Unreal Engine - Erokin [v0.5 Patreon] [Anduo Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The sound and the sex animation are good. The character's voice is suggestive, not smt I would expect from a porn game. The main story will have to be wait. Currently there's only one bad ending questline.

    The lighting needs to be improved, and no fighting mechanic yet. The jump animation is static.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excelent even in this 0.5 version.

    -The animations are 10/10
    -The story and lore is really good for a porn game, have to be interesting but only the necessary to show you a sex scene
    -The sex scenes are so good, very well animated
    -Sounds are really excelent, full dubbed
    -Characters are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

    This game is just perfection only in 0.5 version imagine when this game is finished.

    I just have a new favorite game.

    Support them on patreon, developers deserve it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh yeah this is the best game ever. Need alda being walked like a dog in public by cura tho

    The developers are very kind and respond right away on discord making it worth donating too if you ever wanna become a patron.

    def high quality game that deserves all the praise.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I will start of by saying this game will probably become something good, but to call this 0.5 is a bit insulting. That being said Team Anduo are credited hgame developers so I am excited none the less.

    +The dialogue seems very natural, especially for a h game
    +The graphics are very good looking
    +The plot hook seems catching
    +Plenty of Sex scenes

    +- The game currently drops you into the story and you are given zero context to what is going on and you kinda have to puzzle the lore together yourself, if that's intended then it's a positive thing but I don't think it intended.

    -The demo is like 15 minutes if you explore everything, I believe it's false advertising to call it
    -Everything clips horribly, I've yet to find a piece of clothing or curtain that didn't bother me.
    -Any animation that isn't sex seems to miss any weight making it look stiff
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: A glorified animation viewer at its current state, updates keep padding out the 'bad end' while the main storyline of the game is wrapped up in about 10 minutes.

    + Decent quality models and animations
    + Animation variety is okay, but barely
    + Voice acting is not bad at all
    + Game looks pleasant
    + I like the premise

    - EVERYTHING clips in this game, even the PC's outfit clips into itself and looks goofy
    - Main story content is, at most, 10 minutes long while the devs pad out a bed end route because...?
    - You can't move dialogue forward, you can only skip it entirely, this is bad because everyone in this game speaks at a painfully slow pace trying to be seductive
    - There really isn't enough content to warrant a V0.5, this is more like V0.1 if we're being honest, but 0.5 looks better, I suppose
    - City is filled with empty buildings and very few NPCs, looks more like a placeholder than anything else

    I downloaded this purely because it was V0.5 and I thought it'd at least have something to keep me busy, instead I found myself hunting for sex scenes after finishing up the main story in about 8 minutes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the greatest game you could possibly find on this site. any rating under 3 stars is completely biased.

    Animation 10/10
    Voice acting 10/10
    Art style 10/10
    Storyline 10/10
    Dialogue 10/10
    All NSFW Scenes 10/10

    Only thing i'd say is bad is the FACT THAT THERE ISNT MORE CURA CONTENT. (JOKE)
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I never got to the gameplay. There is a voice acting, there is a more or less pleasant, though not at all artistic picture. But I didn't see anything except a simulator of walking past non-reacting NPCs and missing jump animation. Is this a demo showing the voiceover? This is a demo showing... what? Maybe there is gameplay somewhere far away, but this is the thing that, I suppose, should be shown to the player first.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.4.1 Patreon

    Honestly this is more put-together than I thought it would be. Like most Unreal lewd games there's a lot of things work-in-progress and general jank, but this feels like it could be more than a never-ending tech demo. I can see the vision.

    It seems like corruption is the main theme here. We take control of a mercenary who is somehow connected to a spiritual succubus(?) inside our head that likes to chime in and say succubus things. There's a small quest chain to follow, the beginnings of a bad end side path (that had a surprising amount of depth), and a couple lewd scenes scattered around the map.

    Corruption themes are pretty hit or miss for me personally, but I think the confident female MC slowly giving in to things can be hot when done right. Hard to say if I think this is doing it right yet. The current bad end involves drinking an addictive aphrodisiac that's used as the catalyst to sort of break down the MC's mind into doing lewder things for more of the aphrodisiac. Not my thing really, but I will say the sex scene animations themselves are actually really good.

    I think what surprised me most was how much I liked the voice acting, which is actually something I typically hate in lewd games. It's pretty well done actually. All the voices and general voice lines feel like they actually fit the game.

    As mentioned the main issues right now are really just the consequences of playing a game like this early in development. The lighting sucks, a lot of the non-sex scene animations are stiff, unfinished stuff everywhere, lots of clipping, etc etc. A dialogue skip button would be a great addition as well. Too early to talk about much of anything else. Finished or even content heavy Unreal lewd games are almost non-existent, and this certainly isn't one of them. But if you like checking out newer games that have some potential, I think this is worth a look at the least.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    When i first try this game at 0.2, i think wow that game will be good. (H version of Dark Messiah)
    Now i come back at 0.4 and no it's not anymore.
    Switch from UE4 to UE5:
    Worse Performance
    Worse Lighting
    Dropped in first 5 sec of 0.4
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best art directions in a porn game so far. From conceptual point of view, this could be a gem of a game.

    Does the gameplay hold up? It's passable. The quest system of walking back and forth to turn in quests is quite simplistic, but I am sure the devs are going to revise it in upcoming releases.

    Keep an eye on this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game with potential and multiple ending story. Nice graphics, but it needs more developed settings, especially performance isn't the best. There are minor bugs, but it's an early version. Overall, I love the style of art, plot is not bad. I just miss more specific graphic settings. I would also like to see more interaction possibilities(npc), and the ability to speed/skip conversation would be great. That would look nice if there were some background peoples(with would say something random).
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, Erokin.

    At first glance, it may seem ordinary and unremarkable, but to my surprise, the project is executed very professionally and boasts a very beautiful visual presentation. Undoubtedly, this is a very promising start. As for gameplay, it is practically non-existent; all we can do is simply walk around and observe how the action or critical situations unfold. There is no direct and open interaction, so it is very difficult to talk about any concept of gameplay. However, the most important thing is that the entire project is handcrafted by the developer and is not assembled from free assets or models. Absolutely all the visual elements of the project are created and presented in a very good visual style. We'll see where this journey takes us in the next update, but the foundation has already been laid. I hope there will be more action and critical situations in the actual gameplay.

    Attempt number two...

    I am very disappointed. I don't want to admit that the project has taken a turn for the worse, but what has happened to it now is very difficult to comment on. Let's start with the fact that my beloved RTX 3060 12GB said to me, "Sorry, I can't..." After switching to Unreal Engine 5, everything became unrecognizably bad. The performance dropped by 2 or maybe 3 times, as I no longer have 60 frames. With the struggle on Epic settings, it's 30 frames, and understand me correctly, the project visually looks very bad.

    Hold on!

    I really like the visual style, I've been waiting for this project, and I want it to be good. I really like it, and I can't ignore what has happened to it over time, because now I feel like I've been slapped in the face. I don't like this kind of attitude. I don't like it when games that have every chance to become very good get ruined by developers for unclear reasons. The transition to Unreal Engine 5 made the project ugly. It's not beautiful anymore; it no longer has that beautiful, cartoonish, fairytale-like picture. The whole project looks like it got hit by a tram. I won't talk about the bugs; those can be ignored.

    The lighting is completely ruined. The main menu or just buttons could have been drawn to attract attention. The innovations are terrible. Honestly, I didn't expect anything like this, and I didn't want to. Anal plug artifacts, softlocks in the user interface, a combat system so bad and unresponsive that it induces irritation. Animations of weapon draw or attacks... This doesn't look like what I saw in the previous version. Don't tell me the budget ran out after installing PAYWALL. I feel deceived, and I honestly hope that this mess will be fixed because I don't believe that it was done by the people I know.

    Or maybe this is some kind of stupid joke?
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.1 Public] Not bad as a very early demo.
    The animations look great, some complained about optimization but it ran ok on my system. I can't wait to see where this goes to, hopping this is not just yet another game that will end up abandonned...
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, at the current state (in the slightly short-ish session I played) the game showed a rather strong lack of anything outside of a story-adjacend walking simulator

    It looks nice in most parts but feels empty, devoid of anything truly interesting

    Good example would be the start;
    You come into some kind of city, some random demongirl (who most likely is only visible by the mc) starts talking, there are some random girls getting punish-fucked with a priestress preaching something ...and no real crowd

    Hope with some time this will improve and to see this game shine (or at least some game in the game)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit thats remarkable. Never written reviews but that thing is so refreshingly good and above usual trash-level games that appear on this site that it deserves special attention. Models, environment and voice are on top, i have waited for this type of game for a long time. Scenes are fucking paced(!), very rare thing in games, with all camera angles and slides, geesh, thats how it should be done.
    Though some ares make pc go laggy, no major cons in this public build for me, so solid five and wishing the devs all the best in expansion and finishing this product.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    0/10, can't turn off the motion blur. Jokes aside, (seriously let us turn it off), it's a cool demo and I can tell the devs put a lot of work into. Not too many quality Unity games out there. Excited to see what comes in the future
    Likes: LDV
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The level of detail and animation in this game is insane. Though the "regular" voice acting is good, it's the "sex" voice acting performances that really shine. Looking forward to this one .

    P.S. You'll probably need a really good PC for this one. Even my 3060 GPU had a few hiccups.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Almost excellent, but for a few problems that will probably not be resolved.

    The Good:
    Amazing graphics and performance (even without DLSS > 100fps). The menu was nicely organized and very usable. Lighting was excellent. Great balance of shadows and highlights without ever being overblown or too dark. Great character designs, excellent material and texture quality. Movement was smooth and responsive. It was fun finding all of the scrolls scattered around the small explorable area. Good physics. The dialog (written and spoken) was good, and was implemented in a way that still allows you to move, so it's not the type that you just skip through.

    The Bad:
    Patreon paywall for some of the (assuming animated) content. All of the boobs are either huge, massive or crazy massive, which immediately detracts from everything else that is so balanced about the game (lighting, voices, movement, etc). A scene will have perfectly placed lights, perfectly balanced tones and values, great character designs and materials, but then there's this huge set of knockers like the Coolaid Man on stage at an opera. Like, why? What are those, Z cups?

    Excellent, but the Patreon stuff (arguably > 20% of content) seems like it will be a hindrance in future updates, assuming the pattern will be constant or become more restricted. The incomplete area of the inn (or whatever it was) seems to hint at a lot of ambition, and I have my doubts about whether that ambition will ever be realized, or if enough money will come in and it will be in limbo forever.

    If the boobs were more reasonably sized (like C and D cups), then maybe the Patreon stuff isn't even a big deal. I could see myself buying this game if it's ever released. I'm hoping, but have no expectations.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, looking forward to more, this game definitely has story and space to grow with very good elements involved and looks great and runs great. Hopefully the updates aren't too far imbetween and a lot of legwork has already been done, we can hope.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As for a demo, it is fucking gorgeous and sexy.A really really horny and lewd game and I hope it will continue like that. Scenes are behind paywall but even without them it is a beautiful demo.I need 200 hundred characters