VN - Unity - Erosphere [v11.11.12.0-2k] [bdot.labs]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    lazy, mediocre, slow, uninspired, unarousing.
    I mean how many more AI bs games does it take, until they die down.
    A dime in a dozen game, that for the first time, made me feel annoyed to see another H scene.
    And some are amazed, by how good the LIs are looking. Get out of your rock. Please!
    No good at all
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I think at this moment its the best game, which was made by using AI, that I saw. Great visuals, very hot and attractive chraracters, even more hot sex scenes. Good visual polishing, no characteristic for AI glitches such as six fingers or body parts blending etc. Physics works great, story simple but not bad and engaging enough for 18+ game. If dev will fix some minor glithces on locations backgrounds it would be the best looking and AI made game for sure. As i can see, dev works on polishing and reworking his mistakes and that is a very good sign in the long run for the game future and final quality.

    And all that words, when Im personally dont trust and dont like AI made games in the first place. But when I saw previews, I gave this game a chance and didnt regret it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, with beautiful ladies, gorgeous breasts and pretty faces, i liked the pace of the gaming, and the game is very intuitive, the sex scenes are perfect, the womans are very hot and very fuckable
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game, but unfortunately, it feels like it was put together with little effort. While I can overlook the AI-generated pictures and the amusing physics of certain aspects, such as the exaggerated breasts, the writing is atrocious, and the world-building is even worse. There are a few promising concepts buried within, but they're not enough to salvage the experience. At this point, it seems like the only redeeming quality is perhaps the visuals; however, they alone aren't worth the investment.

    I predict that this game will likely be abandoned within the next 3-6 months. It feels like the developers have little to no interest in the game and are only here for a quick cash grab.

    !update to review!
    just seen the game has been updated to v9.9.12.1
    sadly, i dit not note down at what version i reviewed the game. once the game gets a few more updates, i will honor the developers with another review. hopefully then can prove me Wrong and turn this around.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    i would give it a 3.5/5 i was partly positively surprised partly undwhelmed.

    lets talk about the positive things first:

    for an AI game which works with AI generated Art this is shockingly great done. the AI art itself it also top tier. i also like the music and the transitions. the physic stuff is nice but not need for me personally. (the girls are just awesome!)

    the negative things for me are: the mc started as a fat boy which kinda caught my interest (with a quite pretty face for whatever reason) but then gets transformed into a pretty muscular guy... why? if there has to be transforming why not transform him into the body of a well known veteran who is old and at best more ugly. i so hoped to finally see quality AI art with massively HOT women and some old and unattractive man. but we get another of so many games where the mc is pretty and muscular and tall and young... another thing what i didn't like at all: there is already so much POV porn going on lately and i really don't like that trend. Here all naughty stuff is just POV. at least make POV just optional if thats possible.

    + girls design
    + overall quality
    + english
    + even some animations

    - mc turns from a fat still to pretty looking guy to a fit very attractive looking guy
    - action is in POV...