Unity - Dungeon Tavern [v0.3.3a GOG] [TinyHat Studios]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is claimed to be "a sandbox simulation with minimalist presentation". However, for about half an hour from the start I've only encountered a notably kinetic-ish VN-styled narrative sequence (in effect, an expanded intro cutscene) without a single moment of expected sandbox gameplay, after which I've just terminated the game, seeing no practical reason to continue.

    As such, the attempt to set up a background premise for the story scenario is duly noted, but denying players the actual gameplay process for an unreasonably long time through an abundance of the very said "presentation" is an extremely bad game design decision.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Sent the game out with a TON of bugs then updated it to still have a TON of bugs and hasn't updated for a while, great art, and animations but a lack of work put into actually PLAYING the game, at least make the damn gallery accessible, some times I can't even click into the gallery and when I can I can't watch the scenes. Hoping this is being fixed, good luck.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    i quite liked the very little of the game that is there and the premise seems interesting enough, but as of now it's not only super bare bones, where single "ending" takes only like 20 minute to reach, even the sandbox is quite rough around the edges, where i got softlocked like 2 or 3 times before the first sex scene that i got which was with a wrong fucking character that i weren't even trying to bone

    in the future it could be better, it may get even worse, but as it stands, there's very little reason to play this game
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 0.2.5

    The game looks nice and the scenes are good. But other than that there really is nothing. There is currently 3 choices, 3 different ending(?) pictures and a sandbox mode that is not explained well and is a bit buggy. I would love to give this game a better score and I can see it being deserving of that but there just isn't enough of the actual game right now.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The best word to describe the current game is potential. It currently features (ingame) 2 days worth of content which features a high quality of both art and story. The sandbox mode is probably what the game is intended to be once they have finished the introductions, which is a bit worrying since I can't really wrap my head around how you use it. Another worry of mine is that the story will have too many branching paths which may hinder the quality or quantity of content in the future. A personal wish of the developers would to include mlm and wlw content since I feel that it goes within the theme of the story quite well but that is merely personal preference.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    outright just a mess to play with abysmal quality, hoping that skeletal rigging carries most of the product, as is usual with Tinyhat games. Just a sheer waste of time, effort, and money if you're enough of a sucker to pay for this mess.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I should have read the tags, even then for a sandbox there's so little freedom i trying to start the game but i keep getting flooded with countless walls of text let me get to the gameplay. Had to turn on an autoclicker to skip all the text only for it to bug out and lock my screen.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It might be a bit presumptuous of me, but I'm going to go ahead and say 5 stars. This game has a lot of potential from what gameplay there is. Lets start with some pros and cons.

    Pros- the artwork and animations is beautiful. each character has their own personality and it shows in their animations of everything they do. Mostly smooth transitions to different and real smooth room to room transitions.

    Cons- it is buggy with several interactions. Trying to have other characters follow can be a pain as if they do it once it won't happen again at times. Animations can cause characters to be temporarily unavailable if you zoom out of a scene, it takes a min to find the right spot for them to become available once more. The gallery does not work, clicking on any scene does nothing. At day 5-7 the adventure board doesn't work and time cannot progress. Giving an item to a character with an already held item removes the giving item in total. The story has a bug that stops the scene, going to the MM and back seems to fix the scene but it seem to remove part of the story.

    It seems more cons than pros but its still early access and I do believe those can be fixed and improved upon. Now I do understand the story is pretty linear in terms of content. That being said, it seems to be purely from the Paladins POV, maybe for more in depth allow players to choose a character and follow from there with different choices available. Maybe some riddles in terms of hints for Gallery scenes.

    Overall a good start to what can be a fantastic game. Keep up the good work.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Uncle Eugene

    Here was a big review for [0.1 alpha] version which had 5 stars for good quality graphics/animations and potential, now it's edited for 3

    As mentioned, I liked graphics and animation quality and that's pretty much it. Had and has a lot of potential in terms of story, but not quite yet
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    "Early access," emphasis on EARLY. Like, this is non-functional and "if you told me this was uploaded solely as a proof-of-concept to an investor, I'd believe it" brand of early.

    My experience is that an attempt at Story mode bugged out on day 2, and upon reload, it was somewhere completely different from where I'd quit. A short scene played and then I got a "thanks for playing early access" screen and tried Sandbox mode.

    Sandbox mode was equally non-functional. The "hints" weren't helpful because most of it was "just try exploring bro," which probably isn't good advice during Early access when there's loads of unfinished assets. Some of the items mentioned didn't seem accessible either. I did a raid thing for mystery meat, but then it wouldn't show up anywhere, no idea why.

    Interactions were bare bones and like one sex scene per partner combo. No dialog, no gameplay aspect, no nothing. Sometimes I could click the "gib sex scene" button, sometimes it wouldn't work. An attempt at interacting with the world (making a character buy and drink beer) proved equally fruitless, as it provided the same sex scene it already had before.

    Hey, maybe this is all just early access and it'll be great in the future. Still odd it was uploaded THIS early, because this is extreme.

    Two nitpicks as feedback:

    1) The text speed isn't the fastest, and unlike in other games where clicking makes the text instantly appear, here you're forced to wait for the text box to fill up, because clicking will skip the dialog entirely before it's even loaded in. Seems better if click #1 makes the text appear and click #2 skips, but no: either you sit through the slow text to read it or get nothing at all. An option to increase text speed would be great too.

    2) Camera is ass. You know how most games let you move the camera yourself or click somewhere to focus the camera there? Here, you start zoomed out in Sandbox mode, click someone to control, camera zooms in on them, and then when you unselect them, you cannot manually move the camera, but instead have to zoom out and zoom back in on what you want to see. The result is the best way to navigate is to repeatedly zoom back out and let the camera auto-zoom in when you click a character. Problem is that I had one sex scene that repeatedly triggered to the far left of the screen so that a character was cut off, and unless I missed something, there's no way to simply pan the camera over without zooming all the way out and zooming back in.

    So yeah, unless I'm missing something, there's currently no game here, but rather a proof-of-concept. No idea why it was uploaded in this state.