RPGM - Completed - Erina and the City of Machines [v1.10] [coolsister]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Not missing much if you skip this game.

    The combat is trivially easy throughout the game - even when facing enemies that are warned to be very hard. With some effort you can lose fights, which very occasionally gives a H scene, but most often just reduces you to 1 hp with no other penalty. Why have combat at all if it's going to be this badly done.

    H scenes are meh at best.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game took me 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete on a clean playthrough. There is no overall plot until the last half hour when you learn about some elixir of youth. The final boss got ZERO BUILDUP and the author consistently fails to establish stakes and tension throughout the game.

    Assuming you plan to play for H-content, be aware that no route or sex partner is well developed. For example, there's like ten scenes of Erina bathing in a hotspring and getting raped until she starts to like it. The developer did overkill on the most generic scenario, while under-developing all the other ones.

    I rate this game 2 stars for its artwork being professionally made, but the writing and gameplay are so deeply uninspired, I cannot recommend it to anyone unless they are looking to bust a nut and like Erina's appearance.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. Just wish there was a patch to remove censorship.

    The story is pretty interesting, the illustrations are quite nice as well (better than the rendered stuff nowadays) and I like the choices the game presents to its player.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea and the steampunk setting of the game is great, but it's an average corruption game with an okay story. I'm usually not a big fan of RPGM games, and this felt a bit same-ey compared amongst the other RPGM h-games. I would recommend for a playthrough if you're interested in the tags but otherwise probably not
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is in truth not an amazing game, but compared to the rest of RPGM games, a nice five star for being all around quite good.

    - The protagonist is hot and I like her character.
    - There is a decent corruption progression although maybe a bit too fast at certain points.
    - The quests are mostly straightforward and of fairly simple difficulty. Maps as well are simply laid out and you won't get lost in massive empty maps like many others RPGMs. They are also quite nice in their design.
    - A good variety of scenes, good translation, and the scenes are pretty hot imo.
    - A good amount of outfit selection, probably around a dozen.
    - The story has a little bit of promise but did not flesh itself out as much as it needed to, felt like they got the outline then didn't complete it.
    - Combat is easy enough and does not waste your time.
    - Cool themeing around the kind of steampunk vibe.
    - Just overall everything is done nicely, it won't blow your mind but is of solid quality throughout.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great Mc/Art in general for the whole game and the scenes and very good sound. Super easy to do lewd stuff which makes the corruption/slutification part of the game super easy. The fights were also easy. Also encountered a lot of instances were even though she was virgin it felt like no one bated an eye, and you are still considered a virgin even after shoving a dildo down there.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Love a good female protag corruption game, but this isn't it.

    MC is dumb and helpless from the start, allowing herself to get abused in the dumbest situations. Pretty much no impactful choices. It's all down-hill from there. Neither sexy or titillating in the slightest, just poor writing and setup.

    Graphics are kinda nice, but I found the scenes quite boring anyhow.

    Other than that, it's fairly well-made for an RPGM , but doesn't escape the usual weaknesses. Clunky interface, boring combat, lots of walking.

    Overall, big meh for me. Did not finish.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is good and combat is easy if you're looking for that, frankly tho none of that matters considering the MC artwork/design is a 10/10. For an early version there is also a surprising amount of content and you get a gallery unlock at the end which is always appreciated. Really wish is wasn't censored but it's small at least.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is really mediocre.

    - MC looks good
    - sex scenes are mediocre
    - amount of content is mediocre
    - story is mediocre
    - combat is mediocre
    - everything is mediocre
    - progressing side content is annoying and unintuitive, requiring main story to go further in order to continue for around half of the side content

    Overall this game was really unsatisfying. Combat seems nice, but is way too easy with all but one, optional boss dying in more than two hits after the early game, passive health regen keeps you at max hp for almost all battles, luckily there is not much of it.
    Crafting and upgrades are dictated by main story progression and there are only literaly a handful of upgrades (you start with proto piledriver and end with piledriver+3 ) none of which feels good.
    Porn is pretty weak too, MC at the beginning is reluctant about sexual acts, but doesn't really care, at the end of the game it's about the same, she still doesn't really care, but she is willing to engage in them if she is in the mood.
    For many scenes you need max libido, which resets to 0 after the scene, getting it back up to max is a pain in the ass for most of the game.
    The endings are all dissapointing.
    Battle sex is really dissapointing.

    TL&DR: The whole game is technically ok, but is dissapointing in every single aspect.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A man walks down an aisle, faded checklist in hand. It’s cramped; everyone else is here for the same things. Like a factory line, the crowd moves and stops in an orderly fashion, picking from specific shelves and avoiding others like the plague.

    He looks at the man before him. They’re all regulars here, but sometimes he sneaks a peak at what others cradle in their arms just to make sure that they’re all on the same page. He throws a glance over his shoulder, and they, too, are craning their necks to see what he is cooking today. Of course, these inquiries are purely superficial. Everyone is making the same thing. The beat, the tempo, the song and dance is repeated again and again, day in and day out, to appease an audience with an insatiable appetite. No one can blame them for what they do. It’s a winning formula, one that puts bread on the table regardless of how uninspired the results may be.

    Erina and the City of Machines does absolutely nothing new. This is not a dig at it by any means, as it easily stands shoulder to shoulder with Shimobashira and other giants in the rpg maker h-game field. Complaining about the state of games in this genre would be like balking at the fact that every McD makes the same Big Mac. Personally, I just wish that the mold was broken more often.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Your above average RPGM H game. If you've played similar games to this, in particular, Detective Girl of the Steam City, expect a similar experience. The MC is in a corrupted city of horny dudes, and through the story she has to build things to help save the city. Nothing too out the ordinary story wise.

    Artwork is nice, and there's an adequate number of scenes and fetishes accommodated for. There is outfits unlocked through her corruption, and the game has a very user-friendly interface. RPG bloat is kept to a minimum. 4/5
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Great art
    ✅ Fairly pleasant and somewhat fun story
    ✅ Hot main chick with sultry older sister type slutty personality
    ✅ Nice H stat screen
    ✅ Gameplay element fairly straightforward
    ✅ Fairly nice H scenes
    ✅ Outfit options & customizable
    ✅ Some of CG have animations
    ❌ Messy scene room and a bit hard to scene hunt (no scene symbols, no gallery room unlock tips for lot of stuff)
    ❌ Not really “corruption” game, just slutty FMC, becoming more of a hoe
    ❌ Fairly tame with kinks & scenes
    ❌ Scenes themselves don’t have much of effect in game world dialogues (aside few)
    ❌ Obnoxious repeating soundtrack
    I mean what can I say, as far as H-rpg games go this was fairly hot. Not really a corruption game even though game does have sort of a lust system. But because character herself is somewhat sultry older sister cool stereotype that does get rather proactive in scenes with her dialogues. She is more of slutty nee-san just becoming more proactive. Which overall was quite hot take and, on both scene, and script wise.

    Story wasn’t too hard to follow nor too dull. It had its own little charm to it and was fairly enjoyable to read along and keep eye on story as well. So it was a nice touch to have little unique steam punkish fantasy story mixed with archeological expeditions.

    Gameplay….. eh not much to combat. Had “Break/poise” system which was nice touch, but overall still very casual. Don’t think I had single challenging fight. For rest of the gameplay you essentially to odd jobs while occasionally talking to NPC’s for gather H scenes.

    H aspect had its charm. There are some interactive H scenes where you essentially choose in menus your “act” and toggle between them allowing you do well, pace I guess as you want? While rest of the scripted scenes actually were for the most part quite good, with some of the CG’s having actual small Animations, which was neat. Most of the scenes scripts/dialogues were pretty hot especially when character was slutty enough to be fully proactive. But her meek scenes were also quite great. Also what I did like about H aspect was the fairly neat and clean status screen. It showed some interesting stats, H status effect and on advanced H screen you could unlock some CG, which you could set as your main status screen image.

    Also having unlockable and customizable outfits and seeing them in scenes was also very neat. Great visual design and art as well.

    Anyhow… main issues were the obnoxious repeating OST. Messy gallery room and hunting for 100% scenes was blind… by the end I was just running around the world, talking constantly to npcs. Yet by the end I still used the unlock switch and apparently still I missed tons of scenes I couldn’t figure out how to get. Bare bones and kinda pointless crafting system as most of combat was sadly too easy.

    Overall… as H game, I’d say it had its charms and overall was still pretty neat and hot. Even though there were plenty of issues with it and it’s not really a “corruption” game in my book. Overall, it was still enjoyable and hot H game that did some things great and unique creating its own charming feeling.
    Total Score: 7/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Awsome art, story is not borring and easy to follow. I would like some more animation thought. Almost all adult content in this game are pictures.
    Theris a sandbox aspect of the game. It also could be more diverse, currently it feels like you do all according to a linear storyline.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. ended a little abruptly imo but overall very good for H content. many different outfits with variations to choose from as well. my only complaint about the H content is there isn't much foreplay, most of the scenes rapidly escalate into sex and I prefer corruption that starts off a bit more slowly. there is some battle H but it's only with tentacles unfortunately so not much to look forward to there.

    overall very reminiscent of Clymenia games which I'm a big fan of. the art is good, the variety of outfits is great, and theres a good amount of scenes. both this game and nightmare knight have recently surprised me with some quality newer rpgm H games that show that this genre still can compete with all the renpy daz3d games. really hope to see more from this dev.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Very basic and linear. It's the same system that you already seen a lot for hrpg.

    Extremely easy fight, no impacting choices.

    The protagonist is cute but not quite charismatic.

    You have acces to different outfit that you unlock with the story. They can be damaged in fight.

    It's entertaining if you are new in the hrpg genra but will be boring if you already played some.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story and good art style only downside is the censorship, but you got to lose something to gain something. Story is quite big I would say and is actually very well crafted and there are some 3D animations but not that noteworthy. Only reason I gave it a 5 is because of the story as it immerses you from the very beginning and I was hooked to it, and it goes with parallel with the eroge aspect of the game as well. The game also gives you quite a bit of freedom from the very beginning and specific endings can only be viewed after you complete the main story line.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Many outfits and mods, very nice indeed. it's still good but i believe this game still has sooooo many potentials to be better, doesn't mean it's bad, it's still good and i enjoyed so far.

    Art : it's beautiful, i love coolsister's art but by far this one is THE BEST 10/10

    Story : quite enjoyable as a H games, not too bad but not too good either 7.5/10

    H scenes: to be honest it can be improved or added, it's still good however 7/10

    overall it should be 8/10 in total (but sorry, because i like coolsister's game i give it 9/10)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally some good game on F95 :D !
    Girl is wonderful, even if I pref. loli xD art is clean and really nice, in game there is like 40/50 different scenes kinda sad that there is almost no defeat scenes... if You lose to monsters often You just continue like nothing happend...

    Just played 5 hours of it and ofc. finished game.

    Music: annoying after 30 minutes of loop but who cares xD
    Art: 10/10 amazing art :D
    Gameplay: as for RPG Maker it's very well made.

    For sure gonna keep that game on my PC and return to it from time to time :D
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that's been put a lot of love and passion into. Many outfits, stories that are pretty good, an interesting mc and a lot to discover. I guess the developers had to stop themselves at some point to add details as this would've been an endless task. I did really enjoy it and hope there will be more games like this. A real masterpiece. I was sad when it was over.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. More than enough content for both RPG and H enjoyers. Corruption mechanics feel fairly well thought out, with a small exception for the libido portion of the system feeling a little frustrating when trying to unlock various scenes. Side quests are memorable enough to encounter some of the content and want to come back later when properly equipped or corrupted to unlock variations or additional scenes.