Seeking Ero-horror games


Oct 27, 2020
Not one hundred percent certain how to describe what I'm looking for here, but... by 'ero-horror,' I don't so much mean "I want scary things" as much as I do "I want unnerving things" - in other words, not jumpscares, not B-movie-type horror like zombies and other garbage, but comparatively 'weird things.' Like, bizarre creatures or erotic cults or something; no idea if that really communicates what I've got in mind, but that's the basic idea if nothing else. To put it one way, I want that feeling of 'fearful fascination' you get from those sorts of things. Unfortunately, I've never really encountered anything like this before, so I don't have any examples - sorry.

Ideally, I'd like Japanese-style h-games, but honestly I don't really care too much about that. Beyond NTR and scat, don't bother with fetish considerations. If it's a VN, I want VNs where the player takes more of an active than an inactive role, and RPGs are ideal (other formats are fine too, as long as they give the player agency). Any and all recommendations are appreciated. Female protagonist is a must, as well.
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May 6, 2020
Ghost Hunter Vena
Female protagonist, you walk through a mansion filled with ghosts.

Same developer, same style but with aliens.

Night of revenge
Great game with great atmosphere, but a bit a pain to set up. (Worth it though)

Splatter school
Quite bloody, not sure if you are into that but the setting is very horror themed.

Those come to my mind, it's unfortunately quite rare for developers to create horror styled games.


Oct 27, 2020
You might like this, its a side scroller but with great horror style and very brutal endings
I've had that one in my backlog for a while now - thanks for reminding me of it

Ghost Hunter Vena
Female protagonist, you walk through a mansion filled with ghosts.

Same developer, same style but with aliens.

Night of revenge
Great game with great atmosphere, but a bit a pain to set up. (Worth it though)

Splatter school
Quite bloody, not sure if you are into that but the setting is very horror themed.

Those come to my mind, it's unfortunately quite rare for developers to create horror styled games.
Ah, Night of Revenge. I remember that one as 'hentai Dark Souls with too many moon runes to decipher,' but I also didn't bother setting it up at all, so I'll give it another shot. As for Splatter School... eh? It's not an automatic fail condition, but neither is it something I'm especially keen on it. Will nonetheless take a look at it, though.
Edit: Damn, ok. That falls into the realm of 'morbid curiosity' for me, but a bit too morbid for my tastes
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