Unity - Completed - Elf Sex Farm [v2.01] [R's]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    At the begining I was a bit confused about waht to do. But I quicly understood that this game can only progress through each mission that you receive.
    The gameplay is'nt bad, if your looking for a game to expen time, this will take you a few hours to complete.

    If you were more interested in the NSFW part of it, i suggest you look for something else, nsfw scenes are verry limited, repetitive and not very interesting. Almost all of the girls are treated more like farm stock than lovers, i'm not a huge fan of sharing, so I din't enjoy too much any of the elves except for the one you have from the start.

    It's very grindy at times, and it takes some time to get used to it's mechanics.
    The worst part of it is picking up things, if you haver evver played games like Minecraft or stardew Valley you will be used to walking over things to pick tthem up. Here you have to do it by hand, one by one, with the same button you use to move, so... yeah, it kinda sucks.

    Nontheless, i'd say that the dev worked hard on it, all it's systems work well, and the gameplay is entertaining most of the time. I'd give it a 6/10
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    + Collect ressoucres, go hunting. Plant and harvest crops. Earn money, buy new upgrades and things.
    + Quests based on collecting and crafting materials. Feels like a lifesim.
    - Heavy merciless manual labor. In late game, the grind gets even worse.
    - No automation. Huge imbalance between grind and rewards.

    Frequency of Scenes:
    - Not rewarding based on how much you need to grind. Scenes are just a byproduct in this game.

    + The amount is low. Which is positive, because personally I am not into VN-like text amounts. Besides the grinding is heavy. VN-like text would make it double hard on the player.

    --> All in one: Maybe 2 or 3 points out of 10. The execution is horrible, no rewards for grind. No automation, it won't get easier, but the grind will be even worse as you progress. You can look into this game and play it a bit. It is a little bit fun. But when you reach a point where you think: "Ugh, the grind is heavy", then stop playing. Don't hope/wait for it to get better. Because it will get only worse. So, basically have in mind: For me, the very low rating is caused by the heavy and not-rewarding grind.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Elf Sex Farm is a "Don't Starve" like game game with some porn elements. The goal of this game is to build a flying boat to leave where you are.

    For this, you will have an elf for the tutorial, to help you and sex relief. The game is centered about quests as at first you do not have any knowledge in farming or building. You will attain your goals by resolving quests and increase your relations with your neighborhood.

    + "Don't starve" like game
    > rare enough, nicely implemented, that makes the game unique in today's porn games environment. Also the controls, once you are familiar with them, are nice.

    + Good balance
    > there is a day/night cycle that is nicely balanced by not making you rushing all the time, once you do not forget to have some spare food, you can focus on fulfilling the quests

    + Nice Difficulty
    > financially, there is none ; but the heart of the game is in the Don't starve gameplay, so I don't mind crops worthing 1$ to give me in a day 30$. Exploring is a little dangerous at various point of the game, so it balances out.

    + Story
    > Not Dark Souls. The story induces all quests, which makes them straightforward. The NPCs have one goal and you can help them; and you can benefit from helping them from optional tasks : Sex scenes for female ones, money/exp for the male. You will not have two hours of reading to uncover the story, and it stays consistent. Fair enough for me.

    ~ Quests
    > In my second playthrough, I found the quests nicely balanced. For my first playthrough, I agree with the others saying that some requirements are just time consuming. All in all, the only thing you will lose are some in-game days, that can be frustrating as you can't skip days, and just watching your elves managing the farm is not very fun. You'll have some sex scene at the end of the day to pay for it.

    - tutorials
    > tutorials are made with images and you do not see at first where they are if you want to check them again. I died at my first tries because some mechanics were not clear enough ; and by other ratings, I was not the only one that found that the tutorial was not on point. BUT, after understanding how it plays, the pictured tutorials actually helped me a lot on some middle-late game mechanics.

    - sex scenes
    > you wanna play a sociopath ? I don't. Sex scenes are .... of a certain taste ? there is bestiality, and you unlock more and more BDSM stuff (very huge sex toys, deprivation tools, ...) , you can like it or not. I hated the texts personally. The hero seems to be nothing more than a tormentor.

    Finally, the game is a little time consuming, kinda unique in the Don't starve style for a porn game and easy. At some points the game loses you (livestock handling and how to create an elf house, for me) which can be infuriating. But if you play the game again, it will be real breeze. I would rate it 4 stars as I actually liked playing it.

    I give a 5-star review as this game can be very enjoyable, and do not deserve to be rated less than many other that were made without any efforts nor imagination.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Elf Sex Farm, aside from the odd name, suffers from being too simple, and that it's caught in this weird limbo between being a survival management game and a porn game. The pornography is okay, at best. The style is tiringly generic, and I usually just skipped through it. The majority of the gameplay is survival and management. You add maids, workers, and elves to manage your increasingly large farm and managing their nutritionary needs while you work towards creating an airship to run off to another land in with your elf slaves in tow.

    There's no plot, and actually finishing the game accomplishes nothing for you. It neither unlocks scenes nor introduces new ones. The game eventually hits this stagnancy where you just stand around while your dozens of slaves manage your farm for you.
    Cheating doesn't unlock any scenes, you have to manually work through the entire questline to encounter all three of the other slave elves and individually go through all of the scenes. I played this game for what I can only conclude to be far too long. I wasted too much time trying to get to a goal that I could see, but was ultimately meaningless. The disappointment that filled me on seeing the ending scene was devastating.

    Thus, I rate this game as poor. Perhaps there could be more to this, but the issue is that one of the core things 'sex' is too alien. It allows you to just 'generate' livestock, once every two days, but that saves you about 65 gold at best, something you could earn easily by just working the farm, mining, or doing other things. If they could incorporate sex into the game properly, perhaps it would not be so lackluster and dull, leaning onto their erotic aspect to cover their bland ass gameplay.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The grind is horrible. Either have npcs request half the amount of items or reduce the quests per npc by 50% this is just not fun. Having a game last this long without any meaningful content is just bad
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    After playing this for far longer than I probably needed to to get completion and do all the quests, it's honestly pretty average. I've got a few complaints and wants from it that kept me from really enjoying anything as I felt way too busy managing shit in the first hour or 2 to actually focus on getting any CG's. I'm just gonna jot down what I thought about certain things for the sake of it, might as well do it as a review.

    1. I don't thing the fact that you can sleep with Yumi to get P points is well communicated, I just ended up sleeping with the icon in the bottom right for like the first week or 2. Turns out the option is in the upper left corner after you click on the bedroom (and later the [living room?] and BDSM room), all my P points were coming from quests which really limited what I was unlocking at the time and I felt if I unlocked something I didn't need to I could soft lock

    2. Milk Bread is honestly one of the better recipe's early on and roughly in general if you've got the milk for it, the problem lies with getting the milk for it. You don't get a steady supply of automatable milk until you've unlocked what's essentially the cows. Personally hand-milking each elf a few times a day gets incredibly tedious after a couple days, for whatever reason elf milk just stays where it drops and nobody will pick it up to carry it to the chest, leaving you to just do that extra couple seconds each time to pick it up. I didn't see the Milking Machine actually do anything gameplay wise, it's just a scene in the bdsm room as far as I could tell, doing the scene doesn't give you any milk and it's not a building you can place that the elves will milk themselves at automatically.
    -- As of 2.0 an auto-milker was added so having to hand milk your elves constantly is no longer a valid complaint

    3. there's not really a way to reduce the damage you take. no armor system, sometimes the enemies will hit you after they've died (this is especially bad with kobolds) all you really can do is just stock up on injury herb or healing potions wayyyy later to just outheal whatever hits you. there's also no auto health regen as far as I could tell, I didn't really pay much attention to it but I didn't notice my health come back after a day of doing nothin but chopping trees or watching the farmers do shit all day, you have to eat something that gives you health back, not even sleeping regens it.

    4. Near the end of the game you get crystal tools and a boomstick, the axe and pickaxe are much better upgrades breaking things down in roughly 3 hits to the normal 7, the boomstick 1 hits all enemies doing 30 damage and at range to boot. The crystal sword is supposed to be the upgrade to your spear, issue is it does 21 damage where the spear does 15, reasonable upgrade you may think. No, it isn't, everything still takes 2 hits to take down, you're better off skipping the crystal sword and keeping the spear until boomstick unless you want it just to have it. I didn't even notice an attack speed increase or anything.

    5. The Automation AI is decent, nothing impressive. you can't make anyone go chop down wood or hunt the rabbits in the area for their meat or milk your elves, there's no auto butchering animals, it's pretty much picking up anything on the ground, feeding animals, and planting/watering/harvesting crops. The little calendar lookin thing at the top opens up a menu where you can check what things you want them to automatically do, which is nice to a point. you can set them to automatically cook things but the only thing that will get auto cooked if you just leave it alone and don't interfere beyond buying seeds are jams and wheat gruel, jams and gruel only need the base harvest and to be thrown in a pot. I checked off bread thinking they'd mill it first but no, they just wait until you've gotten the flour by milling it yourself.
    made a mistake here, you set them to automatically put things out on the table and what you have checked on the food table is what they'll take out of the chest to put on the serving table, I thought it was what they'd auto-cook and checking the table was just letting them take whatever food was available in the chest over to the table. Player has to cook everything for the food table.

    6. elf pregnancy only happens if you do the scene for the specific elf for the night, and birth happens on second viewing of the scene. I can sorta see why this wasn't just "they give birth every couple days" even if in the story of the game, like 3 of them are getting railed every night by the farm beasts, cause you'd end up with a ton of extra animals that just sit in you're chest. Actually going back to automation for a second, births don't get automatically picked up from the ground either, they just sit in front of the house of whatever elf gave birth. unfertilized eggs don't do anything as far as I could see, they're just sell fodder.

    7. Pigs eat too much, breed too fast, and grow too slow to be sustainable without a large amount of meat grinders and a pretty solid dedications to getting meat yourself. I don't think there's any way to automate getting meat so that duty is up to you, as is most of the material harvesting. My pigs kept dying because you can't butcher young animals and they kept eating all the feed, I couldn't keep up with what was needed. honestly just keep chickens and cows, all they need is grass feed and thats easily automated with grass seeds and grass grinders, cows may give less meat but it's ultimately more sustainable.

    8. You can't go sleep with any of the Shopkeepers a 2nd time. after the first time the option is just locked off and relegated to the gallery. I honestly think I may have enjoyed just plowing a couple of them whenever I got tired of my elves.

    This has been mostly nitpicks and issues with the game, honestly negative impressions and memories tend to stick harder than positive ones, but overall it hits certain fetishes and scratches the itch you might want, Protag is pretty sadistic in his thoughts and actions but none of them really seemed to be just genuinely harmful intent. From what I could tell he cared for his slaves to an extent and was just sadistic in his sexual proclivities, there's not really any unnecessary beating or berating.

    All in all I think I ended up starting this around like midnights and finishing it around 3pm? 5pm? I ended up taking my time with it and not being too optimized goin through it, think I played it longer than it had any right to be played, there wasn't even really a reward CG for completing it either, just a "we're on our way and I've got more peeps to take care of" with a splash screen of you in a balloon ship. Pretty simple, but ultimately pretty meh, I don't think I would end up recommending this to anyone
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a mediocre english translation and just jumps you right in the middle of the woods in a survival type scenerio with no difficulty. The game needs an in depth tutorial about whats going on and how to progress. Your just dropped in the middle of it and left to figure it out. I wouldnt rate so poor but its a completed game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game looks amazing but is actually quite boring. Elf Sex Farm has less emphasis on "sex" and more on "farm".

    Story 3/10

    You're a nobleman who fell in love with your elf sex slave. So you ran away from home to marry her. To truly escape you want to cross the sea, but you can't do it through conventional means since you eloped. So you need to build a flying ship of your own. You decide to start a farm to build this flying ship.

    Elves in this game have evolved to love and desire sex. And there's legal slavery. Some of the elves you add to your farm are literally finder's keepers. The idea of elves generically and/or mentally requiring sex is interesting, but not enough to carry this game.

    Each of the 4 elves you can add to your farm comes with a mini backstory. But their backgrounds are extremely shallow.

    I did not finish this game. It was taking too much time and too much grind so I don't actually know what happens when you finally finish your ship.

    Gameplay 3/10

    The game looks like Don't Starve and kinda plays like Don't Starve, but it's very different. There's no real difficulty, the game's really easy. My main gripe is that it's extremely grindy.

    There's 1 main map where your farm is, and 4 auxiliary maps which contains a town where you buy supplies and other side characters required to advance the story. However, the gameplays basically consists of a bunch of fetch quests where you have to cook 10 salads or 5 boba milk teas. Each request is new so you need to start farming this item on your farm. Which takes forever.

    I got to a point where two NPCs were requesting cooked steak and honey glazed steak which required... large meat. So I had to start growing grass, cut the grass, process it into meal, add a cow shed, add a cow trough, add a watering hole, then... wait. Wait for the cows to eat and grow so I can cut them up and get large meat. This is just straight up wall clock time you have to wait. Then the next quest required chicken cutlets, which required erecting a chicken coop, etc. etc. Very grindy.

    There's some amount of automation in this game where the elves will plant and pick things up. You can also hire more help to plant or pick things up. But they won't buy more seeds, you have to do this yourself. They won't put a new cow in the cow shed, you have to do this yourself. They won't kill adult cows, you have to do this yourself. And really, this is just grindy. Daily actions you have to take.

    There are day and night, but it's really not important. Night is important where that's the only time to get a new sex scene, but that's just more waiting you have to do.

    Lastly, there's no tutorial. I played half the game without any extra elves or hired help because I didn't know I had to place them on the ground. Whoda thunk it?

    Art 5/10

    The art style is to my taste. Busty petite is where it's at. But the art is just too formulaic and boring in the context of the game. Each night you can select a scene. Scenes which you purchase with points. Each scenes is just... kinda there. Sure, it's a scene, but why am I playing this game? The sex and the game need to be intermingled. Not just literal nighttime activities.

    Overall 3/10

    I'm in a management phase where I want to play management games. But not like this. This is just grindy Harvest Moon.

    There's no time counter so I can only guess, but I'd estimate that I've put 10-15 hours into this game. For what? A smattering of night time sex scenes here and there?

    To make a better game, they need to add full automation to eliminate the grind. They also need to integrate the sex into the gameplay. Why else am I playing an h-game? What kind of elf sex farm is focused on growing pineapples and pigs and cooking blueberry bagels? 95% of your time is spent doing just that.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    If you think of it as Don't Starve / Stardew Valley with some porn added instead of a proper porn game its not that bad. Complete quests, unlock new stuff, rinse and repeat.

    Things can be a little tedious but the late game is designed around using your elves (and hired servants) to automate much of the tasks, particularly farming and gathering. Not too bad once you figure out the mechanics.

    Art is okay, translation is also good enough.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    It was impossible to play due the huge amount of visual glitches and bugs. The idea on the paper seems interesting but because of the game breaking bugs it's imposible to me to judge properly the gameplay.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Played this one for about 1 hour.
    It really lacks on guide or intuitive design.

    - The idea is very good.
    - Animations are acceptable.
    - Farm ambience is good.

    - Not self explanatory or intuitive mechanics.
    - The "fight to not starve" thing is really annoying.
    - You will need to take care of your elves, they don't even collect fruit for themselves. So they will be useless for you after certain time while you try to guess the game mechanics.
    - The fruits and milk you can use at first are not enough to survive.

    The game looks good, but needs a lot of work on details to teach the player the basics.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    What the micromanagement dick limping stardew wanabe shit is this? The hunger system is just so time consuming and takes to much time in this game like really all im doing is trying not to die of hunger and trying to keep everyone from starving too... If i wanted to play the sims id p[ay the sims but hey at least their is cheat codes in that and tons of mods and not this fml system... If the hunger system was different i wouldn't mind the game but my god its like trying to save the kids from uganda from south park...
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Klaas Reyms

    Fun Game with nice Scenes.
    Can be played with only one Hand.

    A bit puzzled at first, but actually reading what they tell me did the Trick for me.

    You need to unlock Recipes and Stuff and follow the Quest to gain more Stuff to unlock. A Solid Game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    After playing for about hour
    I can say This is little farmer with wife the game

    You can spend little time improving ur farm but bad part is dealing with hunger

    You need to automate your farm at early game I sure early game most game going to be like this but once you deal with early game you gonna be better

    I also giving more Star for the game to stand out from other game but the bad part are

    Little off Translation
    I might not graduate with Grade A in English but it very noticeable

    Read the quest carefully otherwise you will be lost
    First time u might be lost if you not read the dialogue carefully

    The porn part are alright
    It not bad nor good and it also part of the gameplay

    4 Out of 5 Stars for me
    Trying to be little indie game (literally Don't Starve) with porn but don't stress too much of survival is good but I feel like there something missing. Not about bad translation but maybe more sexual content or maybe some gameplay. Something I can not describe

    *Actually late game u doing too many stuff u forget to feed ever growing workers and elf of your sooo this stress alittle but if u dont have enough something

    Get more of it until you have enough
    I wish I could vote for 3.5 but 4 for being indie game about production management
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The steam trailer really made this look interesting, and from the 2hours and 30minutes I've spent. I lost track of time.

    As the description suggest, this game is a farm simulator first and foremost. You'll spend a good chunk of your time doing quests, unlocking recipes, and expanding your farm's infrastruture. The game doesn't allow you to focus on the H-scenes too much, since you're constantly trying to feed your wife, your farm hands, and yourself. At least, that was what I'm still doing as of writing this review.

    The art is nice, in my opinion. It's not animated.

    There is automation, your farm hands will help you collect what you leave behind on the farm. Everywhere else, you have to manually collect. They will help you water the plants, help you transfer food onto the table, and feed themselves. Really, a well done, indie farm simulator with Hot busty elves and ladies on the side as a bonus.

    The english could use some work though, but it's very understandable in it's current state.