This is honestly just... terrible in every single way.
I wanted to give this game the benefit of the doubt despite seeing how horrible the UI looked and try it but... Quite literally every aspect of this game is lackluster.
As per mentioned, the UI is just a bunch of randomly floating buttons. Pressing one while on the map will cause just a text box to pop up, typically saying one sentence then leaving. That is your entire "action" used. During sex, it's quite literally the same thing. You press a button, a single sentence pops up, essentially just stating "you did (action you chose). The customer (opinion on your action)."
The character creation seems to have had the most work put into it and even that just has essentially the basics... A bunch of info about your character that won't be referenced or used much at all and essentially what is a "Cheat" to bypass the grind of growing your sexual skills... that of which just changing a line to "oh hey the customer liked the button you selected."
It's just incredibly shallow, unenjoyable, and a complete waste of time.