RPGM - Abandoned - Erosion [v0.3.7] [TrashGods]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has lost it's focus that it had when it came out. Story originally to corrupt the people but than it turned into some broken horribly done card game with the worst cards.

    New cards are worst than the original so you end up just using the original cards.

    The grind factor is horrendous you will spend days grinding meeting with girl that soon get so repetitive it's no longer fun and each of these events you get to raise a trust, attraction or compassion but in the same event you will lower one of the others. This makes grind even worst and you already have 3 ways you have to grind them. So you end up going through repetitive meetings with girl and get two actions with girl.. than go to sleep.. rinse and repeat.

    Now to the paywall locked content guess the ONLY way you get any decent cards that you might actually use you have to pay for. So locked behind paywall.

    Now let's not forget the new Events that dev added with no damn explanation.. says I am in an active event but no clue what it does or how to use .

    The dev of this game does not like to explain anything past the initial battle it's all on you to learn the system and how to use combos. Because these combos are the factor to winning your gear has to be all matching to get combos so you can't just use gear you have.. you have to grind to farm to find enough drops to produce a matching gear before you will actually want to use it. Need 3 pieces for each one.. weapon, armor, and boots.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    review based on v0.3.0

    Very linear story (at least in it seems so far, obviously there isn't much content yet), no dialogue options. Writing is OK, but nothing to write home about (lot of pointless internal monologue like "she started moving" - dude, I can see that, the scene is animated...). The story seems unnecessarily convoluted, but it's hard to judge at this point.

    The combat system is a card game that honestly is quite good, you have a deck of cards and for each encounter, you choose four of them. The entire battle than includes those cards. There is no randomness in any way, you have complete information about the enemy before the fight starts. Yet each encounter is quite different as based on what special abilities the enemy has, you want to choose different cards. The downside is, the fight itself is just executing the strategy you have chosen, so all the important choices are done before the fight.

    The lewd content has beautiful art, but it is few and far between, so much that if that does not improve in later builds I would take down one star.

    The user interface is the biggest weakness. They replaced the standard RPGMaker UI with a custom one, which looks better, but arrow keys don't work, which makes some menus annoying to operate, some actions are done by clicking, some by double clicking, some menus you can close with ESC, some you can't, it's a mess.
    The worst part is there are 2s delays between EVERYTHING. Next line of dialogue, delay. Open inventory, delay, open map, delay, click location on map, double delay.

    Summary: lot of technical issues, not enough erotic content (compared to non-erotic), I would give 3 stars, but compared to other games, this one is surely above average: nice art, fresh combat system.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is beautiful with a great story to follow, only downside is the slow update but the devs are active. And it is well worth the wait for the quality of game being made. Please check it out and dont miss this gem.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Battle Mech: Interesting, battle skills/cards work well, Auto battle works a bit odd to use since it only uses skills 1-4 in a repeated order, Battle Speed up works although the animation does lag a bit towards the end of the attack animation losing some time. The support characters are a nice addition (although I suspect this was just for more CG), There is currently unlimited stamina atm as it can go into the negatives without any penalty.

    Other minor things: When you gain gold in the missions, it doesn't appear in the top corner, however when you go into the menu to equip items, you'll see the gold appear. Arrow key along with sprint input don't seem to work at times however just substitute movement with mouse controls instead.

    Issues: File size is very large for a prototype with only little gameplay, Unable to save

    This was rated during V0.1.5
    Rated 4/5, I like the game, I can see the potential in it, As it is now, it's naked. But for how far you've done and how you're interacting with the audience, I can see this going somewhere, Continue with the great work!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Rated 4/5 based on potential and developer engagement in the thread. I think the core concepts are really fascinating and what there is right now i enjoyed, it is still pretty bare bones which is not surprising but the developer is very active and im crossing my fingers it doesnt get abandoned because it could be something great.
    (rated on version 0.1.5)