RPGM - Completed - Eden [v1.3] [Kemuriya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5, no question. However, I also write that, while knowing that it won't be a 5/5 for everyone.

    There are certainly issues with the game that some might not agree with. Combat is boring and badly balanced. Even on max difficulty, it is hard to lose unless vs certain enemies/large groups, since when i was playing everyone popped up and started automatically healing the turn after they go down, so unless the entire team gets wiped in a single turn then you just sort of automatically win, eventually. It got to the point where I just hit 'auto' and let combat handle itself, and if you do manage to lose a random character gets their stats super buffed so you won't be losing for long. Personally, after a bit I just used MTool to give me a lot of attack/defense for the battles I had to do, and also cheat myself an item that lets you turn off most random meaningless encounters. Combat is not why you play this game.

    Storywise, there isn't that much either. the various 'storylines' aren't exactly... too long, I guess, if you are going for a specific ending. I spent a while in the game exploring every direction you could go, before realizing I was accidentally progressing every storyline at once (one per heroine), and I just made a save around the end, before fighting each of the three end bosses and seeing the unfortunately short epilogue for each.

    Also, map traversal felt kind of annoying sometimes. Sometimes it was the number of different paths you could take with too few waypoints for fast travel, or not enough direction. Sometimes it was backtracking to check an area that I knew an event would spawn in, but hadn't become active yet. Other times it was the sheer spam of random enemies on a given tileset before I used a cheat item to turn that mostly off. But by the end, it did bother me a bit.

    Now with all that being said, why am I still giving it a 5/5? The scenes. Goddamn, the scenes. You absolutely have to enjoy these kinds of kinks, but if you do, goddamn. It's been a hot minute since I've found a game that had scenes I loved this much. Every single one was right up my alley and I felt sad when the game ended because I knew there wasn't going to be more. For my tastes, at least, this was some pretty amazing stuff.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    As others have said, this is a kink game, don't go into it unless you're somewhat comfortable with it. Every single scene is skippable, but only if you skip it before the scene so it kinda defeats the purpose if you're looking to avoid something you dislike.

    That being said, the game is decent, translation is ok (some mistakes, some missing and some literal translations that could be way better, specially with monster names), audio is bad and repetitive.

    As for the art. For the most part it's good, specially the most important scenes, it does get kinda bad on the side ones. The bad thing about it is it's resolution. Due to engine limitations, you're either required to play this in a very small window, or fullscreen. You can't see anything on the small window, and the art was definetly not made for anything larger than 720p.

    Art is also very limited, every scene works in "groups", where the second scene starts by having the same art as the first and "evolving", the third starts by having the same as the first and second and adding another one, and so on. So instead of having 4 diferent scenes, you get 5 full cgs that get shuffled and reused and unlocked as you progress.

    This is also an exploration based rpg, maps are connected to each other in labyrinth ways. The problem with that is the devs didn't develop locks on which paths you can follow, so you can enter an area by it's end, depending on how lost you get. Scene triggers also suffer from this, you can get scenes that reference events that happen in other scenes that you still haven't watched. It really feels like the writers and developers weren't communicating all that much, one group developing a linear story for each ending, and another developing a open world game.

    In the end, this is worth 3/5 stars. It's an ok looking art galery wrapped in a poorly thought out game. You can however get the galery unlocked from the start, so go ahead and download it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a 4.5/5 for me. It focuses on being really great in a few areas, and it very much succeeds in that.

    -The equipment variety, especially in the clothes department, is truly incredible. You have so many ways to customize both the hero and his companions, and all of them change their looks noticeably.

    -The variety of H scenes is really good, covering many situations and genres. Also, you can do all the heroines' routes at the same time, so you won't have to choose a route and be locked out of the other ones.

    -The variety of spells and abilities is really impressive too, and you level up rather quickly.

    -The story doesn't take its self seriously at all, and the writing for some characters is frequently really funny.

    The rest is less great but still good. I personally quite like the art style, but H-scenes that don't involve your companions don't get CGs (although, admittedly, a notable majority of H scenes involve your companions), you don't get any extra companions beyond the 3 you start up with, and the length of the game isn't "short" per say but it is below average for an RPG (I pretty much 100%ed the game in 12 and a half hours).

    Still, like I said in the beginning, the parts where this game is good are REALLY good, and overall it honestly felt unique and you could feel that real effort was put into making it. I highly recommend it and can't wait for the sequel to be finished and translated :).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the epitaph of corruption AND customization, to every creator reading this:please look into it, study it as a mantra and create your own, give us this level of customization, pon on scene and corruption.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    2booty Connoisseur

    Generally when I start a H-rpg I open up the equipment tab to see if I can eventually make the girl walk around fully naked. And although Eden doesn’t have a h-level system that decides how willing the girl is, it does have a head, body, legging, underwear and last but not least, a personality slot. Suffice to say I love this game.

    Eden is a completely unique game since I have yet to find an rpg with this level of monster-fication, corruption and customisation.

    It’s pretty hardcore but you always get the choice to skip or just not play a scene, so it caters to your fetish. As such, if you want a game where you turn girls into literal sex demons, that tried to cater to your fetish I highly recommend this one.

    Each of the 3 girls has their own path in which they’re corrupted into their own unique monster - they generally reluctantly go along with this because they’ve all fallen in love with the MC (you) “Hero” and would do anything for him (which is really refreshingly simple way to trigger the corruption)- What makes it better, at least for me is that each character has had some sort of linked past with each monster they turn into.

    EG, my second favourite, Charlotte the healer, aka the resident milf character, had a mother who was brainwashed by a sex mask cult and turned into a sex deviant. As such, Charlotte (the healer) vows to take down the sex cult and kill its leader. Needless to say it’s pretty hot to watch her go down the same path as her mother.

    This continues, although a bit haphazardly, by letting you corrupt the other two into the same type of monsters as the first girl (e.g all the girls can join the cult), however you can also do the same for the other two girl’s main stories as well; so all in all you get a main storyline for one girl, and then two side stories for each main story, totalling to 9 main cg sets, which is very hot. However, an open story like this also conflicts with the continuity of the other girls paths, since you can do them all simultaneously, and they all lead to a different ending. Meaning that you can corrupt them into their own unique monsters, and then corrupt them again afterwards into secondary monsters, which then gives you a scene of you corrupting them again, as if you haven’t corrupted them into their unique monsters (if that makes any sense). I personally don’t like how they’ve done this, and it does take you out of the game a bit, but it’s pretty easy to overlook.

    Another problem I have is with the body modification, in which you summon a witch (on demand)who then gives you 3 options for each girl

    1... increase butt size

    2... increase boob size

    3... make the girl look pregnant.

    All of these increase the size of their respective body parts dramatically, and all of these can be reversed in the same manner.

    Outside of the clear lack of options between BIG and normal, another problem is that the clothing system for the sprites of each character is linked to their body parts. As a result, if you increase the size of one of those body parts, it overrides whatever the character is wearing on that section of their body and just makes them naked on that section. So you generally have to stick to the normal size if you want to play dress up.

    Lastly I’m just gonna touch on the text based scenes that the side characters get. I feel like these are just padding to the game and would love to see some actual cg for them as well.

    All in all this is a great and unique game that can hold its own as a stand-alone, but I’d still love to see either a Modder or the developers come back to expand on what they have done (e.g add more cigs so that the body mods effect the clothing outside of making it disappear) and give some of the side characters some cg as well.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Chaos La Croix

    I went into this with high hopes and gave it a try but the quite possibly retarded protag and the ugly sagging tits ruined it for me, maybe the translation is just terrible so maybe im being unfair. If nothing else its a...decent?, fighting system not a great one by any means but decent but to be fair its hard to fuck up a turn based fighting system. That is the only reason im not giving it a 1 instead of a 2.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game looks and plays like an "evolved" version of Latex Dungeon. It has a wide variety of kinks: bondage, parasite, tentacles, slime, pregnancy, demonic corruption, etc... and more "exotic" ones (no watersports/scat), i even found an extremely light and avoidable with a warning NTR scene, too bad it's so short.
    The combat part is made interesting with many enemy types, spells and statuses (no random encounters), the only negative thing i can say about is that it would be perfect with some combat H.
    I'll give it an 8/10 because many events have a LOT of room for expansion, the MC has very poor dialogue lines and the lack of combat H.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I have finished the game so :
    Idk how it is a demo, there is a lot of content, even an ending, more than 40 scene and so mutch tag can be added to that game.

    +lot of tag
    +art is insane
    +you can unlock every scene+cheat at the start of the game
    +you can skip if u dont want to see a scene
    + Sound on CG
    + Story is decent enough for a Hgame
    + 3+ hours if u want to do everything
    + Real translation ( text on H scene are good)
    +/- Combat system is classic ( recommand to play on easy, way to mutch grind, go to hard only to lose faster )
    +/- kink of these game can be harsh for some people, dont recommand it to a vanilla kid
    - kind of a mess to know exactly where you should go.
    -difficulty is not that balanced, sometimes you oneshoot, sometimes you get oneshoted 3min after ( even on easy )
    -Some people have crash? i didnt have one after 4hours of playthrough though

    Would recommand,been a while since the last good JRPG