Unity - Completed - Dungeon of Revival [v1.06] [pompompain]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Maybe if this game wasn't +18 it would be passable, not to die for. But it is not, and the moment you know that every time you die you are going to have to repeat the entire map about 124391 times... The desire to alt+f4 is already beginning to be noticeable.
    Maybe this sounds like "wah the game is difficult", but that's not even what I'm talking about. For each scene you want to see (90% are gore and I only saw one good one) you will have to repeat about 15 or 10 minutes of returning to where you were; and since this is a dying simulator... You can imagine.
    I was originally going to leave it at 2 stars, but it's not worth it; It's not worth anyone's time (Unless you want a game and not a porn, but for that, Dark Souls already exists).
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Horrrrrrible experience, one of the most frustating horrid games ive played on my entire life, how the fuck do u even manage to fuck this shit so bad, hell na 0 outta 10, u cant even get past the first level without wanting to quit, i swear to god its one of the worst games ive seen, the animations are trash as well
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    I dived into this with no clue except the girl begging for help was kinna funny, i thought she was being silly like Aqua from Konosuba. (it wasn't event machine translated back then)
    And ho boy! I jump head first right into the gore pit.
    The H scenes were good. But.... i don't feel horny anymore.
    I was invested in trying NOT to get her killed, i wasn't fapping anymore, i was sweating.
    The mf who made this was fucked in the mind, but he got talent, dammit!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Guro game that you must play once, I'm not joking about this one. it has a bondage style with guro style a combination of story lore that is very deep in this game if you can clear this game without cheating you are fucking absolutely amazing and it's hard as fuck that this game level is very insane
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I would honestly rate this higher but the fact that it can be janky at times to the point of frustrating someone like me is well...telling.

    Graphics are nice, I like the VA's performance, the theme is great, the scenes are really good too. Some are abit to extreme but I've indulged myself to worse things so eh.

    I really love the MC as well, we need more cute tanned anime style MC girls with the genre I enjoy too like this one.

    Would definitely save the game and will probably go back to it just for the scenes alone.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The game contain really hardcore kinks, but that's not the problem here. The difficulty...MAN, this game is hard and tedious. The protagonist is cute, and the egyptian theme makes it better for me. Multiple endings, which are impossible to find. Overall a unique game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I went ahead and gave it 4 stars, but if I can give 3.5 stars I would.

    It's honestly a fun game. I wasn't expecting to enjoy such a gory game, but I did. I enjoyed my experience but the annoyances are far too many for me to give it a perfect rating (or even 4 stars).

    • Too little checkpoints. the game has various scenes per chapter (two chapters have 5 scenes unlockable) but it's really, really annoying how the game forces you to start from the very beginning of the stage every time you unlock an H scene. What could have been an hour long game that doesn't overstay its welcome became a 3 and a half hours long game that becomes really tedious near the end, WHICH HAS 5 SCENES TO UNLOCK!!
    • It tries to be a platformer but oh boy it sure isn't suited for that. Controls are clunky and combat is even worse.
    • Not the fault of the game dev nor the translator, but you need to have some knowledge in Japanese even with the translation, MTL or not. A lot of the exposition is made through voice lines and I'm pretty sure I only got like half, maybe even less, of the narrated story. There are also a lot of books that can't be translated which are part of the story or sometimes even a clue on how to solve a puzzle, so get ready to bust out your phone with Google Lens on it.
    Overall though, as I've said, I enjoyed the game. The atmosphere is great, the story isn't the best but is enjoyable, and the H scenes are mostly okay if you're into fucked up stuff (and you wouldn't be here if you weren't anyway).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game with content that is not for everyone. I really liked this game. Small but nice gameplay options like outfits, hiding and shooting magic. Moving boxes, sometimes getting the right thing to the right place.

    The scenes were really good for me. They didn't look too bad regardless of the content and it was smooth. There were surprisingly few bugs for such a game. The "voicing" was not very good, but it was quite enough for such a game. As for the story, I think it was enough. Some places even had little notes about the world for you to read.

    To sum it up, it's a great puzzle game with a little too much violence. If the content is for you, be sure to play it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    Hook: Action / adventure with amateurish but kinky game over H-scenes.

    + Almost never get games like this in the H-Game scene. Cherish the variety.
    + Unique fantasy-Egyptian setting
    + Tags are heavily featured. Particularity r*pe, ryona, and guro. If you like the screenshots you will enjoy the game.
    + Cute MC with nice outfit variety.
    + Pretty cute MC voice.
    + Fully finished game. Not in Patreon development hell.

    / Fairly obtuse gameplay. Mildly Recommend you have a walkthough on hand. However, If you like challenge and exploration, this might be a plus for you.
    / Very frequent instant-game-overs. Also frequent checkpoints, so it balances out.

    - H scenes are low poly 3d and fairly stiff animations. Gotta use your imagination if you wanna coom.
    - Engrish text and untranslated voices.

    Very generously rounding up to 4 stars, as a testiment of the relative uniqueness of this game, and as a protest to all the mommyfucker VNs inundating the H-game market atm in general.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I understand that this is a very niche game that caters to a genre I am not particularly fond of, but Dubgeon of Revival is a very tedious, very convoluted mess. The game forces its long cutscenes and easily kills the player while offering very little in the way of checkpoints.

    By all means, if you need your guro fix this game may provide a bit of a fix, but honestly I'd suggest not bothering with all the hassle it is to unlock things.

    That said, I will say that someone clearly put a lot of love into this project, and I can appreciate that, but unless you're HARD into this type of game, I suggest giving it a pass.
    Likes: ob123
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I guess a lot of people enjoy this but I really don't see the appeal. Its a bunch of trial and error random dumb(imo) traps and then if you fail your character dies super often and I think the checkpoints are a little far apart for how much you die.

    I guess everyone must be enjoying the guro? The scenes are all one 3d model thrusts into another and the guys kinda have voices (mostly grunts) but the girl all she does is like the same 1 second loop of squeaks which aren't appealing at all to me. Someone in comments posted the gallery unlock code, and even then I didn't find it appealing enough on its own after watching a few random ones.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with good graphics. There are a few puzzles and platforming sections. Great cg too and fun to find all the secrets. The ending may be confusing but I got it. Outfits customization is nice. It is very bloody but I am fine with that, I think it adds to the experience.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    In short - If you're into bad ends and general brutal doom and despair, this game should serve you well; The scenes and overall tone really fit the theme well, and are a little longer than I'm usually used to. However, the game may be a bit more of a hassle than it's worth to find those scenes, depending on your level of patience. I recommend going at it with a guide at-the-ready to avoid frustration, if you're into the overall theme, but do try giving it a go solo first.

    (Note: Guro isn't a turn-on for me, so I'm avoiding praising or damning those effects or scenes specifically; I do like that it sets a theme of the game being extremely perilous and emphasizing that bad things happen when you lose, but otherwise, I get nothing from it.)

    In long - Again, this was a bit of a tough review for me, as I feel like this game has some big positives but also some significant strikes against it. It also really depends on the perspective taken; Compared to the dev's previous games, it's a dramatic improvement in many technical aspects. Compared to other more general adventure games, it still lacks. Compared to other games in this theme... well, honestly, there's so few that there's not much to compare against.

    Gameplay-wise, I think the game does struggle a bit. Controls are a bit floaty and precise movement and actions can be a bit hard to achieve sometimes. However, this is a dramatic step up from the dev's previous games, and also not too much of an issue - there's nowhere near as many sections that require precision platforming as in previous games. Combat with the magic staff is... not great, but serviceable - The controls get way more restrictive here and it's awkward to use, but not impossible.

    Spiritually, the game reminds me of an old-school Sierra adventure game, with all the sudden deaths, occasionally tricky puzzles, and sometimes obtuse reasoning they come with. This wasn't helped by my first playthrough being with the rather crap auto-generated translations, so all the books with hints strewn around the place were effectively useless. The updated translation (currently just a link in the thread) feels a lot better, but it's hard to tell if it's as dramatic an improvement as I'd hope, or just easy to link to once you already know the solution. That said, there are often hints within the level as to things you should or shouldn't do, if you're paying attention - something that does seem to have carried over from previous games. A sharp eye and some common sense should be able to spot false walls, traps, and routes that should not be taken.

    That said, the trickiness of the puzzles seems to extend to unlocking some scenes. Some are pretty straight-forward, if you've played any sort of heroine-gets-in-trouble type of game - of course the big ugly monster will fuck you if it catches you. That some modifiers lead to different scenes is also interesting - of course the big ugly monster is going to be rough with you if it catches you after you broke its eggs. That said, some other conditions are a bit esoteric. There's one which seems to just be to catch people out if they modify the character's clothing. Another scene just wouldn't reliably trigger for me, but did eventually work after a few retries without doing anything noticeably different. I don't want to go into too much detail for fear of spoiling anything for you, as some of these are fun when you find them, but it does seem to straddle the line between "The Dev has thought this out well to catch players out" and "The dev's just fucking with me now" or "This is bugged".

    Graphically, I think the game's OK. I think the main character's cute without coming off as a loli, and there's a couple of costume elements she can wear. The game world can come off a bit bare or buggy sometimes though, and enemies do generally feel like less effort went into them. Some of this does come off as a stylistic difference akin to the random gropers in a manga being little more than silhouettes, but I don't find it ruins any scenes. Gore effects are mostly fairly simplistic though - sometimes a limb detaches and there's a squirt of red, and there's a few scenes which get a bit more gorey but are fairly low-poly and not expanded upon much. It'll get you for shock value if that shocks you is about as much as I can say about it.

    Scenes and their animations though, I actually quite like. It hits quite a few of the things I look for in a game where the heroine is supposed to be in a lot of peril and disempowered. She does tend to get manhandled quite a bit, with scenes often manipulating her, repositioning her, and sometimes getting her to do actions on her own. There's also a couple of consensual or at least not outright-murder-rape scenes, if you're into that. Scenes also tend to go on for a decent length, with a number of repositionings and small changes. The animations themselves could sometimes be a bit better, but they're more than passable. The biggest issue is probably some occasional clipping or weird movements, but nothing that took me too out of the action.

    Sound... is present. The VA is just in Japanese (as expected) and the girl doesn't sound too irritating or anything. There's some decent sound effects and the animations come with vocalisations and most of the expected sounds. Some of the monsters/men are a bit weird but nothing off-putting.

    Overall, I'm maybe rating this a bit higher than I should. Maybe I'm just starved for good ryona-themed games with a scary-feeling story to be in. But after playing the dev's previous offerings and getting some better translations, I do feel like the mind behind it is decent - some thought does go into the level design and environmental storytelling, and the game does try to offer you logically different outcomes if you do certain actions that warrant it (usually to punish/reward you more). The quality of game has also shot up from previous offerings, although it is still closer to the janky side. But hey, the scenes that are there are fairly decent, and some degree of frustration does heighten that a little. I feel like it's pretty solid if you're into the sudden-death-and-bad-end game style, and aren't just here to peek at the scenes. If not... honestly I wouldn't have expected you to read down this far.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Prince Vevit

    Certainly not a bad game! The main character is cute, and the outfits you collect are pretty nice. Its a "Die until you choose correctly" Kind of game,
    à la witches house. The most frustrating parts for sure are the very beginning where you have to jump over insta kill traps and the final boss battle. But if you can stomach a little trial and error gameplay, it is pretty fun, and it will be over before you know it, with some nice nsfw scenes under your belt. The guro aspects are honestly "tame" in a manner of speaking, compared to some other games, and they happen about the same frequency as the nsfw scenes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It should be the 3rd one released by the dev.
    I love the fact that you can die at any step and the scene are definitely for a certain type of user not for everyone. ( even if the real world is way more cruel and full of gore then a simple videogame)

    Compare to the previous games, there are fewer bugs that allow you to finish the whole game and also find some secrets :)
    Likes: J.C