Unity - Completed - Eternal Dread 2 [Final] [Hitbear Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    hey chatGPT, write a negative review about a typical Unity game.

    the first thing that struck me was how unresponsive the controls were. It was as if the game had a mind of its own, and my inputs had no effect whatsoever. This made even the simplest of tasks, such as moving my character from one spot to another, an exercise in frustration.

    The graphics were equally disappointing. While I understand that Unity games are not typically known for their cutting-edge visuals, this game took things to a whole new level of mediocrity. The textures were blurry, the animations were choppy, and the overall design was uninspired.

    But perhaps the most damning aspect of this game was its complete lack of substance. There was no real story to speak of, no compelling characters, and no interesting gameplay mechanics to keep me engaged. It was as if the developers had thrown together a bunch of assets they found on the Unity store and called it a day.

    In the end, I can't recommend this game to anyone. It's a prime example of everything that's wrong with the Unity game development scene – a lack of innovation, poor controls, and a complete disregard for the player's experience. If you're looking for a satisfying gaming experience, look elsewhere.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is passable, maybe even good for a Ero game. granted i only played 3 hours, but i didnt see any sexual content, very disappointing.
    Other people have played more, and didnt see anything explicit , so for me the whole game seems pointless.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent gameplay for a porn game. But since there's NO porn, it's not nearly good enough to capture my interest.

    It's simply "kite, kill, repeat". As long as you're running back/sideways it's pretty easy to dodge attacks, because the AI will only ever aim right at your position with linear skillshots and delayed spells.

    Not much skill required beyond contorting your fingers to press the number keys while also using WASD to move, and the hitbox is wonky. I only tried the mage, the ranger should be similar, and the warrior should be an exercise of frustration.