Unity - Completed - Elven Girl's Service ~Becomes A Cumdump From Today On~ [v1.00] [uotsuki]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very short, do yourself a favor and use the guide, no need to try and figure out how to satisfy everyone in the village, the animations are very well made, 4/5.

    Very short, do yourself a favor and use the guide, no need to try and figure out how to satisfy everyone in the village, the animations are very well made, 4/5.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Nijinda Futatama


    It's hard to rate a game like this. It's very simple and straight forward, I love the theme and the visuals aren't bad. What it has is fairly good, but it doesn't have much. If it had a bit more variety or better than average animations it would be a good game, but I can't really complain about this short nukige.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A straight-forward nukige. You wander around having sex, sometimes get an item reward, then wander around a little more looking for the guy you're supposed to use it on unless you remembered how he mentioned something about cows. The protagonist is slutty from the start, the dudes aren't misogynistic, and the game doesn't have unnecessary padding or overstay its welcome. The protagonist is hot, though the dev certainly has his preferences. Luckily, they're the same as mine.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This was a pretty lewd and exciting experience. The protagonist is absolutely uninhibited without shame. She loves sex and thrives giving and getting pleasure. Gameplay wise the game is very short, but a really entertaining experience that will keep your free hand occupied. Animations are good, not amazing, but really lewd and exciting, specially the creampies.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    There's no interesting interaction going on.
    It's just Elven Girl whoring herself out.
    And a bit of puzzle here and there.
    The sex scenes were good, but the whole game itself was just average.
    It's 3.5/5 for me.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    So this one reminds me of those Flash sidescrollers like Lok.(RIP flash) Essentially it's a small(puzzle) game where you have to satisfy certain conditions to collect all scenes.

    Art : Classic stuff, and it pretty much summarized by what you see in the thread.

    Pretty fun for a 30min game, check it out.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Sweet little game, if you need something long or story heavy this one isn't for you. This is basically few animations and few lines for why they are happening.
    Art: this game does look ok but nothing mind blowing.
    Sound: again it isn't bad but nothing outstanding either.
    Gameplay: "go left, go right, press enter" it works just as author intended but unfortunately nothing interesting.
    Adult stuff: it's good.
    Overall this game feels more like good proof of concept, don't get me wrong like i said it is a GOOD proof of concept but at the same time it isn't enough to be 5/5 game.