Others - Completed - Erozld [Final] [88Danuki]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    For the price tag, I'm not recommended

    Zelda with porn but slow and clunky controls
    The dev conscious about it enough to put it in the name as acronym.
    Sorry, Zelda is not my cup of tea at all.

    Sex scene
    Defeated Gang rape and, in any some sort of bondage by hands or something else.
    A few specific kinks' inspired by SiNiSistar, but no gore, just some blood when she gave birth to something.
    Lewd status are nothing in here other than making the game harder.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Not too much to be said about the game, it's just bad.
    The best thing it's the pixeled art style and character designs, unfortunately, everything else is highly underwhelming.
    Controls are poorly polished, game runs at a low fps rate, scenes are boring and difficult to appreciate, audio sounds bad, etc.
    Not recommended.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    First things first, when you start the game, you better plug in a controller or change the keyboard keybinds, because the original binds are absolutely shit. The game itself is decent fun, by the end of it started getting repetitive but it was over by then, so no worries about that. The pixel art is done well and i really like it, what i dont like is that if you want to see sexual scnes, you have to be defeated, which is very annoying in this game.

    Overall a good dungeon crawler with some flaws.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    An erotic Zelda-like (oooh, I get iiit) about a cat-eared girl (ears, but no tail) who gets stuck in a dungeon full of lewd monsters. Simple and straightforward with sex scenes on defeat as well as some minor prostitution and trap scenes and very basic pregnancy/birth mechanic. Clearly designed for a Gamepad (for some reason) and you need to use all five main action buttons to win, but I managed to get some one-handed controls working. Has a bit of jank to it - Config screen when accessed from main menu didn't allow me to edit anything other than sound levels, but pressing the Config Button while in-game works fine. Sex scenes can be hard to read; I highly recommend going into Config and changing the "Defeat Anm" setting from "Many" to "Only" to reduce confusion.
    I use the following keybinds to get entirely left-handed controls: A=Space to Jump, B=Q to drop bomb, X=E to swing sword, Y=R to block, L1=Shift to sprint, Up/Down/Left/Right=WSAD (default), OK=Space, Cancel=R, ポーズ (pause)=Tab, セレクト(select)=B for Config menu. It takes some getting used to because the in-game button prompts still show the default keys, but I think it's worth it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Sex scenes are not enjoyable, The're a tiny pixel animation where you can't see anything, and it's obscured by everything else anyways. Besides that it shows one scene-specific looping animations with few frames, and cycles that very fast with other, generic loops that it spams all over the screen. You barely have time to look at anything, and it's accompanied with annoying, high-pitched sound effects.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a few zelda-likes, and I feel like this one is fantastic. A lot of these kinds of games are too large and too easy, with too many hearts, powers, weapons, etc.

    This game keeps it simple. You start with a bow, run ,jump, and the best shield - no unlocking them through a dungeon. When you do get the bombs, they're integral to boss battles. Everything you have feels important, you have to use every tool (including the shield!)

    There are a great number of dungeons that all feel unique and challenging. They're all thematically different visually and challenge wise. Games like these usually go the SNES or Gameboy zelda route of having all the dungeon look the same, and only be different by what new weapon you unlock - but with this game each new area had a fun little twist that kept things fresh.

    The difficulty balance feels great too. Like it can be difficult, but if you approach things carefully you'll overcome it. For example, the final dungeon is kind of a gauntlet that has monsters which make it really hard for you to rush through (and I tried to rush through plenty of times!), but if you take it slow and figure out what to target then you can overcome it.

    Each monster in the game is nice and unique too. The more challenging dungeons offer groups of monsters in tough combinations, like ghosts and mummies, or eyeball / slime / ghost. There were plenty of points where I wasn't losing on purpose, just from normal enemies!

    Still, losing to monsters is a lot of fun. The sex is all very cute, you get a handful of different kinks - not too many, but you know, a fun amount! I like the games that describe what the monsters are doing to you, and this is one of those games! You get descriptions and moans in a big info-feed (that sometimes covers up the art).

    I sometimes wished the game would be a bit more like The Agnietta, which had monsters play with you outside of combat, but that kind of thing apparently leads to tons of bugs (The Agnietta is pretty buggy with animations). This game's very solid, no bugs. I've even died in funny ways and the game didn't break at all. Dying in one screen and moving to another screen? A-OK. Dying in a boss chamber where the boss can't reach you? The game does NOT give you a soft lock!

    All in all, I had a great time! If you like a tough but fair game, you will too.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Cute mini Zelda-like!

    The sound is kinda grating, I get what it's going for and it does it well but my ears don't like NES noises anymore. Luckily you can just turn it down to acceptable levels.

    Not much on the plot, lady falls down hole, finds magic lewd sword and has to explore to escape and find the treasure she was looking for. On the way you get molested and such, the usual, the artstyle does a lot of work for it, and love me some good pixel art.

    The gameplay consists of SNES/GBA era Zelda mechanics with your sword, bow, bombs, etc. It has the thematic areas you'd expect from Zelda with an added touch of lewd in the form of enemy attacks and defeats (the game does not JUST have defeat sex but it is the majority of it). You do get battle damage as you get hit as well, which I always appreciate.

    Overall, maybe not worth the $15 on Steam cos it's kinda short and you lose progress if you get killed, which is how you get the lewd, but that's not as big a deal as it would be in a RPGM game or something since checkpoints are abundant. It's a good, game and it has porn in it. I love what it's going for and it's doing it pretty well.