Stability: No bugs or crashes here.
Accessibility: Since it was originally in Japanese, some may need to run it in applocale or something like that. I didn't, though. But keep it in mind if you have any trouble running it.
Gameplay: Very grindy, at times to the point of being tedius. But solid for what it is. The skills also felt a bit bland. No way to give enemies status effects other than a minor attack debuff, and that only works on some. The mage's spells are just iterations of the basic three: single-target fire damage, multi-target ice damage, and single-target lightning. Which makes it annoying when you're against a bunch of enemies that aren't particularly vulnerable to ice. There needs to be a way to NOT run into enemies constantly once the floor you're on is sufficiently below your party's level- because trust me, you'll do plenty of backtracking. Which is another thing- it's not always clear what you're supposed to do or where you should go.
Aesthetics: Interesting monsters designs, and sexy/cute protagonists. Not a particularly unique style or anything, but good for what it is. The music is decent but gets very repetitive after a while. At least the end boss has a cool theme.
Content (General): Honestly, this will keep you occupied for quite a while. It's challenging and has a lot more than I anticipated. I didn't track exactly how much time it took me, but I know it was at *least* a dozen hours all total.
Content (XXX): Some great animations, and quite a lot of them! This category is both the game's strong suit, and yet also a source of disappointment. The disappointment comes from three factors:
1. the sex scenes are limited to your smallish character portraits area, causing part of it to be cut off at all times. Granted, it pans around at times to show more of the action, but it's still aggravating.
2. While there are many different animations (roughly 30-40 for each character, not counting very similar ones, plus a few threesomes), they're done in an odd style so that they're reused for similar but not identical enemies, using a somewhat generic-looking monotone-color figure. Which is kind of a bummer, but tolerable. Tangentially, there are a fair number of enemies with no apparent sex scenes, even though some of them seem like they easily could have some.
3. The gallery doesn't let you see the whole, full-sized animations in the viewscreen instead of the portrait zone, as I'd hoped. Which is a shame.
Overall: Very time consuming and at times frustratingly monotonous, but nonetheless it'll keep you hooked, if only out of stubbornness. I had the opportunity to just grab someone else's save and see the animations, but decided to beat it on my own instead- unknowingly on hard mode, at that. So obviously there's something approximating fun to be had in the gameplay, even if it's not what I'd call "thrilling". Despite its flaws, it's very worth trying, IMO. I could easily give this another star if they fixed any one of the flaws I mentioned.