Identify Dungeon Lord Game


Jan 14, 2024
I remember a game where you play as a dungeon/demon lord defending your dungeon from invading heroes sorta in realtime, it was a 2D game, you dig out your dungeon (to plot a path the heroes can go) and lay traps and put monsters to try to fuck them up, the goal if i recall correctly was to keep the heroes from finding the demon lord which you can move around in the dungeon you dig out (so you try to make the path to him as hard as possible) while the heroes are actively invading it, and you can try to capture them to turn them into slaves/monster breeders.

I forgot what the game was called though.
Jan 28, 2018
Sounds like a fun game, I can't give you the exact answer since the way you described it does not match to any of the games I played but it does sound similar to these games where you are sort of the villain:

Bunny Black 1 and 2 ( is untranslated) - the part where you go in the dungeon itself and defend the "demon lord" while also capturing the enemies you fight and fuck them (not as a monster breeder though, just your own sex slaves). The dungeon building is not here though. HOWEVER, Bunny Black 3 is so close to what you described (doubt it is this game though) because you build a city there and kinda make a dungeon.

Suzukuri Dungeon - the part where you describe building your own dungeon with traps and buildings then enemies will try to conquer it and if you defeat special enemies you will capture them and fuck them (not make them slaves but you recruit them).

I'll keep watch of this thread because the game you described intrigued me so much
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Jan 14, 2024
Sounds like a fun game, I can't give you the exact answer since the way you described it does not match to any of the games I played but it does sound similar to these games where you are sort of the villain:

Bunny Black 1 and 2 ( is untranslated) - the part where you go in the dungeon itself and defend the "demon lord" while also capturing the enemies you fight and fuck them (not as a monster breeder though, just your own sex slaves). The dungeon building is not here though. HOWEVER, Bunny Black 3 is so close to what you described (doubt it is this game though) because you build a city there and kinda make a dungeon.

Suzukuri Dungeon - the part where you describe building your own dungeon with traps and buildings then enemies will try to conquer it and if you defeat special enemies you will capture them and fuck them (not make them slaves but you recruit them).

I'll keep watch of this thread because the game you described intrigued me so much
Bunny black was great, I didn't know there was a 3rd! And Suzukuri Dungeon looks interesting. But none of these are it. The actual gameplay for the dungeon digging and placing traps was all just... :unsure: you get essentially a grid, at the top center i think you have an already dug out entrance for the dungeon, then at the start of a level you have a timer, once that timer runs out the heroes party comes through the entrance so you have to use that time to dig your dungeon (you do this by clicking on grids where the dungeon hasn't been dug out, then on parts that have been dug out you can place traps and monsters) and the heroes will travel a random route through it trying to find something (i think it was the protagonist, which you can freely move around to try to hide him from them, if they catch him it's game over)

Once you capture heroes i think the sex scenes themselves were actually 3dcg, maybe 3d animations.