Others - Eggomon [vJuly 4th] [Invader Incubus]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential. I sincerely hope this game will overcome the breeding sim curse and come to fruition.
    For the review, this game is in a very rough state right now. I give it a 4 for the potential rather than what it is.

    - Controls are clunky and the UI is a mess.
    - The gameplay loop is barebone for now with not even 2 different moves per mons, extremely difficult and unrewarding combats on top of a tedious exploration.
    - The lewd, or rather how it is access is confusing and fall into the tag of something i hate very much in H games, sex = game over (confusing because you have to lose at least once to unlock the game breeding system).

    What i would love to see:
    Make losing as painless as possible because right now i really think this isn't appropriate for a rogue lite experience. Like, remove all rng in fertility this way we know how many turns we have before losing and make it so lost scouts car be recruited again later when they gave birth, simply if enough time passes or with an item idk.
    More move, and variety between mons, right now they all have the same stats and move, and will all improve linearly through breeding.
    Waypoints, or way to move our base or build new ones at campfires.

    Anyway everything written here is about the gameplay and that's because the game is HOT, love the art, the mons, the scouts, everything.

    I think this game deserve 4 stars, eggomon is actually trying to create something interesting and i'm sure something great will come out. So i'll keep an eye on it and wish the dev the best of luck.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Promising game with an active dev, bit skewed towards monster girls would like to see males be better fleshed out and have more varied interactions with pre-evolutions and between the monsters in general.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good with good potential, I do say that it's a bit early to make any harsh judgement, it's also true that the game needs some time, I think people belive that games just pop out of existance sometimes. This is good and I will be waiting to see what's to come.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I guess this game is good for a quick laugh. But it is confusing to control and with what to do. In my first fight the enemies were a bit overwhelming. The first game over came with my first battle. I guess that is to be expected. Honestly I found this game to be a bit dumb. I played it maybe for 2 minutes, then just exited deleted it. This is just my humble opinion. I will give this one a hard pass.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    My review summarized: "Could be great, but it isn't. Don't let this game waste your time."

    This game has absolutely no idea what it wants to be, nor does it seem to have an effective path for arriving at whatever that end product is meant to be.

    The UI is cluttered and unintuitive. You can only use items on your mon if you go to the Monsters section of the menu, select the mon you want, and then select Use Item. If your natural instinct is to go to your Bag to use an item, you can't.

    The mechanics are painfully anti-player. While they seem to be attempting roguelike-esque difficulty, the developer has instead introduced tedium and confusion in place of engaging challenge. This is surprising, as there are many other Non-H games that have done a similar formula to this title without managing to make an experience that is irritating and wasteful of the player's time.

    For example, you are actively discouraged from fighting mons, especially in the beginning.

    You want to capture a new mon?
    You need to be able to fully defeat the entire party in the random encounter. The problem is that most of these encounters feature 4 mons that you need to fight, two of which are the evolved versions of the two other basic mons in that encounter. This means you are very unlikely to achieve victory. Furthermore, you do NOT gain levels from winning battles. In fact, you gain nothing except the chance to recruit a mon.

    What's the solution for this?
    Spend 10+ minutes running around the barren map with an insultingly bad stamina sprint system, all while clicking on random objects hoping you find items that can be consumed by your mons to insignificantly improve their stats. Oh, but each mon can only consume three of those items in total, so no you can't power-farm them up.

    I love difficult games. I love roguelikes, roguelites, and strategy games that really make me think. This game is not one of those experiences. I wholeheartedly do not understand the Dev's plan for this game, as the tagline for this monster-fighting, monster-breeding, monster-training game is, "Don't get bred by wild creatures."

    That says plenty imo.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I've been following this since the beginning of the year, and my hopes were pretty quickly let down. There's a TON of potential in a breeding focused pokemon-esque game, but when there's so little to the breeding part (currently just a struggle system and a looping animation with impregnation if you lose, but no cum animation or anything) and so little has changed since development started (only the struggle system and new enemies were added as far as the visible breeding goes) I lose interest quickly.

    It's a perfectly fine game, but when it doesn't deliver on what is supposed to be one of its integral parts, I just can't rank it well. There is still plenty of potential, but I feel the dev is really leaving out the "H" in a H-Game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    It has potential, but in its current state it is unsmokable.
    There are so many unnecessary ideas that it seems like they want to make a pokemon + roguelike + hentai; and get none at all.

    The design of the menus is the weakest, since there are many icons without order everywhere, and who knows which means what; Not to mention, it seems that it is more designed to be played with a mouse than a keyboard.

    The scenes, although moderately good, are nipped in the bud with that shitty mechanic that they put in for no reason: All your "heroines" die if... I don't know... You do exactly what you want to see: THE SCENES THEMSELVES. And if they all die you have to restart; Something terrible if you add the exaggeration of the size of the empty levels, and the confusion of the mechanics themselves (which are in a box at the beginning of the game, stuck together and very complicated to read).

    I'm already sounding terrible, but they already have donors, people who have already played the game... And it seems that not even those who created the game played it in the first place... It is awful
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, there is much to go wrong with a Pokemon Sex game, and I can assure that this one looks promissing. I hope to see it finished one day. The artwork is good, the gameplay is good and for sure the creativity is good.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Where's the H? I went all three lives without seeing any h scenes at all. On top of that, the gameplay is painfully slow. Takes like ten seconds each turn just to pick one of two actions and be treated to a 'bonk' sound effect. Simple combat is fine but at least speed it up
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Very interesting concept and gameplay, pokemon theme'd sex has been done before but not as much with an emphasis on breeding alien creatures. Lots of fetishes, pixel animated, combat sex, this title has a very promising future.

    Unfortunately, currently this H game is one of those that lacks understanding of the fundamental reason why people play H games. For example, getting into an animated loop only to get a game over screen because you chose to enjoy the H progression over playing the video game aspect which is essentially a pokemon clone. If the H game is attempting to dissuade you in a such a boner killing fashion to enjoy the H content, it fails to deliver on the main reason of it's existence and is likely doomed to forever keep you at best, edging.

    I would recommend to keep an eye on the changelog to see if this title changes into a more hentai friendly mindset. If not, this isn't really worth the playthrough outside of using a fullsave, as you'll be forced into losing your desire to fap just by initiating the H content in question and thus would only benefit by treating this title as a gallery game. Unless you really like playing yet another pokemon clone.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Fairly good gameplay and overall had a fun time playing it, just wish there was some more explanation of overall mechanics because it was a bit confusing at first, and while there were minor bugs I'm still rather excited to see how this game will develop and grow as time passes!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    As it currently stands, the game is basically a proof of concept, but that concept is incredibly promising. Currently, there's really only 3 zones, and given how early in development the game is, several systems aren't yet implemented fully (or at all). Despite that, it already has an engaging gameplay loop and I've put around 6 hours into it, and am eager for new updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Dev is working like a machine on it despite not being a full time dev.

    Systems have a ton of potential, though it's a bit buggy right now. It's the only game that has successfully married breeding kink and pregnancy fetish to the pokemon breeding system.

    If you like this game, as it is right now, you should also give Descendants of the Forest a look as while the gameplay is different they both have the genetics/breeding focus for getting better squads.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good concept. has a lot of potential to be a great game. the pixel work is fantastic, the sex seems are already numerous., and the tits are MASSIVE *_* Id love to see the developer do more with the cum scenes, and also being able to have sex with your own creatures
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    As it currently stands there is no point i playing this

    There is no XP to gain and no levels. In order to buff your mon you need fruits and to evolve you need stones of corresponding type. Unfortunately it's not explained how you're supposed to get these in the first place

    3/4 times you will need to flee the battle or you'll lose, if not due to enemies outnumbering you then you will get blasted by a evolved monster that will steamroll your whole team

    You only have 2 scouts to choose from and if both of them get fucked - quite literally - it's over
    There is an idea that sounds appealing but that is on paper and what's actually tangible leaves a lot to be desired
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I really don't know what to say about this. Having played other H-Pokemon titles, I guess I was expecting some sort of a familiar playstyle. Instead, I got whatever this is. What game there is, I would say is immensely unbalanced and confusing. And yes, I read the description about how this is rogue-like, you're not meant to level up, each time you play and get a game over you get some buffs that carry over to the next attempt, etc.

    I'll admit I played all of maybe 5 minutes. I started off, took the water-based scout, collected the supplies in the starter building, then went south down the road. Along the way I entered my first battle. I killed off 3 of the enemies in what seems like a never-ending pack, and then my Scout was raped, and then it was game over. I then took the second grass-based scout, and decided maybe I'm supposed to warm up on the grass immediately surrounding the starter building. I got into my first battle with that scout, and instantly was given game over, not even a chance to choose an attack action. Oh boy, you've lost both scouts, game over, replay again? Nah man, delete from hard drive.

    It's got a lot of work to do before I'd say it is remotely enjoyable to play. People need to stop giving 5 stars for their fantasy of what they hope a game will become in 3 more years of dedicated development and instead properly rate games for what they are, today, in reality.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I was sceptical, I had hoped to have been taught better then to try alpha games..

    but, as early release as it is, the game is actually fun already as-is.
    (heck i've gotten more play and fun out of it so far then some 'completed' games).
    Its short and basic right now. but I do actually recommend. I'm giving it a 4 for current gameplay. hoping to update to a 5 soon.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent idea, after trying the game I loved the theme and what catches my attention is what can be added later. Without a doubt, a great proposal and if you continue in this way, you can be sure that you have my full support.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    I have to balance out these reviews, this is getting out of hand. People are expecting much for a 0.01 release to showcase the general idea of what the game is, though people are expecting a full-fledged bugless experience already! How can the developer fix bugs if he doesn't know what the bugs are without us playtesting it? :/
    This is a 0.01 release.
    It has sexy pixel animations and a proof of concept gameplay very similar to that of Pokemon with entering long grass to fight Pokemans. The evolved variants of these Poke's want the trainer, Scout, for pleasure and breeding! The developer has made known they want to add Stables where said breeding can take place, and are working on that. My favourite aspect of this game without a doubt is the battlefuck system, where your trainer can "take the brunt" of an evolved enemies desires to help balance the fight. Its really well made and I can't wait to see all the variations of Pokemon that'll fuck our trainer... as well as future trainers planned!

    Please PLEASE stop giving this release a bad review because its a buggy bad game. Its a 0.01. We shouldn't even be reviewing in the first place.

    In future updates, I'll rewrite this to reflect.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    racecar tacocat

    Good bones for a start. Also, for the love of god, download the MEGA version. It's updated with the camera bug patch that people keep complaining about (the dev even made a post saying that, but yall can't read i guess).