I really don't know what to say about this. Having played other H-Pokemon titles, I guess I was expecting some sort of a familiar playstyle. Instead, I got whatever this is. What game there is, I would say is immensely unbalanced and confusing. And yes, I read the description about how this is rogue-like, you're not meant to level up, each time you play and get a game over you get some buffs that carry over to the next attempt, etc.
I'll admit I played all of maybe 5 minutes. I started off, took the water-based scout, collected the supplies in the starter building, then went south down the road. Along the way I entered my first battle. I killed off 3 of the enemies in what seems like a never-ending pack, and then my Scout was raped, and then it was game over. I then took the second grass-based scout, and decided maybe I'm supposed to warm up on the grass immediately surrounding the starter building. I got into my first battle with that scout, and instantly was given game over, not even a chance to choose an attack action. Oh boy, you've lost both scouts, game over, replay again? Nah man, delete from hard drive.
It's got a lot of work to do before I'd say it is remotely enjoyable to play. People need to stop giving 5 stars for their fantasy of what they hope a game will become in 3 more years of dedicated development and instead properly rate games for what they are, today, in reality.