Unity - Dungeon: Raid Her [v0.1.1] [keepherdev]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    What a complete mess. The controls, combat, inventory... Everything is completely unintuitive or completely stupid.
    Combat, beat opponents, get beaten. Both sides continuously just get back up, some awkward camera scenes and then it all repeats. Free someone, they instantly hate you and begin combat.
    Don't want to free them and use them? Nah, nothing for you here.

    It's all one big schizophrenic nightmare. Tried to be a dungeon game, and a lewd game. Somehow fucked up both and made something I actively hated after 10 minutes of play. If this is even a demo... I'm so far not wanting anything more to ever do with this.

    Positive- Despite there being multiple invisible walls and terrible controls. The game never crashed on me, and loaded quickly.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Animations are a bit messy but they seem pretty good to me. A little above the quality we see from most 3d porn games but it can look a bit goofy at times. With the addition of free cam viewing sex animations has been vastly improved. I prefer the lust system this game has. Enemies won't down right fuck you, most of the time after you've been tied up. They have to get horny over time allowing you a fighting chance before becoming horny yourself and end up being defeated and pinned by your enemy.

    This game isn't much of a grind as you may think it is. Earning gems is super easy, even for a fresh character. There are plenty of chances to grab perks in the early game that will allow you to go for deeper runs. Saving people also gives you bonus gems. Chests are almost guaranteed in every room with an enemy, and if you have the perk stack that let's you getting more loot per chest you will breeze through everything no problem. Thus allowing you an easier chance to get back to the surface and upgrade yourself. I have yet to really see myself die in this game even right off the bat.

    With procedurally generated maps there are time where you will end up walking down endless corridors before you finally get one with enemies and loot. There are times where you may not see an option to return to the surface for awhile.

    Speaking of the maps there are multiple times where you may see a wall that is deleted allowing you to stare into the empty void. Thankfully you can't run through it but it is a bit annoying to see. Next there are these prison cells with loot behind them. So far there has been no way to open them without spam dodging to get past the bars and even that is a headache to do. I have searched high and low for some secret wall to find a switch to open the prison cell gates but no matter how many walls I humped there was nothing.

    Multiple players have complained that managing your mind gauge in order to prevent you from crying is frustrating to manage. While some may not know you can masturbate to recover your mind, or find perks through out the map that recover your mind over time. It's honestly not that bad to manage, especially if you keep stacking mind regeneration over time perks, you end up not worrying about it in the late game and end up learning how to manage your mind gauge in the early game. Some find it easy, some find it annoying. Personally I'm on the side that thinks it's easy but I can see where players are coming from.

    Players that have low end PCs have reported that the game is nearly unplayable. If you have a potato PC you will have a hard time running it. I haven't had any performance issues myself but as is a fact about all PC game performance, your mileage may vary. Especially considering that the state of this game is in it's 0.1v alpha stage.


    Movement is something that is in dire need of improvement. There are times where you will find yourself getting stuck on a stair case and you have to dodge up the stairs to get up them. Unless you wiggle your character around and get them unstuck.

    Combat is sometimes down right awful. Using wasd to move around and your mouse be the camera is standard but without any lock on you will have to guide the janky camera around to see your opponent. No indication animations for when they attack and worst of all if you get knocked down and then get back up and you do not dodge you are most likely to get hit again and go down once more. I'm sure we'll see some quality of life improvements to combat like a lock on camera.


    While the dev may be splitting their time between two projects, that include this one, they seem dedicated and confident enough to say that they will be able to work on both games. I really hope they stick to their word because this game has real potential. Is the combat janky? Yes. Does the movement sometimes suck? Yes. Can combat be an annoying pain in the ass? Yes.

    The game is easy enough to mod to make the game to your taste, community members have already found a way to edit character files to improve their stats or give themselves permanent upgrades if they choose to do so. It's a single player game, let people have their fun and play it their way.

    But despite all it's flaws, I can look past that and enjoy it for the vision of where the game can continue to grow and where the dev wants to take it. You'll either have fun with this for 30 minutes or 30 hours but I think it's worth a download and giving it a try yourself.

    Good luck keepherdev and may you be able to make the game you are happy enough to call a final product.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I was waiting for updates to the previous game, but now a full-fledged 3D one has been released. If it includes more cool mechanics and good optimization, it will be an excellent game. I've already added it to my favorites. While there are still many bugs in the game, the developer needs to focus on fixing them, and then it could even be released on Steam as an Alpha test.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really, really promising-looking game. Lemme bullet point the good and the bad, but for a 0.1 Alpha imo it does a good job demonstrating the direction and theme.

    The Good:
    • You can bonk enemies and enemies can bonk you - either can lead to lewd
    • Both parties can use objects (racks, pillories, bondage tables, etc.) - this one really stands out among the usual "bonk em and fuck em" consequences
    • You can get carried off by some bandit and experience unwanted handholding - amazing
    • Reactions/emotions from characters, including the PC
    • Cute models, maybe a liiiitle bit more work on restraints
    • Decent animations but definitely jank (expected)
    The Bad:
    • Controls/movement needs a rework - you kinda "drift" which feels really, really weird, like you have the turn radius of a semi pulling 2 trailers; I also could not figure out how the heck to parry an enemy (100% could be a skill issue/git gud)
    • The camera - holy moly I can't figure out how to freecam. This might be a skill issue as well but this orbiting cam colliding with a wall while I'm fucking/getting fucked by some npc makes me feel dizzy. Just freecam it.
    • Text spam all.the.time. - the bottom center is constantly filled with some many "emotions" or "reactions" and they go by so rapidly while some bandit is trying to bonk my ass it's both distracting and hard to follow
    • Inventory - just ???? I accidentally my panties and took me a while to figure out I had to drop the 1 bandage I had to pickup armor, equip armor, then pick the bandage back up. Weird and un-intuitive imo.
    • Last and least - menus are just weird and jank
    I look forward to updates!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Giving 4 stars in advance for attempt to remake one game in to third person one keeping interesing mechanics.

    Re-used every animations and emotions mechanics from their other game.
    Re-used models of items as well.
    Some bugs with maps. Some bugs with npc behavior.

    Somewhat optimized and not melts our potatos PCs.
    Re-used mechanics actually has a great potential for that type of game.
    Character editor with good potential.

    Overall, if gamedev will read it, I wish them good luck with their game and they doing nice job.
    For other gamers -- you should try their other game first. It is more polished. Dungeon: Keep Her
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe this game will be continued and has a lot of potential, and I agree with anon below it might turn something between those

    This game had a lot of bugs and features especially for people with kinks bugs.

    Also I thank the dev for adding my favorite kink in this game, and the inventory system is ABSURD! it forces you to carry 1 item and yes that includes you to dress up by dropping the item you are holding and wear the clothes that you want to wear! Also the binding table has no uses for sex other than capturing the enemy
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Have a potential and if it will turn into something between Archipelagates and Slave Bar - would be GREAT.
    Core mechanics looks very very damp but the concept looks holistic. I saw some placeholders that can referense to the future cleaning and urination mechanics. Thats great. Also [lewd] folder filled by goodies too, even though it's still just a placeholders in the majority. Thats all i want to say. If devs don`t abandon this project - i will play and be happy. My favorite genre, after all.