"Embark on Epic Adventures: Love Incest Taboo S– Remastering Bad Bobby Saga and Beyond!"


New Member
Jan 13, 2024
Embark on a thrilling journey with me, Khansama , your newest Ren'Py game creator extraordinaire! ✨ I am delighted to share that I am currently in the process of recreating the iconic Bad Bobby Saga, injecting it with fresh creativity, revamped art, and possible mind-blowing animations. Brace yourselves for an immersive experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

What's in store? Prepare to be mesmerized by a fusion of cutting-edge artistry and captivating storytelling. I am committed to bringing you a gaming adventure like no other, complete with visually stunning graphics and animations that will transport you into a world of excitement, intrigue, and, of course, a touch of the unexpected.

Why I need YOUR support: Creating exceptional games is a labor of love, and I'm reaching out to you, the amazing gaming community, for your support. Your enthusiasm fuels my creativity, and your feedback shapes the direction of this incredible project. Together, let's make this gaming experience one for the books!

Join the journey: I invite all you fantastic game enthusiasts, visual novel aficionados, and Bad Bobby Saga fans to join me on this exhilarating adventure. Your support, whether it's through encouragement, sharing the news, or becoming a patron, is what keeps the Ren'Py flames burning bright.

Expectations met, and surpassed: I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to meet and exceed your expectations. Together, we'll redefine the Ren'Py gaming experience and create a community that cherishes art, storytelling, and the boundless possibilities of interactive narratives. liza_intro.png lucy.png