I had some Hicups in the Intro Video. My save is at 0% so its hard atm to help with troubleshooting. I thought its maybe a problem because I deleted the whole Unity Folder. The Intro Video Stopd for some Seconds and jumpd those Seconds.
this has nothing to do with save file of Blades1138, you had lag because game was recreating cache in deleted folder in Appdata.
That's the video, but the problem happens in game, with the Unity files.
Even after downloading the entire translation archive again and replacing the files, I still have artifacts in game.
This happened with other clips, but I didn't remember which girls and questions at the time.
Either the files was broken when you were rebuilding the contentn for Unity, or the zip archive itself is corrupted which could have happened during compression or during upload somehow.
The easiest method of confirming would be to start the game and check the video there.
Alternatively if you don't have the girl yet, you can create a sfv/md5 checksum file for the whole content folder and share it here so we can identify where the problem is.
corrupted archive is out of question because .mp4 file I attached above was extracted from \Content\Model_065\Asset\dlc_model_065_asset_assets_all_71b45590f0131628d924b5feadb4e4c3.bundle that was extracted from TheHardestInterviewET.zip that I downloaded from the link in first post of this thread. So whole chain was checked. I always download uploaded file again to other folder and binary compare it against original file I was uploading. So, .zip is intact. MP4 files inside . bundles are intact too, I've extracted all .MP4 from all .bundles from TheHardestInterviewET.zip and binary compared to .MP4 extracted from original game .bundles.
But as we already know, unity game doesn't give a fuck about files inside its game folder. It always uses __data files from "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\Joybrick_The Hardest Interview". I took __data file from that folder for Model_065 (Gracie), unpacked it with same tool I was using to replace subtitles, its called UABEA Avalonia and extracted Q23_065.mp4. And indeed it has artifacts. I binary compare it with Q23_065.mp4 from dlc_model_065_asset_assets_all_71b45590f0131628d924b5feadb4e4c3.bundle and it is different. Some chunk of FF FF FF FF ..... was inserted into .mp4 from __data file from Unity cache folder.
So what's happened? I think problem is in the tool compression method. All .bundles are compressed. To replace subtitles or even open any bundle and see what is inside, the tool decompress .bundle file into memory. Then, when changes done, it gives option to save .bundle in uncompressed form or also compress it to reduce disk space. As original .bundle files were compressed, I also compressed modified .bundle.
Then, the game opens .bundle file from its game directory , decompresses it into memory and then COMPRESES IT AGAIN and puts as __data file inside Unity cache folder in appdata. Original .bundle files decompresses and compresses again fine, because original .bundle file was properly created by Unity editor during the game's development. But UABEA tool most likely fucked something up in .bundle header or somewhere else, during its compression so this compressed .bundle file leads to situation where __data file created from this .bundle in Unity cache folder MAY have some .mp4 corrupted.
I deleted unity cache and put uncompressed translated .bundle for Gracie inside the game's content folder, and there is no artefacts. So unity is okay with modified but uncompressed by UABEA .bundle files. I'll decompress all translated .bundle files and reupload whole translation.