This is not worth my time.. This is not worth anybody's time..! How can this be rated "Very Positive" on Steam??
Now that we're over that fact, we usually turn to porn games instead of simply watching porn is for the interactivity or the challenge. This has neither of those.
Using left click to draw lines while listening to some annoying BGM is not more, but LESS exciting or meaningful, than clicking on images on Sankaku Chan while listening to Spotify, since there at least you can choose your own poison..
There's only one other genre I understand the existence of it less, and that's hidden object games, but this one comes close second to that. Spare yourself and look up some nsfw elf artworks on Google or something, you'll have a better time, I promise...
Now that we're over that fact, we usually turn to porn games instead of simply watching porn is for the interactivity or the challenge. This has neither of those.
Using left click to draw lines while listening to some annoying BGM is not more, but LESS exciting or meaningful, than clicking on images on Sankaku Chan while listening to Spotify, since there at least you can choose your own poison..
There's only one other genre I understand the existence of it less, and that's hidden object games, but this one comes close second to that. Spare yourself and look up some nsfw elf artworks on Google or something, you'll have a better time, I promise...