Unity - Completed - Elven Conquest Part 2 [Final] [Pink Tea Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This one's a little worse compared to the first title. The reason why the first one was good is precisely because it was short, simple and to the point. But once you stretch out this kind of a game, the flaws become more apparent and that's what we got with the sequel.

    The main downside is the grind and some lack of clear male-dom fantasy exploration when that is supposed to be the bread and butter of this genre. It's not bad though, which is why I give it an average rating. The scenes are still decent, the art style is still good, the story is still stupid.

    If you've played the first one, then you know what you're getting.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    + First of all: A little bit better than the first game, since you have more to explore and more to do.
    + You still need to train girls. But this time, it is a whole town (That said, it is only 4 girls)
    +/- Some management aspects were added, like money management and working. But very simple and barely worth to mention.
    - Repetitive.

    Frequency of Scenes:
    +/- Scenes exist. But again, they somehow didn't feel rewarding considering the whole gameplay.

    - Again, some scenes have too much text. It is important to decide what type of game a game shall be. A mix of something results in nothing in the end. It just oberwhelms or annoys the player.

    --> All in one, only a little bit better than the first game. But still, you won't miss anything, if you skip this game. 3 of 10.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Compared to the previous game (Elven conquest 1) I'd say it's significantly worse.

    Music, art and animations are the same quality as before but the story is terrible. It's completely absurd, and as a result I just can't bring myself to be interested in anything that is happening. (Spoilers ahead) Basically you're the elves' captive but at the same time you're the one enslaving them? It really is as nonsensical as it sounds.

    You're supposed to be their worst enemy that killed and enslaved thousands of them but they just let you go around freely and all seem to love you for some reason. Also the characters are not as sexy as in the previous game.

    Thankfully at the very end you capture the city and you train the elf queen, so finally you get some content that makes sense and she actually looks good so if you agree with what I've said earlier just skip chapters 1 through 4 and play only the last one. The entire game should have been an extended Rhiannon training, it worked so well last time, why change a good formula?
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    High quality game with a few frustrating design choices. Art and UI are very good. Sex scenes are varied and plentiful. Length is satisfying, though it has some unfortunately mandatory grind. It presents itself as a sort of sandbox, but is extremely linear. The story is intended to be male-dom focused, but the majority of the game has you being dommed by the queen. I think these issues exemplify the core problem: the game seems to have a specific vision in mind (male-dom power fantasy trainer sandbox), but the actual content is frequently at odds with those goals, resulting in a muddled experience. Contrast with Elven Conquest 1, which was smaller scope but much more on target. Still, it's a genuinely good game overall. Just disappointing that it seemed to make such obvious missteps after EC1.
    Likes: mc247
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Laid back game with nice scenes both consensual and coerced. The 2d art is actually pretty decent with the exception of some weird proportions and distortions in some scenes but overall very good animations.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Like many people had said already, the writing is worse than the 1st game but, I suppose that's your typical porn game story anyway.

    Things I liked the most:

    - New fetishes (would have liked to see more feetjob and futa though).

    - The art style (it was kept faithful to the 1st game).

    - Faye's and Seraphine's cameo.

    - The Queen finally being humilliated at the end (among other things).

    Things I liked the least:

    - At the end of the 1st game, the Elf Queen was literally begging for the Dark Lord to not declare war on the Elven Kingdom, because its people were "peaceful" and "weren't made for war".

    Yet, the protagonist still made an unnecessary, complicated plan to conquer the kingdom from the inside (when, supposedly, he had the enough power and a big enough army to conquer the kingdom immediately), losing the war on purpose. It's like, if they repeated again the story of "Slave Lords of the Galaxy" but, uninspiring and rushed (not to mention I didn't like the ending sequence in this game as much as the previous ones, especially the ones from the 1st and 2nd game).

    - Speaking of the ending sequence... Rhiannon's training wasn't half as satisfying as Selene's training from SLotG (Slave Lords of the Galaxy), why?

    Because you only have 2 actions per day in a time lapse of 7 days (in other words, you can't modify her "personality" at your will like the other games, by "ranking her up", the game doesn't allow that), not to mention the humilliations and tortures you do to her just feel... not as despair-inducing as the ones you did to the pink haired chick from the 1st game or Selene from the 2nd one (many times, Rhiannon is even smiling or seeming to enjoy it, even since Day 1).

    Faye's training was also more satisfying as she didn't smile or semeed to enjoy it (at 1st least, unlike Rhiannon), plus, it was fun to see the different outcomes depending on how you treated the couple (Faye and Seraphine) and their final relationship between them and you, eventually breaking them in a satisfying way.

    - The animations are alright I suppose, but I barely saw any improvement from the 1st game (in other words, the animations could have been smoother).

    - The gameplay and dialogues are just as repetitive as in the 1st game; I was expecting more dialogue lines that would trigger depending on the situation and on your decisions (also, I was expecting something more varied, like minigames or something like that, to make the game more interactive).

    Overall, it was a good sequel and I hope they keep improving with their next projects.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Another Pink Tea game, another banger.
    You can surely nitpick the simplified gameplay, illogical behavior and surely some other weaknesses, but those are minor flaws in my eyes.
    Overall the story is fun to follow and over-arches multiple games, the characters and scenes are diverse and well crafted and it's all not packed into a grindfest.
    I find it hard to find anything to actually dislike about this game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly a pretty good game. I don't think this game has any real negatives except that figuring out what to do until this next thing happens can be hard to figure out without a guide compared to the first game which was pretty clear cut thanks to the quest log.

    The animations in these games though are top notch absolutely amazing animations. The girls are absolutely beautiful and the story is pretty good. I felt there was a lot more to do in this one along with more girls. But, I felt there was less corruption in the sense that it didn't feel like you were really doing anything I guess. None the less you still get the results at least.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    As i played through most of Pink Tea Games, and before playing this game, i played through the previous installment as well, Elven Conquest Part 2 have ties with the previous games that the dev have developed, so you might not get what's going on if you didn't played through the previous games beforehand.

    As for the game itself, the core mechanics is the same as Elven Conquest: Elf Trainer where you are the Dark Lord/ Slave Lord and you are on a conquest to make the elven kingdom succumbed to slavery.

    The game took about 3 hours to beat, without cheats and reading the whole dialogue. I have to say it is by no means better than the previous game, since the previous game ( Elven Conquest: Elf Trainer ) had more oompf factor, the character's have more development in my opinion and more expression to "I'm fucked". However, that being said it is by no means a bad sequel of a possible series with more installment. I just felt, like it needed more, story-wise atleast (or im just a sucker to blondes and there's none in the part 2), since the graphics, the ui and gameplay is much better, where the grind to level up stats and earn money is easier, it took me at average 4-5 days to progress to the next chapter. I do hope that
    there's a part 3 to the story in the future since I don't really enjoy the ending of the story particularly.

    All in all i recommend it, especially if you enjoyed the whole "Slave Lord " Universe/multiverse, that the dev's are creating.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Better than Expected

    Yes the story could be better. Yes some of the animations leave you wanting to change positions, or maybe you prefer vaginal vs anal, or anal vs vaginal. However overall the Game was quite entertaining.

    There is enough "Game" so it does not feel like just an interactive story, or movie, and yet enough "Content" that you are not bored.

    BONUS: The Art is pretty good. I mean, who does not like supple breasts, cute faces, big eyes, round asses, and of course puffy pussy.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    So, you continue the story of the first one. This time, you invade the elf kingdom. You get captured and proceed to try to dominate it from the inside. This time you have around 8 girls to play with (some just once like the 2 random defeated elfs). The cg quality is pretty OK, with animations (what you would expect from an unity game) and voice dubs. The pace is really good, a well mixture of content and writing.
    Overall, a more than OK game, continuing from the first one. Very well recommended!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Solidly average game.

    Story 2/10

    It's illogical. The queen, sure. The succubus does stuff while you jerk off on her. Everyone else in the kingdom? Ionno, your magic phallus has unexplained powers? Why not conquer the elven kingdom outright instead of being caught? It's lazy writing.

    Gameplay 3/10

    Somewhat 2 dimensional. There's a kingdom but each part of the kingdom is linearly approached. Then when doing the queen bit, it's just her part. Again, self contained and linearly approached. Nothing in the kingdom is really linked together. This is a missed opportunity (or rushed).

    Art 7/10

    Pretty solid art. What you see in the previews are consistent with what the game offers.

    Overall 5/10

    Not bad. Not good. If you got the time, play it. If not, you're not missing much.

    To improve the gameplay, the kingdom should have been more linked together. Some interaction between parts. Makes the game more engaging and the world more fleshed out. The story needs work. I don't expect nobel laureate quality writing but I expect more than I-don't-care-about-story-so-here's-some-bullshit-for-this-art-to-make-mild-sense. The character talking art was weird since the face itself would deform to depict movement. That's disturbing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really nice corruption game. The artwork is fantastic. There's a various amount girls each with different sizes and personalities. The corruption paths are straightforward. The money grind isn't bad at all. The only real issues is that the MC can be a bit of a doofus/weakling for someone who is a demon lord.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    After played Elven COnquest Part 1, which is also a fantastic game, the part 2 definitively didn't dissapoint! The gameplay is still as fun as before, the gamepace is fantastic too. The story is still good and sex scenes rewarding. I would recommend playing part 1 first so you have a backstory which makes it a little more interesting. And the beginning of the story will make more sense.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I generally love Pink Tea’s games, but this one had me rather disappointed. It’s not bad at all, but it isn’t nearly as good as some of their other work. The story idea for this game seems to be copy & pasted straight out of the end of Pink Tea’s Slave Lords of the Galaxy (which is an absolutely fantastic game), where the main character is kidnapped and has to corrupt his captors in order to survive. I’m not sure whether Pink Tea was running out of steam or simply rushing to finish this quickly in order to make time for another project, but especially the end of this game feels incredibly rushed. Not to get into spoiler territory, but a lot of the things you do throughout the game end up being meaningless and having no impact later on, and the ending feels like it was just a slave-training mini-game slapped on as an afterthought. The graphics are good, the animations are smooth, but overall this game left me feeling less impressed and satisfied that the original Elven Conquest.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a pretty great game. The art is well done, and there's a nice variety to the action. It's not super long, but it's also engaging and there's a sense of progression as you slowly corrupt the characters.

    Some nice fetish content, and options for various scenes, and the sound is also solid.

    Short, but sweet.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Here again lol, I just finished Elven Conquest pt. 1 earlier, and now I finished this! I gotta say, this is some high-quality porn games! Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 were both 5/5 games, though I liked the 1st game's part of the story better. Nothing bad about the animations, that was spot on and was slightly better than the first game's. The character development in the first game was pretty good, and they were also good for the second, just felt slightly fast, but other than that,
    a w e s o m e g a m e!

    And I love how you added some of the old sfx and a moan from the Slave Lords of the Galaxy. Felt a little nostalgic in a way! Keep up the awesome work! Going to find more of your games!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Much more sex scenes, fetish, girls and content than the first one, and it's all good stuff.

    Another good game by this great developper, will always look forward to more from Pink Tea Games , recommended !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    First off I'm just going to address the absurdly low rating for this game. With all due respect to the unrewarding grind that is H-game development, how the hell is this game below 4 stars when there is low effort, meaningless fluff at 4 stars and above? This game is a passion project, the animations and the quality are all top-tier and I've seen quite a few things in this game I've never seen elsewhere. Even if there was no story, how the hell is this anything less than 4????

    Just looking at the previews you would know: the CG is incredibly high quality. What else can I tell you: there is a massive amount of animation and attention to detail in this one, along with a massive amount of content. Not super fetish heavy but it doesn't have to be when it's this well drawn. Most scenes can be manipulated by the user and have different settings, I would say this game does about the best implementation of this that I have seen in ANY game.

    Now the contentious issue: is this just a porn CG/animation fest with zero context? Firstly, even if it was, play this game, it's worth it. Secondly, I didn't feel that way in the slightest. Is this less cerebral than Pink Tea's previous work? Is there some meaningless game mechanics and odds and ends? I agree on both, but it's still leagues ahead of the average game.

    Without giving everything away, your character is evil and he corrupts a bunch of women ranging from also somewhat evil to pure, which means it covers a good range of corruption/enslavement genre and storytelling. Here is where I disagree with many other negative reviews: with this game's excellent artwork, there is a lot of 'show don't tell' storytelling. The warrior girl is haughty; the queen is evil; the priestess and store owner is pure. How do we know that? Some games rely on word storytelling, but this game will show you through expressions, excellent lewd scenarios, and logical lewd progression that illustrates the corruption. This is not a 1000 page novel, this is visual storytelling, and it is good (but not great!) in this game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I made a post within the first few pages of this thread back when the game was still in its very early versions. The complaints I had back then remain the same even now after it's finished.

    The prequel was easily a 10/10, when compared to the majority of games out there, yet there was still room for improvement and I had hoped that the devs would only get better.
    As such I had high expectations from this game.

    Unfortunately it disappoints. While the art went a step up from the previous game, the story took a nose dive.
    You may argue that a hentai game needs no plot, because people come to fap to the hentai and not the story, but I disagree.
    If I wanted to watch porn without any story I'd go watch porn on the internet.

    The story can easily make or break an otherwise good hentai game.
    It affects how the player gets introduced to the world, how they view other characters, and how they ultimately end up thinking and feeling about other characters.
    Even if subconsciously and unintentionally, the story will always affect the quality of the hentai scenes.

    Better than the average, but lost its soul.