Ren'Py - Abandoned - Eternal Lust [v0.2.2] [NVG Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Good models and animations but dear god the bugs. So many exceptions and rollbacks so I couldn't even see some content. Quite a shame as the game itself isn't bad just currently not very playable imo. Only 2 stars atm due to just so many bugs. Depending on the devs frequency and quality of updates this could easily be a 4 or 5 star game in the future. Currently however would not recommend.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    (as for v0.2.2 , may change later)

    this game is (in my opinion) highly underrated

    the writing is very good (had some nice laughters )

    the renders are good -not top but good - same for the animations

    the relationsystem (love ,obedience etc) seems well thought out

    the freeroam part - well everyone has its own opinions about
    (i would wish for a atleast one shortcut to the mc´s room)

    i like the idea of making some girls your lovers and some your sluts,
    have to wait how the harem will be developed (future genre tag)

    one of the few games where your choices (acording to variables ) really count (y)

    4 stars (for now)

    thanks for the game @Dark Naughtylus
  3. C
    4.00 star(s)


    This one is among my guilty pleasures. I love seeing games like this develop.

    Before you download it, there's one thing you should keep in mind. This game is not even 5% done. And all the tags in it are... Ambitious, put it this way. The game barely has any content whatsoever. Don't be fooled by the download size, there's not a lot of content here.

    Also, it is janky as all hell. Like, REALLY janky as hell. Unignorable exceptions galore (why, author, WHY would you actually code out a part in development and put it into a release so that it throws exceptions at us?), normal exceptions are plenty, English is absolutely abhorrent, the text background, the font, and its size result in text that is absolutely impossible to read even if you wanted to, lighting in scenes is sometimes (hell, most often) broken so that all girls appear as if they're black, the game is a sandbox for some reason, the cast of characters is REALLY MASSIVE and there is no hope in the world half of them will get half the attention they deserve, and all the other markings of your average janky game.

    But it's got a charm to it. For one, it goes all in on the "MC is just THAT AWESOME" premise. He gets superpowers, but he doesn't need any - he could just as well seduce every single girl around with his "normal" pussy magnet. Which is massive. MC is also a superhero, Mr. Offscreen, he can do anything he wishes so long as it's offscreen. He killed however many dudes there were with his bare hands to save a girl. To complement this set of powers, MC has a dick the size of Wisconsin - but I'm not gonna hold that against him. Really, his cock is just SO DAMN MASSIVE, it's ridiculous even for a porn game, but it overall fits the theme.

    The overall plot fits that too. There's an abundance of girls, for all archetypes you might like, the story beats are absolutely ridiculous, but it takes itself not seriously enough to be engaging yet seriously enough to treat itself with respect. The game provides an illusion of control well enough. The graphics have problems, but are overall alright. It gets a major plus on this.

    The game is going for a slow start, which I find kind of appropriate. It's not too long, the game doesn't hide sexual content from us, but it's still kind of a slow burn, the game doesn't throw its assets at us instantly. While the grind is kind of over the top IMO, I think that might be fixed eventually. It's not like there's a reason to grind, yet, anyway.

    Overall, there's little to talk about just yet. The game is not big. I don't know where the 4 gigs went. I finished the main story as outlined in the events on the download page, I tried to grind for stuff but there isn't much to grind for. But I liked it anyway.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game with potential. It has made great progress from the beginning of the DEMO to the present.

    The game has not gone very far, but there is already music, animation, nice rendering, nice story,Game there is still much room for growth, such as better rendering, better quality, fewer errors,But I believe that with time and experience to these sections will be better off,Of course, now these are also very good.

    I am looking forward to the future development of this game.