RPGM - Completed - Escape from the Lust Mansion [v1.0] [Minagiel]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    After finding and trying out this game I decided to give it a review. First things I noticed that the character Yuuka body is insanely abnormal but eh whatever. All though the game was a quick like 15-30 minutes. There is only 4 sex scenes and a confusing puzzles and without the guide you're pretty much stuck.

    I also noticed that Yuuka doesn't care about the MC having sex with her, like bro most women would not let them have sex even they are friends or neighbors

    Here's the pros and cons that I saw.

    • Can be played really well
    • 15-30 minutes game
    • Mild story
    • Replayable gallery by talking to Yuuka
    • Good translation

    • Literally Empty mansion, no interactable other characters or items
    • Horrible puzzles
    • Few sex scenes
      Uninteresting scenes
    I do not recommend this game as it is just a quick short game
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game! The controls are clunky and unresponsive, making gameplay frustrating. The graphics are outdated, and the performance is poor, with constant crashes. The ads are overwhelming and pop up every few minutes. Overall, it feels like a cheap cash grab. Not worth your time.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    While the art caught my eye, I was disappointed to see how short the game was and the amount of content in it.

    • The scenes are decent
    • The BGM is chill I like it
    • The female MC's model is done well
    • 15-30 minutes to complete
    • Gallery is the female MC if you click on her
    • Translation is done well!

    • The puzzles stink, it's not even a puzzle game
    • There's only 4 scenes and none of them are animated, just stills and using generic SFX
    • There's a plot but I couldn't piece it together
    • The manor is so big yet feels so empty


    I get it if you like the female MC's model and wanna look at the scenes real quick, but I don't recommend this one. There are plenty of short games out there that do a much better job.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This isn't really a game. It's 4 scenes in a very short extremely easy "puzzle" scene collector. If you can't solve these without the guide I don't know what to tell you. The story is non-existent but it's fine. You go through 4 rooms and fuck giant girl with kind of wonky proportions that likes you. I appreciate that it's straight to the point and doesn't waste your time. Nor is it pretending to be anything else. I don't even know why it bothers to give you the option to save. There's only 1 ending and there's no choices, stats, routes or anything. No gallery just talk to the girl to repeat any of the 4 scenes. There's pretty much no excuse to download a full save here when you can finish this in minutes. You can probably clear faster than reading these reviews.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A simple VN-like game about getting kidnapped and locked up with a nice sexy girl (tm) and trying to escape with her. For some reason, the kidnapper decides to put his keys in locked chests that open through puzzles, except they also release arousal gas...
    You'd think there'd be some well-thought out reason behind such things, but no, not really. There's also not a lot of gameplay here and it's very short (less than 10 minutes).
    The "Escape room with a friend but sex is involved"-idea interested me though. I kind of wished there was some dynamic gameplay involved and that it was more about the length of 30 minutes, with the way you handled things changing how the ally felt about you (Example: Fuck around too much = she hates you even though you (might have) scored with her/Escape with her fast and be respectful = she dates you and then you hit it off as a reward in the end).
    Sadly, this is linear as hell, and there's only one instance where you have more than one "choice" in dialog, and I'm positive it leads to the same result regardless.

    Ultimately, this game's an inoffensive small-time project and merely sets out to do what it wants to do. Oh, and the art is alright to me, but there's no voices or animation which will probably bother some people. Even the SFX is lacking.
