Others - Eon [v0.19] [Nenad Asanovic]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay continues to be awkward and clunky, but the storytelling brilliant and funny. I have enjoyed playing Nenad's games so far, and am always keen to see the next update. Keep up the good work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game, superior to the majority of games on this forum. while I prefer the drake story, the others are fine as well. not much grind, interesting quests and the characters are mostly good looking.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    ^Gameplay is nice dialogue made me laught a bunch of time, animation are good ....Idk if the dev is alone , but the amount of work putted in this game seems unreal for me for a single man, you can feel the dedication, and the fun that the dev have doing this^^
    I you liked Willy D adventures you should like this game, but make sure to read the controls or the beginner advices so you will not even need a walkthrough in most cases :)
    Most useful "trick": space bar to see items, and right click to fast travel on map or on scenes
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The first thing I'll say is that if you like point & click games from the 90's, this is a good game that recalls those games.
    The sex scenes are fine, the puzzles are decent, and the models are fantastic.
    But now comes the worst part, and it's painful because it's a major part. The dialogues are atrocious, especially during sex. I'll give you an example close to reality and in brackets what I was thinking.

    M: ok baby let's fuck
    F: oh I don't know, my husband could come at any moment.
    M: he's busy, so sex!
    *This is where the sex scene begins*.
    M: Do you like my big penis?
    F: yes, but quick, my husband can come at any time.
    M: Oh what nice tits
    F: oh I like it very much, but be quick my husband can come at any time (ehh... ok)
    M: what a tight pussy you have, I love it.
    F: Yes oh I'm cumming, but quick my husband could come at any moment ( but what the fuck?)
    M: you like my fat penis eh? (again?)
    F: MY HUSBAND CAN COME ANYTIME, I'm cumming! (buff, I'm totally out of this conversation I'm no longer stimulated either mentally or sexually, I better go watch porn...)
    M: Oh yeah baby, I'm coming!
    F: oh yeah cum, by the way have I already told you that my husband can come at any time? (fuck it, I'm out of here)

    And so on and so forth, it's a shame, the conversations are on such a stupid level, it completely takes me out of the experience.

    I just hope the developer hires someone to help him with the conversations.

    This great game deserves more! btw did you know that my husband can come at any time?
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I had to rent a full sized CAT bulldozer just to move the elephant in the "Review Room" for this game. Why do half these 5 star reviews read so weirdly, Like "yup game good, models good, dev is actually the best on the planet, 5/5 for the thought provoking things." and then middle to lower starts actually give an explanation as to what is wrong with this game? Kinda Sus...

    I want to get an honest opinion out of the way early so people who are skimming can move on with their lives. If you think the models are good looking than just for the love of good download a save file and look through the collection gallery while skipping dialog. The brain cells you save will thank me. Anyways on with it!

    Well in fitting with rest I have a low review so let's talk about it. Part 1: The main girl and her first "pUzZle". It's always a good sign when half the people who download your game have to ask the forums how to get past the first puzzle and you proceed to never update it in 4 years. Spoilers, its borderline impossible to complete without an explanation. A 4 digit key code on no joke the other side of the explorable map is found on the exact opposite side with no connection whatsoever. Even worse it's hidden on 1 of 15 viewable pictures barely even noticeable to the human eye. That's the first hurdle you run into and the game does not improve from there. Every puzzle you run into from that point now has the possibility for the answer to be on the box of cereal you ate last month.

    So many "real" reviews hit on it but the story and dialogue is more of an infliction or an active wound then anything remotely nearing enjoyable. Interactable things in the environment lower your out of game IQ when you click on them. EI: Window > Click > Character walks 30 seconds to the back of the room. > Text pops up. > "Window..." This happens for everything for some reason. But surely there's a cheeky review pointing out people just didn't know about "Space Bar" showing you interactable and what you should click on!? That would be useful... If it didn't bug on and break in half the rooms you go into.

    So why the 2 stars? The renders and scenes, although painfully vanilla and riddled with dialogue that make your eyes bleed, are actually nice to look at. Also why the fuck is this game 15gb??
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A game should be fun, not frustrating or condescending. I finally get why this game hasn't caught on despite being around for years.

    Firstly, it is obscenely large to download because the maker didn't bother to compress or limit the jank.

    I typically enjoy if the game has lotsa interactive stuff but this game has too many pointless ones and written in a crude way. You can mouse over say, a rock and the MC will talk about rocks with caveman type dialogue. Repeat that for every single item but realize this is a point and click puzzle game - so you are clicking on everything and reading dumb dialogue endlessly.

    Now add, you need to solve these puzzles by using certain items on others, and certain items don't make sense like you need a hook to pick up a key on the floor...instead of just picking it up with your own fingers.

    Even before the hook, you need to get another item but it is also hard to see since it's contrasted closely with the background, won't say what it is so you can enjoy the frustration as well. This is the first "puzzle" which the dev didn't bother to refine before pushing into production.

    Now add the characters you are playing are complete idiots, made even dumber by the ridiculously poor writing, you click on a quill and you see a comment that maybe he writes when things pop in his head while a fairy mothers him around.

    This entire game reads like a first draft made by one guy that was rushed into production without thinking.

    Gave it two stars instead of one because it is still a playable game and has decent models, how many of which is customized I have no idea, since the maker clearly dumps a ton of bought assets into this without thinking - you see dinosaurs and animals roaming around in the world map but you can't interact with them. Just chucking in assets that take up meaningless space.

    The dev should consider hiring a writer that specializes in storytelling. Clearly he is competent enough to make games but storytelling isn't his skillset.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Jim jonas

    I've been playing this since .1. Every update is a welcomed surprise.
    The Content is far along enough that about 20 storylines come to a satisfying.... if not conclusion then resolution. The graphics are great, the models are creative the world is your basic porn movie universe where a person walks into a room and everyone wants to have some format of sexual release. The only down side is my computer can't handle the upper range of graphic requirements where there are more than 9 characters like the bar, Brothel, upper town and Nightclub. It's distracting to the point of frustration, but I can't blame Nenad for me being poor, so I'm not knocking off the score. BUT.... if I could provide one suggestion, please revamp the hint system to say how you can find codes and passwords and if there's a repetition of action, please indicate it with phrases like "a few times" or "keep going". I had to search in this website's thread multiple times for hints.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Eon v0.15 Review after 100%

    As of v0.15, Eon reached 99 major sex scenes in total (known as Sweet Memories in-game) plus more than dozens of repeatable minor sex animations during free-roam. There are currently 80+ different main girls, each with her own unique model and story (albeit some stories are fairly short and shallow), plus even more side characters enriching the stories and the worlds.
    With such a sizable chunk of content, I think it's a good time for a proper review of the game after I 100% the current version.

    · Visuals: 10/10. Character models, animations and scene setups are absolutely top-notch and beautiful.
    · Audios: 9/10. Good music and SFX. Fairly enjoyable.
    · Story: 7/10. Doesn't always make sense, but always hilarious.
    · Gameplay: 8/10. Open world exploration is awesome. Controls and QoL have been improved a lot from the dev's first game AWOD, especially the nice Quest Tracker. The minigames are simple enough and personally I don't find them annoying, although some people do. Repetitiveness of certain quests like pirate's treasure could still be boring and tiresome.
    · Amount of content: 12/10. Completely exceeds my expectations.
    · Overall: 9.5/10. A must-play unless you're looking for a serious narrative.

    In short, this game features open-world exploration with a wide cast of characters and fantastic world building, a light-hearted stupid sexual adventure where the plots are sometimes too stupid to make enough sense, a wide range of fetishes including stockings&heels, incest, prostitution and group sex. It has an enormous chunk of content already and even more to come. I'll detail content of the game below.

    What does Eon have to offer?

    In Eon, the player controls three/four/five (depending on definition) protagonists living in three different worlds. Each world has its own style, storylines and characters (I'll talk about them in a sec) and playing Eon is pretty much playing three different titles. The three worlds seem completely independent of each other at first but as you progress through the three main storylines, the connections among them are gradually revealed. The first noticeable connection is the Goddess named Syn, whose traces can be found in all three worlds. As of v0.15 there's only one side quest where one protagonist has indirect influence on another's world, but their paths will cross more in future updates and the protagonists will likely meet eventually. This is a very interesting and unique design. I have never seen a game quite like it.

    The overall tone of the Eon adventure is light-hearted, funny and full of stupid jokes. Characters in this game jump into sex for all kinds of ridiculous stupid reasons that are gonna make you either cringe or laugh, or both at the same time. From time to time characters break the fourth wall and mock the dev or the game. If you want a serious immersive story, this game is not for you. If you have a stockings&heels fetish, however, this game is totally for you. The dev is clearly into that.

    So what are the three worlds like?

    Drake is the innocent, dumb, simple-minded son of a barbarian hero living in a medieval fantasy world with magic and dragons. You just had your first wet dream in your life and set out on the path to becoming a man. On your journey you'll take part in magic and holy rituals, discover secret places, solve mysteries and most importantly, encounter all kinds of sexy girls like herbalists, priests, vampires, witches, demons, angels, pixies, noble ladies, pirates, mermaids, etc. and, of course, you'll encounter them sexually.

    In the second world you first play as Freya, a girl who lost her memories and can't remember who she was. You woke up in a scrapyard in this post-apocalyptic wasteland full of environmental hazards, mutated creatures and cyberware augmented people, trying to figure out your past. When you found things familiar in a mental asylum, you suddenly passed out.
    You name is Cain and you just found yourself waking up in a dirty asylum fucking a stranger girl. You didn't remember who you were or how you ended up here. You were told you work for a bordello in the Endwaste City and you were supposed to deliver a girl named Freya there.

    Freya and Cain could feel each other's presence and find it natural to help each other even though they never meet. While working as a prostitute at the Bordello, Freya managed to discover her true past as a secret special agent on a mission.

    In the third world of a Sci-Fi setting, you're Jade, a young college girl living on a space station next to the mostly destroyed Earth, on her path of exploring new sexual possibilities. You received a space shuttle as a gift and with that you could freely visit all those planets in space and encounter all sorts of Alien species. You're also involved in some political schemes thanks to your uncle being a high-rank official on the space station. You're told that the Earth was off-limits because the environment has become hazardous, even though a small secluded part of earth became an interesting little paradise. Later in the game players can also take control of her brother Steven who has his own adventure.

    So, fantasy, post-apocalypse and Sci-Fi, all in one.

    A One-Man Project

    Eon is probably the single most ambitious one-man adult game project I've ever seen. Except some music made by the dev's friends, everything in this game is designed and made by one single man, including all these character models, animations, dialogues, quests, storylines, world building, etc. Even though the side stories could be mediocre, shallow and stupid, with everything else of such amazing quality it's still unbelievable. If you tell me this game is made by a team of six or even eight people I would totally believe you. The dev claims that he basically works on his games 12~16 hours a day because he loves this job.

    Development state of the game

    As of v0.15, the overall world building feels pretty vivid and ready. Plenty of locations to explore and every location is depicted very well and feels unique and stylish.

    The huge collection system is half-way done: the sex scene, doll and music collections are rich, whereas photo (known as diary) collection is still at its barebone (12 sets of pictures, barebone comparing to the photo collection in previous title AWOD), the book collection has only 1 book currently and the encyclopedia page is still under construction.

    Despite the dev working on his games 12~16 hours a day, one single person managing such a huge project means the development is very slow. The game gets a big update on a three-month basis steadily, with each update containing six new major sex scenes (two for each world) plus some new quest progressions, new characters and locations, etc.

    Considering the game is not even half-way done, I would not expect this game to be completed within 4 years from now. I wouldn't be surprised if the game weren't to be finished by 2030 unless the dev felt the earnings from this game become enough to support him hiring some help. So be sure to support Nenad on Patreon if you enjoy the game and want more.

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  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best and most underrated games on this website. Here is why:
    -Plenty of content already and more coming regularly. No milking here.
    -The models arent the best, above average I would say, but they are different from your standard DAZ models that you have seen 1000 times.
    - Lots of fetishes with multiple protags (male and female).
    -Actual gameplay, the point and click type. Nothing too complicated but there is a walkthrough in the thread if you need it.
    -Banger soundtrack for a porn game.
    A negative would be that there is some grinding but its not the worst by a long shot (pro-tip, right click to enter/exit locations instantly ) .
    In conclusion this game is a real breath of fresh air in the sea of copypasted abandoned vns on this website.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Update 10 November2023:

    Adjusted my review from 2 stars to 1 star. This game is just annoying all the time, but games should be fun. You're constantly wondering what to do next, questlogs don't really give hints, stuff is buggy. In order to do quick-travel you have to right click locations, but when you move your cursor on the huge map, the camera wants to bounce back to your character. So that means you'll always hit & miss right click because the screen is on high speed all the time, until you finally arrive somewhere.

    Currently I need 50 gold and again 36 gold to progress with two main quests. The problem: There are only 2 ways to earn gold.

    1. Find pirate treasures and sell them. But each treasure might only give 2 or 3 coins. So unless you want to search for treasures 20-30 times in a row and slowly walk back to the pirate and sell it from your inventory over and over again, this isn't an option.

    2. You're supposed to be able to sell your materials at the black smith, but when you click on "sell materials" it only gives you another option: "ask something else". So because of this bug, I can't sell my materials, and I can't really earn money. I won't go diggin treasures for a full hour to make 50 gold just to progress in one quest.

    This system is absolutely not fun at all. Also there are constantly quests that require you to do stuff, that you can't do.

    "Go to the tavern" -> There is no tavern in the town. It will probably be unlocked by another quest somewhen, but there is no hint which does that.

    "Go to Sky Isle" -> I can't, because it's up in the sky flying. No hint at all on how to get up there.

    "Find a herbalist in town" -> There is none, went to every place. Probably something that will be unlocked later

    "Talk with X about Y" -> There is no dialogue option with X.

    And this happens over and over in the game. I rarely seen game developers taking two steps back in terms of development after their first game, I would this one have expected to be better. Uninstalled and I'm going to enjoy other games that actually bring fun..

    Original Review:

    I was looking forward to try this game out after having finished 'The Adventures of Willy'.

    Since I don't enjoy to imagine I am a woman getting fucked by tons of dudes, only the male protagonist chapter is of interest for me, so that's the only thing I am reviewing. Though I withdraw a star in the rating for this overall game design choice. Male and female protag fans are completley opposed camps, it's a really bad idea to circle a full game around both.

    The maps so far look absolute trash. As if you went to steam and played one of the cheapest fantasy f2p games from china that you could find, with that windows 2000 graphics and everything looks like just cobbled together.

    This might be the intention of the game since it's a retro p&c, but Willy did that with way more charmé and quality imo.

    The models so far look good, but that's the only good thing I have found in the game yet. Texts on the bottom are constantly blocking the genitals that you want to see during sex scenes and you can't hide that text for whatever reason.

    The game also smashes NTR right into your face right from the start and lets you see other fat dudes fuck your girls. I won't argue that this game shouldn't have NTR, but at least make it avoidable. Players who don't like it really don't gain anything from having to go through these scenes.

    MC looks like a complete retard which is also a little bit of a boner killer. And the cum looks like some disgusting thick slime, it was way better in Willy D.

    I'll see how it goes and adjust my review accordingly. But this is a huge leap backwards compared to his first game, which isn't even finished while he is working on this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I avoided this for a long time because I thought it was still in some kind of alpha state. However, this game has a ton of content already, and it's incredible.

    A lot of Nenad's models aren't even my usual "type", but they are just objectively hot. The animations are absolutely top-quality.

    For instance I put off the Jade story, dismissing her a bit as some basic blonde bimbo archetype, but her story is fantastic, with genuinely sweet, funny, and extremely sexy moments.

    There's a little fourth wall breaking, and some general silliness at times, which I know can annoy some people, but personally I think the dev is one of the best at keeping a lighthearted but extremely sexy tone in the situations and dialogue.

    Anyways, just suck up the download size, anyone who doesn't at least try this is missing out. I'm sure you'll find some flaws or things you think should be done differently.... but this is in a league of its own imo compared to most adult games out there.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Black Gryphon

    These are far and away the best renders I've seen in a game. I can't even fathom how long it takes to create all this but it is greatly appreciated. I think Jade is one of the hottest characters of all time and I absolutely love how many kinky things you can do with her.

    Beyond the incredible graphics this actually feels like a real game, with puzzle solving, collecting, and intricate story. I could go on and on about how amazing the vast amount of sex scenes are but I especially like the taboo aspects throughout.

    I know this game is hard to run for a lot of people because of how much is being rendered and how every scene has live animations but I hope you continue this trend and I can't wait to see what (and who) the characters do next!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feelings on this one. First of, it's great that it's actually a real game with it's click and point puzzles and so on. I really enjoy that even though there is some lost time just by moving around. I only played Jade's story and so far it was a bit simplistic but not terrible. Dialogues and characters were a bit cringe but there's worse out there. The puzzle to hack is quite annoying though.

    Render quality is pretty decent and there are lots of animations for characters just standing in place. Sex scenes aren't great but they are quite decent. Music does its job as do the sound effects. But I've ran across a massive bug that just expels me from the game when I reach District 9, which makes it basically unplayable.

    So, all in all, it's a decent game but not worth the effort of trying to find out how to solve the bug.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Great models and animation but too many obstacle's and puzzles with no hints or complicated. The compute hacking with Jade is not easy .. when try to match it all the boxes move. How are you supposed to do it, The lock code at the Farye hospital ... No clue where you can get it... Waste of time and resource... I give you two star. The game is 5 star ... only no Hints which makes it complicate, should add more hints on your puzzles next update . It will be 5 star. for now I cant play it so I am deleting ...
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    play 0.06 with a french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 4/5 It's not the strong point of the game, but it's still very fun/funny, and it's nice to have several universes!

    characters: 5/5 Multiple playable characters, and multiple fuckable characters! Very good variety! What more could you ask for?

    sex scene: 5/5 In good numbers! It's fun!

    renders: 5/5 Really very beautiful universe and very beautiful game

    animation: 5/5 The speed is not always perfect, but they are still very successful

    sound: ok

    gameplay: 2/5 Very many different styles of gameplay, which makes it a game apart, rather successful, but which also brings its share of problems: multiple bugs, sometimes useless difficulty, and often have
    find yourself a little lost and you don't really know what to do.
    The menus are also totally to be reviewed I think

    Big potential, to follow!
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3195513

    This game follows the same formula as Willy. It's a bit more complicated that Willy was, but just as Willy, it does have very nice models.

    What's good: the models. Nenad just knows his women. The updates are regular and Nenad takes time to help the players. No bugs, so far, for me in v0.08.

    What's bad: the walking is too slow, unless you ride the unicorn.

    Bad #2 It's a pain to search for all the dolls, music, herbs and other collectible.

    The story of the game and the characterization are shallow. I don't really mind that, but others might. Some women won't fully dedicate themselves to the MC.

    What could be improved: some buttons to press with the mouse instead of keyboard F, I, Q, or SPACE; or a button link to remind us of the controls now and then.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Nepod is the man! even though i hope puzzles got easier difficulty options later in the game. I'm big dumb like....I get stuck for hours sometimes.....
    But that was in the super early versions, it has certainly gotten manageable later.
    Lookin forward to more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. I could never get into the Adventures of Willy D because I found the setting boring. It had some interesting parts but modern day scenarios are just way overdone imo.
    The fantasy, scifi and post apocalyptic settings is right up my alley. And all three of them in one game makes this a must play game for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It continues the doll of Willie There are more ways to solve puzzles. Eon has three worlds and four protagonists. Two men and two women. In comparison, I prefer to play Drake and Cain. At first, the characters may move slowly, but you can jump quickly with the right mouse button or complete the plot of mount. The movement will be much faster. The switching between Cain and Freya is more interesting. I think the design is very innovative and the sky The design of the island is also good. Personally, I prefer to use male protagonists in Jade's world to have all kinds of interesting things with female NPCs. Radish and cabbage have their own love.Some people may like the game of female owners. There are flaws. There are extraterrestrial biological and mechanical life tentacles in it. I may not be too difficult to accept this heavy taste modeling. Generally speaking, it is a masterpiece. I look forward to it more New and more content
    Likes: mc247
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is interesting and nothing i expected in a good and maybe a bit bad way. it also takes a lot timeto download and is quite massive already (at least file size wise)

    + nice quality/renders
    + multiple protagonists
    + nice looking protagonists
    + creative world
    + very interesting gameplay (point and click or whatever its called - with even moving characters!)
    + very interesting music / sound choices
    + great animations
    + even unique animations for harvesting stuff

    Cons: (really not many but a few for me personally)
    - quite memory heavy game
    - quite much space even we are still just at the beginning of the game
    - girls could be curvier for me personally but i am happy they are at least quite pretty and have some tits
    - sometimes point and click gets a bit annoying when you search something (like me searching a number code for asylum)

    (not much to do yet and i didn't encounter any more sex scenes except the very very well animated first ones at the beginning and one bf scene)

    another thing i want to point out is that i have the feeling the dev has put himself into the game as some artist with his dream wife (his wife looks - in my opinion - hotter than the other girls :D)

    all in all its a game where you see and feel the time and dedication which went into this game. it has some cool vibe seeing the characters walk around and taking stuff and all is animated. the atmosphere with the planet/spaceships and the space-t-rex in the background are amazing. this things and the model quality would be 5 star material. sadly the memory-thingy, the still quite empty world, the sometimes quite exhausting searching stuff and that i think the female mc's are pretty but could be hotter/curvier are hindering the game for me to give it 5 stars. also that i don't see the connection between them yet. that there are not many sex-encounters yet is understandable since this seems to be a very big project.

    i would give the game a very solid 3.8 stars which the potential for more in the (far?) future
    Likes: mc247