a building that produces flowers?
    5) The leveling & Invader system.. If you think you're gonna fight invaders you've got another thing coming. After an hour or so of game play, they are 10-20x your level. The only way to deal with them is traps, which means you don't get to interact with invaders at all. Just pretend they don't exist.
    I don't know how to solve this other than potentially adding a level cap, it feels like there's already a cap on how many traits any character can gain so not sure it'd take away from the game. At the very least, make it clear what sources of Experience there are.
    5) As an extension to the above point, since we're never fighting, what's the point of the Infirmary Building. Bandages can be crafted from Scraps if you need them cause you like using the paddle a little too much. The experience gain of girls working the Infirmary is abysmal too, since it only ticks once every 920s compared to the 120s of a gold mine.
    6) Stuff just breaks.. Half of my saves are abandoned because something just broke. Can't use any of the tools all of a sudden in my most recent one for instance while one of the characters refuses to eat or bathe herself meaning I have to check on her constantly while the other 20 servants manage just fine.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Content is limited, but what content we do have is enjoyable as of December 19, 2024.

    The gameplay loop essentially consists of you upgrading your dungeon by adding increasingly expensive rooms, having sex with your servants (the game’s term for NPCs on your side), and fending off single-character invasions. Upgrading your dungeons spawns in increasingly difficult invaders. There’s also a crafting and alchemy mechanic, but I’ve ignored it since it’s not my thing. Alchemy seems to allow for body mods.

    Some features I really enjoyed are:

    No futa/furry, unless you purchase it via research points (I’m not into either if you are, it’ll be like an hour grind). I was pleasantly surprised, given the screenshots shown.

    There’s animation. And it’s voiced (though you’re still kind of feminine in sound and movement as a male).

    The ability to send your servants to the overworld to conduct various simulated tasks such as gaining resources or capturing NPCs.

    The ability to breed your servants (yourself, or other NPCs) to increase the numbers in your army.

    The market mechanic, which refreshes every week or so. Sell slaves (including dead bodies, which you can also reanimate for your army), gear, items, or whatever else you’ve got.

    The relationship mechanic between yourself and NPC-NPC. I suspect a hateful servant will either leave or attack you, but I’ve yet to deal with it. They do, however, refuse orders.

    Some features I dislike that are purely stylistic, and thus, subjective:

    NPCs will not be able to have sex until you give them the specific position’s tome- this can be gotten through the market, a successful invasion defense, or an overworld quest you’ve sent your minions on. Having that position will make them the receiver in sex positions or giver in fellatio/cunnilingus. Be nice to just give my character the tome and call it good.

    Combat abilities are entirely based off a card-drawing system. I’m not into card games.

    Gear is largely cosmetic. They might add an extra card or two into the deck the game will draw from, but they’re rare. None that I’ve seen give a passive buff like increased health/damage reduction/special damage boosts. Weapons do marginally increase in stats, though. For example, an end game sword does something like 13 damage, while a starting sword does like 7. Every character seems to have 100HP, for reference. Your best bet to increase damage is to luckily roll a Master Weapon User trait during a level up which will increase your damage by 2x.

    Some content I’d like to see expanded:

    Different dungeon room types. There’s a lot already, but I’d love to see them give passive buffs to combat effectiveness. Though this is redundant as there are a lot of “coming soon” markers on dungeons and interaction content.

    More gear. I don’t care if they’re mostly cosmetic, I kind of want to pimp out my guy. They mostly seem very feminine. Please toss some more masculine shit in the game.

    Overall, it’s a decent game outside of the pornographic content with decent pornographic content in it. Slightly cartoonish, but it’s not in-your-face with porn logic. It takes itself mildly seriously, which I like in my games. I’d recommend it, I’ll be playing it, I’ll be enjoying it, but it’s not going to be a favorite due to the lack of content and some stylistic decisions I just personally don’t like.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This has been here since 2022? It's... Well, it's something. I didn't pay for it, so I don't worry too much that it's buggy and lacking.
    As of version 0.17, here's my review.
    Mostly this isn't a dungeon keeper game, it's a breeding simulator where you can mix and match traits impossible to combine in character creation. You can get a petite cyclops with moth wings, neck fur, and a fiend tail. You can genetically pass on the lack of a need to eat without passing on zombie (happened only once for me, but happened.)
    It seems like something good to do is make the only route from the entrance to throne room be a narrow hallway so everyone fights the player's character early on, letting you stack some more beneficial traits, and you breed with the minions you like best to combine your traits and features with them.
    Then when you have good gear, you equip one of your level 0 newborns and summon low level adventurers to power-level the baby to get them a bunch of fast and easy perks, then breed them. No inbreeding mutations. If you like management games with breeding to make ridiculously powerful or weird hybrids, you might enjoy this game.

    Alchemy is just bad. You have to very arduously click the flower, click mix, click the next flower, click mix, click the last, click mix, then brew a single time and the slots clear themselves. No recipe you discover is saved anywhere, you'll have to write it down, but most combos don't make anything, Mercifully, it doesn't consume the material if your combo doesn't work.
    One of the worst realizations is that the exact order matters. R+G+C = Face paint; but G+C+R = Round face. And I'm unsure, but this may have changed between versions, so the meticulous task of finding these combos could end up moot next update even if the alchemy system doesn't change. You'd think they'd have the mercy to at least auto-complete a recipe list as you discover them if they really wanted it to be focused on experimentation.

    Weapon variety seems to not quite be there. Maces cap off with an epic Radiance mace that is pretty good all the time. Mace masters rejoice. Staves cap out in uncommon tier with fire, lust, or poison. It... works. Not great, but a staff master can be good. Hammers and axes cap out at common(actually, after a lot of playtime, I used cheats, and there's an epic hammer. Never saw it in normal play though), use tons of energy ,and just don't appear worth it.
    Swords have the highest tier and with several options. If you have a character with good card draw (Clever perk) then the dawn blade or whatever it was is pretty great for its low cost attacks that do well. Dreadwhatever is good especially if you have horror effects. A character that has Scary perk gets a little more out of it. Vesper was I think bleed things. Saphyr was something I didn't have a use for I think. Sword master seems like a pretty good choice. Axe and hammer masters seethe and mald.

    It seemed like retrieving a body for the graveyard skipped leveling up often, no perks, traits, or other rewards. Sure, you can sell a corpse for a lot, or resurrect it as a zombie, and sometimes that's worth it, but level up rewards are really nice and sucks to miss. I got to level 24 with barely anything because of that.

    The dungeon building aspect is so sparse that I honestly thought I was in the tutorial for a lot longer than I was, and that a bunch of this "coming soon" stuff would unlock once I was firmly established, but no. Game's just not anywhere remotely near complete.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good foundation for what's there so far, but of course as an alpha it's not quite there yet. It's more like chill casual Yuri/Futa harem Dungeon Keeper as you're given incentive to keep your intruders and slaves alive, and be nice to them. This however leads to two problem with the gameplay:

    -There's no real threat to the player. Invaders only show up rarely, and even *if* they make it to your keeper and beat you all they do is steal your gold and leave.
    -For a game where you take prisoners and slaves, everything requires consent for some reason. If they don't like you, apparently they don't even have to strip let alone engage in sex.

    Right now a lot of the gameplay is just waiting around for either an intruder to finally show up, or waiting for slave market refreshes. Nothing at all really happens in between, and this definitely where the game content needs to be improved. That said, what's there so far seems pretty good so I'll be watching development of this one with great interest.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Digging this so far. Once you figure things out it's a good time but there's a bit of a learning curve as there really isn't any tutorial to guide you at first. Would like to see more multi-part animations and interaction options during animations. ;)
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    DD Novisk

    Dungeon: Keep Her has decent graphics and the gameplay is actually pretty engaging, but honestly, it’s not for everyone. If you're not into furries or the whole monstification theme, it’s hard to enjoy. The focus on visuals and interaction with more ‘exotic’ characters might turn off those expecting something more traditional. For fans of this style, it’s fine
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    this is for v0.16.1

    TLDR: Needs work obviously, but it is on a good track.

    So the first issue with the game as it currently exists is that a lot of the things that should exist by default do not exist and only seem to pop into existence based on the individual character's personalities (I think?) or are just not implemented into the game yet.
    For example:
    1. Body customization is extremely limited currently with each species having different body shapes, but having generally the exact same set attributes such as an average penis, short hair, etc. I imagine those are planned to be expanded upon though, so not a bad issue if the game reaches 1.0
    2. Sex options are extremely limited per character with some having literally no options while others have multiple rather than every position being available with every character with their personal attitude towards you determining if they will do those positions ( I literally didn't have sex until I got my 10th servant because nobody had the sex position available even though they all worshipped me).
    The next issue that popped up repeatedly for me was the body animations themselves.
    Whenever I moved the characters a bit too much, they would start clipping on themselves and morphing around like a liquid, which got really severe when I finally got to watch a sex animation because the two actors started clipping on each other until they had basically morphed into a ball of flesh like some sort of flesh golem from a nightmare.

    As far as the gameplay goes, it is trying to follow the typical dungeons concept in that you are an ancient dungeon lord of some sort and you have a few workers to start with and you can expand your dungeon to build rooms and so on.
    The issues it is currently facing though are things that shouldn't be in place for a game that is about base building, which is overpriced rooms, increasingly expensive expansion options just for clearing out a space (which rapidly escalates to being a big problem), and not enough direction about what you should even have your servants doing most of the time since you have to manually place them in each room if you want them to work there rather than having a dedicated workforce that performs the menial tasks automatically while your actual combat units roam about, train, fulfill needs, and so on.

    As far as H content goes, it needs the most work before it can be called good.
    Early on you can pretty much only mouse over the person you are talking to to interact with them by ripping off their clothes and dragging your courser over their body to raise their lust, which would work if it didn't take 10 minutes of mousing over their body just to make them cum once (slight exaggeration, but you get the issue).
    Then when you do actually find a random person who actually has a sex position available because each character has an extremely limited number of options available, it just turns into a looped animation that quickly gets boring.
    So if you go into this looking for decent H content, you will be very disappointed as it is very sparse, bland, vanilla, and entirely optional so I would recommend waiting quite a long while before checking it out if that is your only interest since it's more of a game than a porn game.

    Overall, it has promise and potential, but it needs work in every regard before it can be considered above average, but I could see this game potentially even becoming a genuinely great game, at which point I will gladly change my review to being 5 stars, but for now it is 3 stars at best.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun and engaging game already, can't wait to see it develop. Dungeon(base) management is nice and the breeding so far has been good. Definitely room for this to grow, but I will definitely be watching it closely.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game with good gameplay loop outside of usual lewd content. Essentially a regular Dungeon Keeper - build rooms, hire or capture minions, defend your dungeon - but you can fuck your minions, get them fuck each other or do lewd stuff in combat (the last thing is fairly useless though). Also comes with alchemy (mostly used to change appearance of minions), fairly nice pregnancy/breeding system and lots of little details that make gameplay less boring (buildings sometimes synergize, certain places give bonuses to specific buildings, minions have traits, you can get followers or free stuff via random events etc.)

    Animations are a bit clunky, but given the fact that dev probably creates them from scratch they are really impressive. Also I played it a while ago (half a year ago maybe?) and it improved A LOT, so the game definitely deserves five stars. Can't wait to see further development.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Omg, its sandbox game with actual gameplay! Yes, its have a lot of problems but most of it is a problem early access (such as bugs, graphic glitches, etc)
    I lost my faith in gamedev a long time ago, especially in adult gamedev but in this time project have all chances, because ambitions look realistic for studio without AAA budget and expirience. I've been watch. Spend couple hours and already have my fun
    And sorry for my awfull english
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Report for v0.16.1 in September 2024

    This game is a typical Dungeon Keeper, just with a little more erotic component. However, I personally see a lot of room for improvement to make this a really good game.

    I'm still giving it 4 stars, but for the fifth, in my opinion, the following needs to be done.

    And in order not to scare off new players with terrible graphics right from the start, this game configuration should be set to max from the start.

    - better visual differentiation between male and female characters. The men are consistently too androgynous.

    - better logic in the sex positions. For example, a male character (not a futa) gets pregnant when he practices the cowgirl position himself. Graphically, he is on top and actually sticks his cock in his sex partner, but the result is the wrong one.

    - more rooms that relate to a sex dungeon

    - more actions that are tailored to the corresponding rooms, for example the pillorie in the binding cell.

    - more intuitive camera control for sex scenes in combat

    - better convenience functions, for example the fact that discovered alchemy recipes are saved and you can buy recipe books. Or selling using a slider. Otherwise it takes forever to sell 500x food (I now use an autoclicker for this)

    Bugs found:
    - Pregnancy of male characters
    - NPCs that are sent outside do not return if you save and exit the game in the meantime. I currently have 4 characters outside the dungeon, some of which have not returned for 130 days.
    - some clipping problems when sex animations are started in combat, as the characters sometimes sink into the ground.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    //WARNING! The screenshots in the OP do not represent actual in-game models. They have changed it for the better a while ago.//

    [2/5]...[NOTHING SPECIAL]

    //Your usual run of the mill moaning sounds and a disappointing lack of music. Echo following every sound is both annoying and somehow depressing.//

    {STORY & LORE}
    [2/5]...[LACK OF NARRATIVE]

    //You're the keeper of a dungeon that employs sexy slaves and mines for gold. That's it! Oh you also got all the typical fantasy races.//


    //The backgrounds and overall clothes go for your standart DnD aesthetics. The girls are cartoony and look good in all the right places.//

    [2/5]...[SEXY FROM AFAR]

    //A lot of it is just nudity, super light BDSM stuff (like spanking), undressing, simple poses. The male and futa characters suffer from limp dicks that bobble too much. The breasts look great until you touch them and it looks painful. They've screwed up the boob physics...//

    [2/5]...[SIMPLE BUT LACKING]

    //Build a new building, hire or catch new slaves in battles, increase gold gain, repeat. You won't die from intruders, it's too easy. Research is too fast. There's almost no end goal. It looks like a good grindy game, but there's nothing to grind for.//


    //You can appreciate the effort, but with the physics broken like that it's hard to enjoy sex scenes. Also gotta say killing intruders just makes you sad even if they asked for it, they just look too cute and innocent to die. Hopefully all of it is a subject to change.//
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2261700

    v0.15.2 = unsure if this is public version.

    -The new UI fix for the models are great!
    -somewhat interactive and sandbox wise
    -creator has something great going on for a dungeon defense+management game.

    this game needs more options and a few things to note
    -when creating rooms allow non combat areas be bridged off a far area rather than have the invaders walk through the farm/bath/research/gold mine area until it reaches an NPC or PC unit to fight.
    - Needs zoom lock limit+camera pan buttons than mouse clicks for manual fixture.
    -surender option that dosent need chains
    -Imbalance resource gain is lower
    -Remove the fibonachi like cost of space and adjust it more carefully.
    -more traps
    -allow PC player unit to have dominant position when engaging sex not have multiple slave learn everything. it drags the game aspect needlessly
    -hint for priority builds
    -more sex/bdsm/toys/tentacles?/orgy options
    -fight balancing levels are meaningless? (game has a simple fight mechanic via card but has a dangerous loading that drops FPS and may crash the game.)
    - Instant click/tap button care for slave needs manually clicking everything adds needless clicks
    -instat fight skips would be nice by level and ability lock with 3 options
    -allow surrender but enslave option rather then let them escape(flee)

    Please automatically have the game in window mode not fullscreen because it felt like my screen was going to BSOD.

    its hinted multiple/party type invasion is possible so maybe teleportation traps/instant submission traps/slave gang up/tentacle/sleep traps.

    realease loyal slave to bring in or invite "invaders'' and control the type of invaders to invite individually or by group?

    would be intresting to see invaders build a camp on the floors to claim it as thier own. Add a special research function "no captives/prisoner can die" while training or captive by the invaders. i have so many things i'd like to praise this and the sandbox options to do homo stuff is a win.
    Likes: Gojii
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is an interesting strategy game as is, but fundamentally flawed as a concept, It sounds like a fun idea, but in reality is very drawn out and unintuitive if you aren't willing to sink a significant amount of time into it.

    Art is okay, its a very weird mesh of styles actually. The settings menu behaves very strange, it might be my aspect ratio, but I dont think settings menus should behave like that in general. There's a lot of weird quirks that make this ambitious game significantly less polished than other rough games ive seen.
  15. 3.00 star(s)



    It's okay, just currently lacking progress options (that aren't random, having massive costs) and general content with QoL along the way, which is for most games.
    • The core of building a dungeon and defending it, maintaining hires and obtaining access to bought items and rituals (basically useless) and needs a hand refresh or discard option.
    • Lots of glitches, from models spazzing out, clipping, combat stopping to work...
    • The upgrades of rooms and dungeon expansion cost way too much (very steep costs).
    • There is a way to repurpose rooms, but not move or destroy them.
    • RPG aspect isn't quite right, given resources and DMG doesn't quite matter (HP, energy, mana, lust bars stay the same).
    • Lots of RPG items, but almost none have defensive stats or card combat moves, also shop seems to have pretty much the same things, requiring adventurer loot for new, novel items.
    • Erotic aspect is kind of awful, needing slow accumulated lust and levels at it to start anything, with rotation of camera side to side having 3 different control schemes (mouse, WASD, arrows) yet to turn like a turn table has a setting for speed, not even position.
    • Lust items moves need their own category, because they can be awful in combat and are weirdly combined or separated from character interaction menu.
    • Capturing is really luck based, needing special equipped items for moves or consumables that are somehow inconvenient to get.
    • Crafting and disassembling are weak, rarities don't matter and alchemy is random.
    A lot of complaints, but the project is good, just needs more content and QoL features for more reliable progress and management comfort!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is my favorite dungeon manager on this site so far, there is a decent amount of depth to the game overall. Lots of items, variety to the characters and now there's traits and generation based on that. It only lost a point because the game style makes pausing only through cheats, but that's a personal hang-up. Well done dev!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun genre mix with good challenge. The fights were tedious until I realized I could speed up time on the fights. If you get overwhelmed by the challenge, cheats are easily accessible. If you want to play legit, use gems to banish invaders in early-game so you can build up enough wealth to invest. The atmosphere is a unique blend of cute and grim.

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    A unique, fun game that has a lot of things going on, but is still in early stages.

    [Review of v0.13.1]
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is fun and playable right now. If you're on the fence, I definitely recommend it.

    The girls are cute. The game is well voice acted. Setting up your dungeon grid is fun. The game is pretty casual in the sense that there isn't a huge punishment if the raiders do get through.

    It could use some improvement though. I got softlocked the first time I tried to use POV in a sex scene. It's a tad hard to keep girl affection high which locks out sex scenes, seems the building that makes them not hate each other and get in fights, a bar/pub, will fix that once it is implemented. The fights are fun, but I wish they were a bit shorter, as sitting down to play some Dungeon Keep Her right now can be a bit combat heavy. I'd say nerf health bars across the board by maybe a third.

    I stress though, that these are small issues, and the game is definitely fun and sexy in it's current state.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    As a proof of concept this is good. It could be a great game if:

    - the developer avoids feature creep
    - stops the time while a user is in menus
    - gives the UI some much needed love

    At the time of this review the game is in a somewhat playable alpha state that will start crashing as soon as your dungeon becomes too big. The different races are hardly distinguishable and the options for interaction are very limited. The core concept is solid though, an adult dungeon keeper. I am just hoping for just a wee bit more bdsm stuff. It's a dungeon after all, come on!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The 0.11 is the first version I tried, but my feelings are mixed.
    In addition to the terrible optimization of the game, it can be quite grindy and a bit boring after a while. Not to mention after 5 hours gameplay I haven't seen a single sexual content.

    Actually I liked the basic idea to expand a dungeon with female workers, and the task, and the challenge to keep them alive. It was fun I admit. But as long as I played I haven't met any male intruders, and only just heroines came to explore my dungeon.
    Maybe some rape scene as penalty after a losing battle against a male warrior could solve this missing erotic contents. I don't know if prisoners are exist, I didn't go that far, but there would also be some great opportunities if your workers could play with them.

    Overall the game clearly has potential, and looks promising that's why I give 4 stars, but it still has a long way to go..