RPGM - Completed - Ecchi Mery and the Perils of the Cosmic Shrine [v1.0] [A Cellar]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Main thing going into this one is that it's quite an old game and thus it's age will show in areas like the game mechanics and the CG quality. But overall I like this one, even if it's a bit generic

    The story is pretty forgetable, it's just "Theres an artifact in the Cosmic Shrine and everyone wants it, go through the 30 levels to get it" but I do like Mery the "magical girl" (which she abandons basically instantly to become a Shrine Maiden) and Mary the "Super Maid". They have some good chemistry together and I appreciate they got voices for both characters

    Most of the game will be spent just going through each level of the cosmic shrine trying to get to the final 30th level, with each level being filled with enemies, chests and sometimes vines to climb the walls. No puzzles or anything special, just lots of roaming enemies. You can run past them all if you want but most of them are very fast and will catch you, and you will need to kill some for levelling and loot.

    While almost everything about the gameplay is generic (Turn based combat with skills, MP, TP, equipment etc) there is one unique thing that I liked being the levelling system. Instead of just levelling up constantly you instead only get XP defeating major bosses (I ended the game at level 3), and your mass murdering rampage instead grants points towards a statue in a random house in the Village which lets you increase any one of your stats individually

    Maybe not groundbreaking but you can basically build Mery and Mary however you like (with the exception that Mary has no MP or MP skills) and you can remove any points you invest without cost, so it was fun to experiment with stuff like max evasion and luck, or full attack stacking and seeing what worked.

    The game has a total of 30 CGs which either consist of mandatory Story ones, defeat CGs and a few optional ones like the Brothel. The defeat CGs are unfortunately not individual to the enemy (besides bosses) and as far as I can tell they are based on which floor you are on and who the main lead for the party is. It's quite easy to lose if you aren't healing constantly though at least in my experience and you can unlock all of them by beating the game in the reflection room so if you don't want to bother losing on purpose then you don't need to (you will get mandatory raped either way). Still, they aren't bad quality but maybe I'm a bit forgiving since this game is 7+ years old as of when I played it

    Finding items for upgrading your equipment at the Scholar can be pretty annoying though. As far as I can tell there is no reference for who drops what and it's not themed on the enemy either so you'll just end up killing a lot of random enemies hoping they drop what you need.

    Game lasts for around 2-3 hours, maybe less if you run past a lot of enemies. Even though I got the best equipment and had a lot of points into stats, I had to restart a bunch against the floor 20 boss and the final boss, much tougher than I was expecting. They mainly seem to be a DPS check cause I don't think even having maximum defensive stats will help you survive some of the damage they have.

    Overall though as long as you come into the game knowing it's pretty generic then it can be a nice enough time waster.

    Final note is if you're here for the pregnancy tag, it's 1 defeat CG and it has no lasting effects or consequences. It's just insect pregnancy and then immediate egg birth.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good but needs improvement
    1) Impossible to find recollection room
    2) Corruption WAAAAY fast
    3) Never addresses fact that creampies are happening without condoms
    4) Still not entirely sure what they are doing in that town
    5) Overall just, good but not great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this is decent RPG Maker H Game, if i must say
    have decent story line, and decent H Scene
    Have good Map, and music
    but some of it confusing using configure which button
    the dungeon not really great and enemy just like any typical other RPG maker game, but somehow i like it because even so, i can still speedrun on my fist playthrough

    but somehow it make you bored if you keep playing this, overall, it good