This game's h-content is amazing but it is hampered by the shitty mtl translation (not to the game maker's fault), and the gameplay is too simple and time consuming for its own good.
The MTL implemented is not elegant - it is simply the basic BepInEx plugin that feeds translated text into the game and replaces the japanese text with english. You have to wait for the english text to fill in the textbox, there will be translation cut off, context is not considered, and the lines themselves are barely legible. Also, for some reason the way this plugin is installed it adds loading time when booting the game which I have not seen in other implementations. This greatly hampers the potential enjoyment of the game and if this was one of your primary concerns before playing then I would wait for something of a higher standard before playing the game.
The gameplay of this game revolves around exploring a town to meet new characters to fuck and advancing the story by delving through a large metroidvania dungeon to find artifacts and scrap parts to make new weapons. Every map in this game is 3-4 times larger then it has to be - probably trying to create the atmosphere of how large the environment is but it really sucks to have to walk around it. When an upgrade exists to make you walk at mach 5 speed and a jump upgrade that lets you scale skyscrapers crackdown-style maybe you should've just made the maps smaller in the first place.
Enemies can be easily ignored. Bosses can also be ignored entirely and you can loot the treasure they're guarding quite easily - beating them isn't hard at all either. The bosses are big and impressive to look at, however. There is a vital upgrade to unlock parts of the map locked behind finding scrap from chests that a character can turn into a weapon that will be the "key" to the "lock", but otherwise loot is mostly pointless. So all in all trying to actually play the game will be a shallow experience compared to what you might get from other games in a similar genre.
With these two factors in mind, I experienced a point in the near-endgame when the mtl was too annoying and skipped past it which had vital details to how to unlock the last dungeon, but because the game was too boring for me I quit then and there - i wasn't worth it to try and brute force my way through the dungeon or find the answer in the town. So now I will talk about the only reason why you'd want to play this game - the h-content.
This game features an expansive list of h-content to enjoy - fully voiced cg scenes, pixel animations both in-map and full screen, with the main girl alone having 11 animations and 9 cgs. Not to mention, pretty much every girl you'll meet will be included in at least one animation or cg scene. No stone is unturned.
The last thing I'll mention is that interestingly, this game foregoes having any bgm most of the time, leaving you silently exploring dungeons and the town with just the sound of your character running around. This, coupled with the always-night time and cyberpunk x rural x fantasy environment creates an individual mood that feels carefully crafted and a rare experience to have in an h-game. It also makes the boss bgm and the bgm that plays when resting at a bench particularly impactful.
Because there is so much quality in the h-content of this game and this game really tries hard to build a certain aesthetic and mood, I can overlook how bad everything else is and recommend this game as something worth at least trying out before you inevitably get bored/frustrated and grab a full save.
The MTL implemented is not elegant - it is simply the basic BepInEx plugin that feeds translated text into the game and replaces the japanese text with english. You have to wait for the english text to fill in the textbox, there will be translation cut off, context is not considered, and the lines themselves are barely legible. Also, for some reason the way this plugin is installed it adds loading time when booting the game which I have not seen in other implementations. This greatly hampers the potential enjoyment of the game and if this was one of your primary concerns before playing then I would wait for something of a higher standard before playing the game.
The gameplay of this game revolves around exploring a town to meet new characters to fuck and advancing the story by delving through a large metroidvania dungeon to find artifacts and scrap parts to make new weapons. Every map in this game is 3-4 times larger then it has to be - probably trying to create the atmosphere of how large the environment is but it really sucks to have to walk around it. When an upgrade exists to make you walk at mach 5 speed and a jump upgrade that lets you scale skyscrapers crackdown-style maybe you should've just made the maps smaller in the first place.
Enemies can be easily ignored. Bosses can also be ignored entirely and you can loot the treasure they're guarding quite easily - beating them isn't hard at all either. The bosses are big and impressive to look at, however. There is a vital upgrade to unlock parts of the map locked behind finding scrap from chests that a character can turn into a weapon that will be the "key" to the "lock", but otherwise loot is mostly pointless. So all in all trying to actually play the game will be a shallow experience compared to what you might get from other games in a similar genre.
With these two factors in mind, I experienced a point in the near-endgame when the mtl was too annoying and skipped past it which had vital details to how to unlock the last dungeon, but because the game was too boring for me I quit then and there - i wasn't worth it to try and brute force my way through the dungeon or find the answer in the town. So now I will talk about the only reason why you'd want to play this game - the h-content.
This game features an expansive list of h-content to enjoy - fully voiced cg scenes, pixel animations both in-map and full screen, with the main girl alone having 11 animations and 9 cgs. Not to mention, pretty much every girl you'll meet will be included in at least one animation or cg scene. No stone is unturned.
The last thing I'll mention is that interestingly, this game foregoes having any bgm most of the time, leaving you silently exploring dungeons and the town with just the sound of your character running around. This, coupled with the always-night time and cyberpunk x rural x fantasy environment creates an individual mood that feels carefully crafted and a rare experience to have in an h-game. It also makes the boss bgm and the bgm that plays when resting at a bench particularly impactful.
Because there is so much quality in the h-content of this game and this game really tries hard to build a certain aesthetic and mood, I can overlook how bad everything else is and recommend this game as something worth at least trying out before you inevitably get bored/frustrated and grab a full save.