
V.A. Laurie

Game Writer & Editor
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
Hey there everyone!

I just wanted to announce that I am able to take one one or two games for Editing right now. I am currently writing two games (as some of you know), but I wanted to offer my services for Editing if anyone out there is in need of that.

Honestly, some of the games here in early release stages (and a few that have been releasing for a while) would benefit from this service. That's not said to be offensive, but simply a statement of fact. A few of these it seems are in English, but that is not the dev's native language. Sometimes it's just a matter of missing the typos. And other times, it is clear that, although you have a great concept and development skills, the actual writing aspect just needs some assistance.

I'm not here to offer writing services, though, let me be clear. I am here to see if any devs need assistance with editing specifically. Send me a message or reply to this thread if you are interested!
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I should have thought of this, hah. He's right, by the way. There are plenty of games that could benefit from an editor. If he tells you his plate is full, feel free to try me. I'm also working on two games, but I'm unemployed so I have time to proofread and suggest improvement where needed.
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