RPGM - Completed - Erina and the City of Machines [v1.10] [coolsister]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has very good art style, and the rpg mechanics are not god awful like some other titles. In fact the mechanics kind of grow on you and are pretty simple. A lot of high quality scenes in this one.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    In the time which filled with dirt cheap copy cat pain in the ass to play RPGM game this is a very solid and compact RPMG on this site , no grind, no long ass dungeon crawling or pointless map section , everything in this game work very well , the contest and the length of the game is well balanced . Dungeons has only 3 layer at best , enemy and combat is easy to catch on , you dont need to hunt for legendery item whatsoever , decent story with good plot for decent amount of RPG elements , using the newer RPGM version make the environment looks great , crafting is simple enough so you dont have to grind
    i tate this 7.5/10 ; good game , not great
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    At its core it's a typical "regular girl spirals into sexual degeneracy" RPGM game.

    The MC's design and artwork quality is stellar, but the censorship takes a lot away from the scenes. There's also a bit of "staleness" to many of the scenes, especially the interactive ones. Regardless, it's all still hot and the quantity and art quality of scenes makes up for a lot of the issues. The secondary girl has some pretty good scenes and a good design, but unfortunately the game teases showing you the tertiary girl naked (in adult form) but doesn't go through with it - an unnecessary blue-ball. A major highlight is that the dress-up system is fantastic. There's a lot of outfits available (especially for the length of the game) and all of them are customizable in one way or another.

    There's a lot of "checklist content." That being: things that seem to only be there to check off a box on the "RPGM requirements" checklist. Easy combat, bare-bones crafting, and meaningless side-quests (to name a few) that are there solely to prolong the game. It's not bad, its just not good. All of this is countered by the story, as its pretty good.

    Any logic behind almost all of the sexual content is absent, leading to MC's spiral into sexual degeneracy not being handled well in the slightest. There's times where you'll have no lewd level but she'll act like a full-blown slut. Then there times where you have high lewd level but she'll act shy and nervous. It's odd. I also think the progression of h-scenes shown is strange, such as how you don't unlock a BJ scene until late game (far after she's done more serious sexual stuff). Another example of the logic issue is how you'll enter a scene and choose an option that should lead to something innocent (like masturbation), but it actually leads to something incredibly explicit (such as full-blown rape). Don't get me wrong the h-scenes are hot, they're just seemingly random.

    It's nice how the MC isn't opposed to and not hopelessly naïve to sex. What isn't nice is how they handle her virginity. There isn't really a "slow burn" of her venture into sex - the pacing is horrific. To this point I ask: why bother making her a virgin if you're going to throw it away as soon as possible? Something to add, every way for her to lose her virginity is through rape or is in a rape-like way, which sucks. The game also pushes you into having a specific character take her virginity or else you'll miss several h-scenes. Simple games such as this shouldn't require multiple playthroughs for h-content.

    I'm focusing on a lot of negatives but to be honest, even with all of them the game is still worth playing if you're looking for a typical RPGM h-game and/or a steampunk RPGM h-game. Three stars is "average," and this game is certainly that. Do I wish MC's design was used for a better game? Yes. Did I have a good time playing despite the flaws? Yes. Should you give it a shot? I believe so.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    9/10 - This game isn't quite a masterpiece, but it's top tier among this type of RPGM games.

    The art in these type of games is very important imo, and this one doesn't disappoint. It's got a hot protagonist with a wide array of dress up options to pick from. You can even customize some of the outfits a bit...remove top, put jacket on or off, etc. You can use any of the outfits in battle and there is battle damage. About half of the H scenes actually use your current outfit, the others are locked to a specific costume. H scenes are pretty good, although sadly not voiced. Very fappable overall.

    The combat is fun, nothing groundbreaking, but it has a few interesting skills. Not particularly challenging, but I may have over-leveled. The dungeons are short and sweet, thankfully without any maze-like designs to waste your time. Translation is good and the story is serviceable without dragging on and on. Took me about 6-7 hours for main story and another 2 hours for post-game quests and doing the rest of the events.

    I have a few similar complaints to previous reviews...pregnancy system could be more fleshed out, corruption could progress a bit more smoothly, and I wish there were more choices of non-rapists to lose your virginity to. You need to save often to avoid unanticipated consequences on some events. I was also disappointed that there were some missable events if you try to save your virginity for a while...I like to savor the slow corruption in this type of game...at least you can unlock everything after you beat it.

    Overall the devs remembered that they were making an H-game first and foremost, and I appreciate that...I'm not looking to play Elden Ring while I wank.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Ame Goblin

    Actual fun combat with break mechanic
    MC has great art and looks attractive
    Map level designs are great
    Quite engaging story
    Outfits/hair/pose customization
    Dungeons are not too dragging

    Corruption scenarios are way too rushed
    Sometimes objectives are confusing if you miss it
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    nice graphics
    excelent corruption system
    decent story
    fast pacing
    erotic achivments
    outfits styling

    developer did a great job, its not just run and kill turn base combat style enemies, nor run from point a to b for nfsw, its a good mix of both, with developing mechanics on top

    althought pregnancy system is oblivious, but the game is good as it is
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game.

    Combat system is classic, and most fights are pretty easy. The story is pretty generic, nothing too crazy. The corruption system is not the best, some scenes requires you to be a super slut for small rewards, and other just make you act like a slut with 0 lewd level. Also, I feel like the slut level gain curve is too fucked up. The 15 firsts lust levels feels very unnatural to gain (you need to voluntarly get yourself raped, or just show your tits to everyone with damaged clothes... but why would the character realistically do that with 0 lust ???), and after 25 lust points, you are just skyrocketting because 70% of the events requires 25-50 lust. Art is very good.

    If you like Clymenia games, you will like this one. It's not the best game ever, but it's still better than 99% of H-Games, so I give it 4 stars.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game claims to set itself apart by having a protagonist who isn't impossibly naive... but everything else about it is bog-standard. If you enjoy regular corruption games and think Erina's hot you'll likely enjoy this one too; if you were hoping for a game where an adventurer could actually fight off her molesters, then it's best to keep looking.
    Some of the regular stuff this game does include:
    - A hot protagonist
    - Nice dress-up options
    - Unexciting crafting
    - No romance (there's only one dude who isn't a misogynist, but his scenes are locked behind max lewdness)
    - A theoretically interesting combat system which you can largely ignore by simply blowing through the few fights there are
    - The ability to set an assist in battle, which you'll likely largely ignore since fights are faster without them
    - Innocuous choices in events lead to Erina getting raped. Whether you were expecting a voyeur/masturbation scene when choosing to masturbate in the shower while no one is around or were confident that Erina could just fight the guy off like last time, many events lead to rape with no indication that they will or should.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4814628

    Total 6/10

    Gameplay 6/10
    This is the usual RPGM female protag gameplay. It's about doing tasks around the map, fighting enemies and events that gives you an option to make her corrupt or not.
    Fight mechanism isn't different from the typical RPGM, but devs added something like exhaustion rate and etc.
    Status screens, being able to change clothes and other things makes this game polished and doesn't feel unfinished or off

    Story 6.5/10

    I'm not the one to judge this since I always skip text (I even install cheat codes that lets you skip dialogues on games when I can't skip) and I don't like stories in games like these in general
    But it looks as if it was done with effort and it has multiple endings (that doesn't branch off right before the end) so I gave it a 6.5

    Graphics 7/10
    Lots of CGs. I like this illustrations. MC is also hot (I mean look at those boobies)

    It's obviously good compared to all the RPGM games that's been uploaded to this site recently.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Teal Flower

    I had already played it but haven't finished it yet.
    It's fine, nice art, but the crafting is very underused with just a handful of recipes.
    The areas are tiny with very few enemies. You can skip them since they aren't random encounters so it's fine for those that don't like that.
    The story is interesting enough but I doubt things will change much before I finish it so... it's your regular corrupt the girl game with plain rpg inserted.
    And the fights feature stronger enemies and bosses with a break bar to stun them so it's a small addition that made it different. Besides that, you got a heat bar that according to the weapon or upgrade you are using will decrease your attack and/or crit when it's maxxed or the other way round. Not much more about it, you normally want to use skills that hit everything. Oh and for some reason you can use your crit up skill at no turn cost, or so it never skipped me when I used it.
    So quite average game in general, I expected more but in the end it was the usual walk here and there and whore the mc.