The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.8b...
Originally Reviewed on 12/11/2017
Well, this was an interesting game... Not a visual novel in the traditional sense at all... In fact, far from it... Visually it's nice and has a very small amount of actual plot...
The visuals are not bad, as I would probably rate them as average to good... The backdrops are about the same as the character visuals... There are some moments of semi-animation, as in back to back stills that appear like motion when played quickly back to back... But usually animations are just window dressing for me anyway, not something I care about...
The script is ok, as the only real plot has you playing as a female protagonist attending an erotic fetish school sometime in the not so distant future... Beyond that, you can have a few relationships, but they are all focused around sex, with very little in the way of meaningful dialogue or story... You do have stats and relationship levels that can be grinded, by actions within the school, to allow you to basically just access more sex and/or fetish scenes... There really isn't any depth to the game beyond that... There is dialogue, but it isn't much in the way of real plot... Some scenes have a romantic type quality to them, and some have a very domineering type quality, but it's mostly just about the sex...
This is very much just a fetish game, where you watch and read about different varying fetish's and sex scenes, mixed with a small amount of dialogue and very little story... It is no way shape or form a visual novel of any substance... They do present everything in a safe type environment, which is basically how the school is portrayed in the beginning... I didn't really try out everything there was, although I did go on some dates with a few of the characters, but they are pretty much revolved around a tiny bit of getting to know the character while just having more sex/fetish sex with them... I will most likely never re-visit this game, as I was hoping for it to have more story and meaningful depth, so I tried all types of different things to see if it would ever live up what I was looking for, but alas it was not to be... Fetish lovers who don't care about story too much, might like this one, but for me it was not up my ally...