Erotic Asphyxiation and Necrophilia

Saburo. M

Oct 28, 2019
i am just curious, what is the opinion of people at large out there on such fantasies?

do they regard is as worse than pedophilia /shotaro /lolicon so much that nobody even dare speak of it? Or people are just ashamed to talk about it? Or generally not many understand it enough to really want to see it in hentai games?

personally i have zero experience in it so my knowledge on the subject matter is zero.

any feedback would be helpful.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
I doubt it is worse than the kinks you mentioned, why? because necro is popular already in the horror genre, mainstream movies and games have no issue depicting detailed and gruesome deaths that probably appeal to necro enjoyers more than most porn games out there.

Now when it comes to porn content, I don't mind playing games with it and in fact many games use it for game-over scenes. But in general it is just a lot less appealing to me than almost every other kink out there.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
I just dont think about it.
Snuff (witch include asphyxiation) and necrophila dont turn me and and i rarely see it mentioned so i assumed it is a rare fetish.
As long as you dont shove it in my face i am content to let you have whatever twisted fantasies you like.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
I think alot of people are ok with those fetishes in their soft versions, just look at all the vampire games out there. I personally have not seen a game that has Asphyxiation in it as a fetish but I guess there must be some.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but I'm guessing you are talking about the harder versions out there? Asphyxiation is just meant to heighten the climax and not lead to death so I don't think too many people would view it as "bad" just not what they enjoy.
Necrophilia is sex with the dead and vampire / zombie games would cover that, the harder versions would include guro (the killing and sometimes mutilation of the corpes) I think more people would have a problem with that kind.

As for how it would be ranked? No idea, the three examples you gave are viewed very differently but alot of people.

For my tastes, vampires can be hot...zombies are ok.... a BIG no thanks for anything with guro! As for Asphyxiation not interested IRL and never seen it in a game but wouldn't play it if that was the main fetish, I wouldn't ignore a game if it was one of the side fetishes though.


Jun 4, 2022
I find the words "erotic" and "asphyxiation / necrophilia" mutually exclusive. Is it "worse" than other kinks? Maybe not.

Also, I am curious, is romance and sex with a vampire considered "necrophilia"? I have a strong feeling the vast majority of vampire romance novel authors out there and the masses of readers who consume them don't think it's necrophilia at all. Zombie is a different matter... but the one Zombie romance novel I ever read "Warm Bodies (also a movie)" certainly didn't feel like that at all either, I haven't played any zombie VNs though and I don't think I will. I have a feeling I may not like how your average VN approaches that topic ;)
I have played a few vampire themed VNs, no trace of necrophilia here either. For me necrophila means dead, as in "dead dead" and that's just nothing I want to see.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
I don't find them worse than shota/lolicon ... but they can get nasty easily. Necro... unless it's a VN on a morgue/graveyard or with undead (zombies) would need to be paired with guro and THAT is gross, very few games would get to that.

Erotic asphyxiation...yeah, I find it hot, kinda like breath control on BDSM. but it can easily go wrong and end in death... is scary. But I think is doable in a game, hell, I have a breath control part on a BDSM scene in my game. I bet there must be some games with this kind of fetish. Not as main focus, but they may appear in certain scenes.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
I am curious, is romance and sex with a vampire considered "necrophilia"? I
It shoud.
But because it doesnt looks like a corpse most wont think twice about it.
It is kinda distrubing.
Much like sylvanas from world of warcraft.
So many people forget she is a corpse.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Obviously not, both vampires and zombies fall under "monsters". Necro is for things that are completely dead, "undeads" don't count unless you manage to completely kill them first.
That is kind of half correct, "original vampires" are monsters, turned vampires ( a human drained of their blood and made to drink the vampires blood) are corpses. They human must first die and be "raised" as a vampire so it counts as sex with a dead body.
Zombies are corpses kept animated by (depending on story / game) magic or a virus, the virus is alive but the "host" body is dead.

Technically, it is. Vampires are undead creatures.
But i doubt a lot of people actually consider it on any significant depth.
After all, vamps often depicted as hot hunks and to most that's all that matter. :whistle::coffee:
Don't forget HOT vamp ladies :love:

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Except it doesn't that is my point, otherwise many more games would be getting the necro tag. eg. this or this.
Not really sure about A Zombie's Life, I don't remember if the MC has sex with the zombies or just the survivor women but
Vibohazard / Resident Dildo should be necro, I guess the softer ones get monster tag because of the stigma from necro?

Probably anything that is "kept animated" isn't necro anymore.
This is true, alot of fetishes with soft and hard version seem to have their softer version re-named / tagged or ignored altogether.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
This is true, alot of fetishes with soft and hard version seem to have their softer version re-named / tagged or ignored altogether.
Well, that's because there are tags that represent what they are better... There are even that are undead.

Noone looking for necro would care about living zombies or vampires, that is basically another kink.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I always assumed erotic asphyxiation is more a thing you do to yourself rather than a fetish, even when someone else does it to you. it's like getting a sex toy. means to a heightened orgasm rather than the goal in itself. a benign although dangerous voluntary act. I'm sure the people doing that will do it while watching any kind of porn. it doesn't require 'asphyxiation porn' to do.

where as the fetish for strangling is something very different and falls under sexual sadism. serial killer territory. or darker bdsm stories.

necrophilia I assume nobody cares because you're not hurting anyone. although as I understand in real world it tends to come bundled with other far more dangerous psychopathic urges which are the real problem. this is again serial killer territory. - but necrophilia itself, without murdering the 'love interests' etc, I don't know why I should care. kinda like I don't care if people want to fuck big animals. if the animal is big enough to not be in pain from it I don't think the animal would mind. and if the animal won't mind I don't know why I should. same with necrophilia, the dead don't care.


New Member
Dec 3, 2022
i am just curious, what is the opinion of people at large out there on such fantasies?

do they regard is as worse than pedophilia /shotaro /lolicon so much that nobody even dare speak of it? Or people are just ashamed to talk about it? Or generally not many understand it enough to really want to see it in hentai games?

personally i have zero experience in it so my knowledge on the subject matter is zero.

any feedback would be helpful.
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Sep 30, 2017
This is a judgement free zone and I see you're making use of it lmao

Since the thread is getting necro'd anyway (heh): death isn't particularly erotic to me, but asphyxiation/breath play is tragically underrepresented and I wish there were more games with dedicated content around it.


May 2, 2018
Asphyxiation in games tends to get paired with facesitting or smothering of some kind from what I've seen, but other than that I haven't seen much involving choking or autoerotic asphyxiation in a while. Breathplay in itself isn't the fetish being catered to in these games/stories, it's just seen as an extension of a scene about asses, or as one of the stock 'dominant man' actions to take during sex, like hair pulling or spanking. It's quite an interesting topic, and I do quite like breathplay personally, so long as the thing controlling my breath/I am being smothered with is something I otherwise find sexy. Like, in terms of both people and specific body parts :)

I do think breathplay should be talked about more though as a kink and not just part and parcel of certain sex acts. It's almost become so normalized in porn that it's seen as vanilla, but the safety methods the kink community practices haven't had the same reach. Apparently some young guys have got it into their heads that choking a woman without warning or consent during sex is a normal and expected thing to do. Which is terrifying and incredibly dangerous, why the fuck would you ever do that :O

But porn games often reflect porn, and more broadly the society that created them. Art imitates life, which imitates art. If we see breathplay as part and parcel of sitting on someone's face, and not the same as <that weird time where lil Timmy accidentally hangs himself while fapping> then the games we make will have a similar blind spot, I think.

Necro meanwhile is... definitely not my (body)bag. I've never unearthed any fantasies about it, certainly. But I'm a bit of a monsterfucker, so the whole 'is vampire necro' thing is relevant to my interests. I'd say people who want zombies and vampires are more on the monsterfucker spectrum, because zombies and vampires can act on their own (gross as zombies can be), whereas an actual corpse has no agency. And... afaik corpses not having agency is part of the point for necro people, correct me if I'm wrong? Which is probably a bit hard to simulate in a way a person with the fetish would want, even if it wasn't extremely taboo?