VN - Others - Completed - Eden* Plus Mosaic [Minori]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    eden*... is one of maybe a handful VNs, that really pissed me off, and the reason for that is subjective content. The writer behind eden* decided that having EVERY SINGLE LINE of the first couple of hours (maybe more), carry some form of extra meaning was a good idea. Now maybe you thought to yourself, "isn't that kind of impressive?" No, it's not. It's exasperating. You need to have clear, objective points, mixed with whatever figures of speech, you decide to use. Not satisfied with overloading my brain to 110% capacity (with little reward i might add, just an endless supply of trivial themes), the writer then decides to have the ending segment be the same arc repeating a few times, and because death is involved, we called it a Nakige. It's probably not that bad, but it was really bad, and a waste of time.

    - Setting - It goes nowhere, but established backstory is pretty interesting, and not as fantastical as one might think (instead of superhumans, super A.Is). The real treat however, is the sense of foreboding combined with quiet contemplation, that will eventually emerge. It sounds like sophistry given human instinct, but there's beauty to be found in the concept of impermanence. eden* captures that.
    - Characters - Again, the trick is having a lot pre-established info, but there are other merits to the cast: Starting with the protagonist being voiced, the limitations of the felixes? (artificial humans, i suppose) being revealed later on, or how precious the main heroine is made out to be. Tropes and archetypes are blatant, but the end result is positive.
    - Nakige - Complaints aside, it's hard to not get emotional over this. At some point i was begging for the end of the world, and wishing X would just die, and end my misery too. Function over form really, it's not well done, but it does work, and you don't have to be particularly sensitive, for that to happen.
    - Visuals - Just a small mention, the title has a lot of details, extras and even innovation if you consider its release date. Praiseworthy.

    - What i stated in the intro. Why haven't i read "ef - a fairy tale of the two"? The writer. Fool me once shame on you...

    Score: eden* is a 6/10 and a decent VN. This a title that has more than just a few good points, but all of them are outshadowed, by endless pretension, and high-handed brazenness. If you don't have the expertise stick to what you know. Not recommended, if any of what i said made sense.

    (H-scenes aren't worth it, they are a literal extra)