Others - Completed - Estella's Nightmare: Sealed Space and a Succubus's Curse [Final] [Gorogoro Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    There really isn't too much to say about this game. The player character is top tier for those of us who like Egyptian style catgirls. The combat is braindead easy the moment you figure out block timers, the enemies and scenes relating to them are kind of okay but there are a few that standout. Ultimately it's good for like half an hour before you suddenly reach the end and are left thinking, "That's it?"
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The art seem very good but cut scene too low, voice character is also look good but gameplay is bad, i mean if gameplay make character can move closer or farther. But i impressive story game. Total 6.5/10
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    same as everyone else has already said.
    egyptian mc is cute.
    animations are good.
    there is no story.
    ~1 hour of "gameplay content."
    even as a filler game this was a waste of time to play.
    skip this game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: final

    Put simply, this game has amazing art and animation, but the gameplay is the most basic shit i have ever seen on this website, in all honesty this isnt even worth being called a game, when you consider the fact that the gameplay consists of attack, defend and wait until you can attack again, that is all that the game consists of. This is only a file you download to watch some quality scenes and thats all there is to it.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Animations are good, but gameplay is meh. Take a full save and watch the gallery. If there is no full save, just complete the game as soon as fast as possible to unlock the whole gallery.

    To complete this game, you need three/four buttons: go/run left, space for shield in combats, and whatever for attack. The shield is very strong, and you can't game over if you don't want it (just keep resisting by pressing e when you have zero HP). Everything else is optional (what's the point of jump?)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is terrible, the art is cute, the in-game animations are laughable, and the defeat scenes are passable. This game is incredibly lackluster on just about every account.

    The gallery has no sounds in the animations, and with how bland they are, some sounds were really needed. The animations themselves are choppy and bland as well, being reminiscent of something from Flash back in 2011.

    The defeat scenes are animated...strangely. The facial expressions have a lot of work put in, but the actual sex is very bland and poorly animated, often just having the genitals kind of wiggle an inch back and forth. The cum sequence is weak, and you have no control over the progression, so it's essentially a one and done experience.

    The gameplay is boring and stale, trying to be new but instead just being clunky. It's nice that they tried, but with how weak the rest of the game's content is, there's no leg to stand on here.

    Weak lewds. Weak gameplay. Poor gallery.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay sucks, the shield is impenetrable, the game is easily completed in 15 minutes. To be honest, disappointed. The animations are awesome, but I can’t even look at the gallery, it crashes on animations immediately after a few minutes. Good score just because of animation
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is very lacking to say the least, but not boring. To put it simply, most of the gameplay is just blocking attacks with a block meter that recharges near instantly until you can use your strongest spell. The upgrades are locked behind the sex scenes, but you can beat the game easily even without them. The in-game sex scenes are a bit meh, but the game over scenes? Some of the best I've seen. I'd recommend giving it a play through just to unlock the gallery, since the game takes less than an hour to play through even if you completely ignore the sex and by extension go without upgrades, as I did.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Insanely repetitive. No new powerups, just 7 enemies to beat, ultra short game. the only thing i liked was the time-based turn, it has a lot of potential but sadly quite bad developed, bu the protagonist is quite well designed
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    im really surprised this scored so high.

    so first off i beat the entire game in ~15min without leveling up once.
    the combat boils down to "when the enemies attack bar is full, hold down block". theres 2 enemies who have a somewhat delayed attack, other than that its fairly easy. then just wait till you got 3 "mana" and use your strongest spell. repeat.

    the in combat sex animation (which i only saw thanks to galery, same for defeat scenes) are boring. barely any animation and the sound of the main char is always the same.

    the defeat "movies" is where its at.
    they are very fluent and nice. still not a lot of animation. sound is okay.

    imo thats really all there is to the game.
    the gameplay part is super easy and extremely boring, easily a 0/5 for me.
    the in combat sex scenes are a 1/5
    the "movies" are a 1.5/5.

    thats really all there is to it imo. very boring "game" and the only decent part are the "movies" which feel like someones first sex animation (just in a good looking quality)

    sorry but i can only give this a 2/5 total. as i really dont see any appeal in it besides the beautiful art
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful little game.

    The combat is fairly simple, and is mostly there to space out the h scenes. Once you get the handle on the timing and some upgrades, you become unstoppable. But that's fine, cause the main focus is on h scenes. And they are beautifully animated, lots of effort put into facial expressions.

    Would definitely recommend if you enjoyed the art.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A very short side scroller (less than an hour even if you keep losing on purpose) with a basic combat system, an even more basic plot, but amazing art.

    You play as a cat girl who got randomly teleported to another dimension. There she meets a succubus, who offers to help her in escaping (because succubi are super trustworthy, duh). In order to escape, you have to gather 8 portal cores to activate the portal back to your dimension. You get each core by defeating the boss of each "level".

    The gameplay is very simple, basic even. You pick a level and move forward (right). You can also move left or jump, but there's literally no reason to do so. Each level has at most 3 encounters, with the last always being a boss fight. You can attack, cast a couple of spells and use your nigh-impregnable block ability. The controls are a bit annoying to use with 1 hand (hehe), but you make do. If you lose enough HP, the enemy will attempt to rape you (which, surprise surprise, is how you power up). If you resist, you break free and regain a bunch of HP (making healing pointless). If you don't, you get to the best part of the game, which is the gorgeous, animated "defeat" scenes (which are not that rapey tbh, considering). The game also has a gallery with the scenes you've unlocked, and beating the game unlocks all of them (so you don't have to unlock them manually one-by-one like I did...).

    Honestly, side scrollers are not really my thing, and the plot and combat are pretty basic, so I'd rate this quite low, if not for the amazing defeat scenes. Their top-notch design and animation makes me think that 95% of the game's budget went there.

    +++ Great defeat scenes
    + Voice acted
    + Short game (~30 mins)
    + Gallery
    + Easy-to-learn combat system

    - Basic plot
    - Basic combat
    - Controls are not one-handed friendly

    Final verdict: 3.5/5 - Basic gameplay, great art
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Good scenes, awful game polished to a high level:

    the scenes are only on losing and defeat;
    the only way to gain strength is by losing (defeat-> ero -> power);
    the struggle is artificial (you can choose to 'struggle' or 'submit' without any effort);
    why have sideways movement with jumping and sprinting if it's not used for the straightforward turn-based strategy combat system?;
    can't control defeat cutscenes, only skip;
    wasteful combat- 2 simple damage actions, recovery and a disable which makes combat slower for both sides;

    seems like great animation and effort wasted on a boring, lose to gain (ero, power) type gain
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent! The game is simple and straightfoward enough to go through if you dont want to lose you never have to. It is fast enough that you don't actually have to waste any time to actually freaking get anything Art is top tier and don't look like childish doodles. No complaints about this.
    If it were not for censorship I'd buy it and recommend everyone else to also do so
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is too simplistic and easy, the combat is purely guarding on a timer and pressing the attack key on a timer, without moving your character.

    There is only one in game sex scene per monster, and those animations are all very simplistic too.

    Although the art looks nice, it'd be better if it were just a longer animation, without attempting to be a game.

    Overall, a pretty bad game that isn't worth the time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty easy, which is something I like. The defeat movie is just worth the effort of clearing it because it's very good, the art is just phenomenal. Sad that it's pretty short but it's alright. Pretty much worth it to be honest.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Really disappointed. Yet another game with embarrassingly boring gameplay despite being made by obviously talented artists and programmers.

    Art: 5/5
    Great animations, and above average art. Not much else to say here. The videos are stored in the game "Data" folder, unencrypted, so you can just watch them if you're here only for the lewd.

    Gameplay: 1/5
    TRIVIALLY easy. Within first minute you'll get the timing on when to block/hit and that's it, you can complete all the game with just 2 fingers. It is especially confusing that they're using a dedicated 2D engine and an elaborated interface with many mechanics and attacks available but you don't need to understand any of it to win. Then if you somehow lose the game literally gives you the option to get out by pressing E, with seemingly no cooldown or penalty. I don't know if this game was made for 70-year old but basically the only way to get scenes is to intentionally lose by not pressing anything for a good 30 sec, after which you get a video, and a game over. The game over is pretty punishing and sends you back at the beginning of the level, so if you actually plan to lose, not only do you have to lose intentionally, you must also plan to do it at the beginning of a level.

    A good H-game doesn't need to have perfect gameplay, it just needs to keep the player entertained more than if he was just watching random H videos on the internet, and unfortunately this game doesn't.
    Likes: 9alwa
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Doing my basic attack and barely harming them was pretty hot, though learning to charge up my ultimate made the game a breeze. Cute heroine and sexy scenes definitely make progressing through the game feel very rewarding. I love the last two game over scenes in particular.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd give this a 4.5/5 if I could, but since there's nothing really wrong with the game and the protagonist is cute I went with a 5.

    The game is short (20-30) minutes, which is actually a bit refreshing since some games take longer than that get to the action or "action". The combat involves using timed blocks on enemy attacks while waiting for your attacks to charge, so it isn't very complex or deep but gets the job done. If you're bad combat (or just want to see the sex scenes) you gather energy which can be spent on upgrades to make you better at combat. Not that you need to: the game can handily be beaten without triggering any/many scenes and you get a full gallery unlock upon beating the game. There are nine enemy types which is nice variety, although 4 are human men.

    A nice little touch is that the ending is slightly different depending on how much sex power you collected during the game. Not enough to really need an additional playthrough, but if you want to at least that won't take up much of your time.
    Likes: jttth
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game, pretty arts, good animations. But fights are really easy and - with exception of tentacle boss - I finished game without lose. Also, game is really short, but with close-packed "rewards"...