Unity - Onhold - Eld [v1.0.11] [introspurt]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Eld is a top tier game and I highly recommend any readers to give it a try. The game play is surprisingly high quality and the scenes are fantastic. The setting is very unique which pairs beautifully with the great execution in art. I am disappointment this game is not receiving updates but still enjoyed the play through.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played on here across multiple axes. The RPG elements are all solid, gathering and crafting and base improvements and character acquisitions, the sexual collection mechanics are fun and interesting, and the sex content is solid - relative to other games, it's great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    These may the bestest point & click RPG game, I have played after Dohna Dohna. The porn is smoothly opt in with story and the execution is very well-done + great mechanic making it immerse to play. The art is good thou, I might say western-style cartone with bit anime vibes.

    Story 5/5: The action and the H-content blended flawlessly, combining genocide survivor struggle, politics and sex-driven creature. My intrusive thought said this how better eld creature handle prisonner of war than human, lol. This potential long story rich game, I predict could spend ~15 hour or more to play all content in after the next chapter drop.

    Art 5/5: It vivid, animated, sharp and memorable. It combined western cartoon style with minor focal of anime art feature. Melphi seem mediocre at first, turn out great figure and heavy fap-able. Gramps is awesome figure it wise and reliable.

    UI 4/5: The aesthetic is great, useable but I still found bit struggle at first. Auto-save is somewhat good.

    Sound 4/5: Well-placed with the terrain theme, it giving vibe in playing and prefectly composed for scene scenery.

    Gameplay 5/5: Little to grind, more like typical medieval RPG take quest, gather resource, craft certain item to step up to next event and loop but executed well even brain of h-enjoyer like me get jolt (especially idea to mine resource using tentacle). Not pushy to level up. The complement I could find, how they design game is marvelous, the play nudge me to upgrade here and there without explicitly telling me - like invisible hand guide me.

    Overall, 5/5. This game is great, worth to buy it. Waiting for next chapter.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 7/10
    Darkest Dungeons-like style combat is pretty cool and satisfying. Currently, it lacks deepness, but that's ok, it's just a beta and I believe it will be improved later.
    Then it comes to management, it's pretty much the same situation. The idea of managing captives and maintaining their lust, fear, and other stats is very good in my opinion, but for now, it's a little too repetitive but still satisfying.

    Graphics: 10/10
    As always, absolutely fantastic. The art style is top tier in my opinion, just as in CK. Every scene brings satisfaction.

    Story: 10/10
    Fantastic writing. Great story which I really enjoyed. Even better than CK story. Dialogues are cool and I never had a need for skipping anything. What's also worth to mention, we actually have a story-driven reason for keeping sex slaves captive.

    Technical quality: 10/10
    No bugs. Great performance.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Digitalis Purpurea

    At the time of this review, only the demo version is playable, which is 5-10% of the projected final game according to what the dev said on NG.

    First time making a review on this site, i really hope this game will reach his final version; i rarely buy H-games but i would gladly pay a reasonable amount for a game of this quality if it was finished.

    H-scenes/Art : Very good, some are animated; i found some scenes are a bit short with not enough dialogs but it may be personal taste, and since there are so many different scenes it's not that much of an issue.

    Gameplay : It's Darkest dungeon but simplified, and with a system of capturing and managing the "special treatment" of the different girls you find in battle.
    Very little grinding.
    Some crafting (Items, troops and consumables for combat and the girls management).
    Combat may be a bit too easy (not too braindead either tho), since combat mecanics are good i believe it would benefit from a difficulty setting.

    Story and characters : Clearly the strongest side of the game in my opinion.
    The story is better than most H-games, being on the side of the Eldritch stuff that terrorize everyone is kinda cool.
    Characters have actual personnalities each with their own... "uniqueness" let's say.
    The main character is not a nice candid wimp boy without being too serious either.

    Overall great game without real weaknesses, would probably be one of the best h-game i've played if it was finished; and even in his current state, i would recommend playing it since there is enough content to spend roughly 6-8hours if you don't skip dialogs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice art and voice acting. Gameplay is simple; not flashy, but not a drag either. Pretty sensible gameplay loop and the writing pretty inoffensive for an H game. Will definitely watch further progress on this one, as it has a lot of potential.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The only reason I play introspurt's games is the sex scenes and art, sadly this game doesn't deliver in this regard, whereas pretty much all of his previous games had several great scenes each, this one didn't really had a single one that stood out too me, perhaps I missed some, but not letting users view all of the scenes in gallery is just asking for some stuff to be skipped (given how many people in this community cheat in games to skip the grind and often boring gameplay), not that his other games had good gameplay either, it's all boring grind stopping you from enjoying the art.

    He should just stop doing games and focus on making animations.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The fact there is a porn game of this quality out there simply blows my mind, and I'm disappointed as well as a bit surprised I'd not heard about it until I stumbled across it by complete chance. I'm not exactly familiar with the Developer's previous works, if what can be found in Eld is a sign, I do have some more games to check out in the future.

    Warning, slight spoilers for the game ahead.

    1. The Plot and the basic background for this game is interesting. The idea of an Eldritch abomination adopting a child is something I've never seen played with before, much less played straight as a seemingly caring parent, enough to the point that they were willing to grow an entire town and population for said child to grow up in. From there, the plot is fairly simplistic, but still solid.
    2. Combat is fairly straightforward, though clearly build around having more party members than you have available in the earlier parts of the story, which can negatively effect early difficulty. Outside of then, I wouldn't consider the combat all that interesting. Really, I find it a bit repetitive. Which isn't bad, but has it's issues.
    3. The army/area defense mode really feels like something tacked on. This could be expanded in the full release, but I don't know how effective of a system it would actually be.
    4. There are parts that feel a bit too grindy. Hitting the proper balance between rewarding the player for their efforts and just creating busywork can be difficult, and Eld mostly makes that balance. Outside of the sudden level spike towards the end of the Demo, things mostly feel balanced once you have a full team.
    5. On that note, I do feel that the level curve might need to be flattened a bit towards the end, but that's just me.
    6. However, despite the few flaws that are frankly nitpicks compared to what I've seen out of other porn games, they are more than made up for by the high quality animations, excellent art, and interesting cast of characters. It probably does help that tentacles are a fetish of mine, so I'm inherently biased.
    And how did Gramps get that tentacle arm of his?
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The most promising game of the last year, it's on Beta as of writting this review and it's already the best game of the year.

    At first glance, if you look at the previews and art style, the game does look promising, but guess what? It exceeds by far those expectations.

    The art style is very good and it's also very unique. The expressions and animations are more than you can ask for a +18 game, I myself who don't like poor quality graphics in these types of games, love the style and can't get enough of it.

    In an adult game, the most important is to find the perfect balance of play and fuck, this game is absolutely perfect in this department. It's a fun, well done game with easy to understand mechanics, interesting enough to want to know more and get better, while not being too complicated or frustrating.

    I like games where you have to "work" for it, whilst not having mindless pussy thrown at your face. If I wanted that, I could just watch porn, but I need to feel as if I am the one doing it, and this is the closest you will get to that.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Exceeded Expectations. 4h in right now, still plenty of gameplay to go.

    Great Art, fun Slave/Breeding mechanics

    Combat quick enough that it is not too painful.

    Grind is mostly fine.

    Cheat button
    Erotic Attacks during combat
    option to skip text
    option to replay videos you have already seen
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Art and animation is excellent

    Story and setting were pretty interesting to me

    Lot of content and looks to have a massive scope for the game, expect roughly 20 mins before getting the first H scene with plenty more available once you start capturing girls to "harvest"
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best out there, no doubt. Not much on this website even comes close. Even better than a lot of the Japanese H-games with a budget and dev team. Hits a lot of the stuff I'm interested in and marries the mechanics with the narrative effectively. Dialogue can be just a little spotty here and there, but that's entirely a personal opinion, some other people may not have any issue with some of the dialogue that I thought was just a bit too on the nose. H-scenes are great, and the writing in those is very good imo. Hope to see a full release one day.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice gameplay, kinda fucked up story, but you are the son of the main villan and you fight everyone obviously, you have a companion who is a total crack head, but her crack is called tentacle sex, she's a goddamn lunatic and everyone even you notice this, but she is helpful trough the story I guess, lmaoooooooooo, the H-scenes are HIGH QUALITY, like the other works of Introspurt. Despite this being an unfinished demo and the first time this dev uses Unity to get used to the code and the programming stuff, the game shines far above most turn based nonsense you find on this site. 5/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art with some well animated scenes along with high quality writing. My only real complaint is that the battle system feels like a watered down version of Darkest Dungeon, but there's still time for that to improve in a later update. This game is worth it if you enjoy tentacle stuff.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, absolutely incredible. The most promising new game I have seen in years.

    Eld is a game in which you play as the adopted mortal offspring of an eldritch tentacle thing.

    The story begins and your "parent" gets magically nuked by the combined forces of the 4 races of this world. However, a small part of it survives and since this is a porn game the only thing that can strenghten it is hot steamy sex with female participants of varying levels of enthusiasm.

    Your job is to capture and breed your enemies while fighting back against the invading forces and taking revenge.

    The gameplay is broken up into tile-based overworld exploration with randomized, static enemy and resource placement and turn based RPG style fighting. It's a very solid foundation that I am looking forward to see expanded upon.

    The sex scenes are incredibly well made and literally every single female enemy has at least 5 scenes (2 with you, 3 with the tentacles) and the unique ones have more. The regular ones mostly have static shots but the unique ones have fully animated ones remeniscent of Zone-style animation.

    Cannot wait to see where this is going!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's something great in the making, I respect the precise artistic details that make it less rough around the edges than other games, especially UI and animations big or small. Clearly a passion project and the gameplay loop is done, just needs more content :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wait why is my porn game actually good o_O
    This game is legitimately just fun to play with fantastic art!
    keep up the amazing work this is really good :D
    One thing is make it a toggle in settings to be able to rewatch capture scenes!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Put over 2 hours into the game and I can already see that this is one of the best games from Newgrounds I have ever played. I loved Crimson Keep and was disappointed to hear that it was getting delayed until Eld was done or maybe more, but man was it worth the wait. Seriously I could play this game for hours on end if I had the time, forget adult game, this is one of my favorite games of the entire year, period. Am I being a little quick to judegement? Perhaps, but I swear every game this guy makes is golden.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good animations, good if grindy gameplay, and nice and working plot. This makes is a really good game if you're into tentacle fun guy.
    Capture girls, breed them for lust energy and tentacle troops (not used for breeding), repeat.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun gameplay, amazing art.
    Seriously, the "harvesting" animations and images are some of the best I've seen done in 2D.

    I wish there was a way to see which monsters drop which items so farming stuff for quests would be easier, but that is anyways a pretty small part of the game.