VN - Ren'Py - Eternum [v0.8.5 Public] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my third review here with each new update. I just love this game to be this invested.
    I didn't expect to get hit with that ending for 0.7. Anyway our boi finally acknowledged that he's been goofin around with the girls without thinking of the consequences. Hate when other games just throw their LI's to the male lead without anyone questioning the fuckery or even aclnowledge it. And i hoped we uncovered more servers along with the in-real life progression cause the lore is gettin really interesting.

    And for the love of god, i can't seem to choose between Alex or Penny. Everytime i think i'm starting to like one more, the other one comes full swinging to take the best girl spot with each new update. Caribdis really makin it hard for us as every single FL is so damn intriguing and fun.

    I wonder if we'll have the option to follow either a single path or a harem one like his previous game OIAl...let's see. Other than that another banger of an update, and now the dreadful waiting for the next update begins:cry:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly recommend this, just superb overall, the image quality, music, mix of different genre in 1 single game. It's more than just an adult game.

    Also highly recommend 'Once In A Lifetime' from the same author.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely my favorite game of all time. I'm typically not hard to please but this game excels in pretty much every category. The renders and sfx are great. The story is the most engaging I've experienced with my time on F95. The characters give me a mental debate of who's my favorite (after Luna of course). Hopefully I'll be able to support the game soon enough, but if you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. Especially being here from version 0.1 just seeing the development is always a breath of fresh air.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The main issue with Eternum is that it feels like its creator is contractually obligated to add “adult content” once in a while, but couldn’t care less about it otherwise.

    I mean, you’ve got this expansive universe, tons of events and dialogue… and the most vanilla sex scenes (although “foreplay scenes” would often be a more accurate description) seemingly as an afterthought.

    The fact that the girls all have the samey “Illusion” look doesn’t help either. Once in a Lifetime wasn't exactly photorealistic, but its stylized art style made it work. Ironically, Eternum’s higher production quality makes its character models look jarring in comparison.

    As for the story, it’s certainly told well enough, but relies too heavily on recycled elements from popular franchises and memes. Once in a Lifetime had the decency to not overstay its welcome, whereas Eternum might be too ambitious for its own good.

    All in all, it’s not terrible or anything, and Caribdis has obviously spent a lot of time on this already so I’m not going to rate it any lower, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I first tried this game a couple of years ago (v2?) and dropped it, because, honestly, who can stand another game with a school setting, a young man moving town, a sexy older woman and her two daughters, etc etc.

    But I came back to it recently at v7 and am really impressed.

    Most importantly, the story is excellent. The basic idea allows lots of variations (differently-themed game servers) that provide scope for novelty, while there is a compelling underlying story.

    The graphics engine used is not one I normally like, but the author is wringing more out of it than anything else I have seen. The animations are excellent - who knew that people's whole bodies move when they are having sex?

    The music choices are very good indeed, sometimes adding humour in situations where you don't expect it.

    I have become a patron on the strength of this. Would buy on Steam if it were available.

    Update after having played 0.8: still very good, one of my two favourite VNs (the other is Light of My Life). The resolution of the "cliffhanger" situation at the end of v0.7 was a bit casual and easy, but the MC does refer back to the episode as part of his growth, so not completely gratuitous.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a perfect VN game. It has a good story and humor to keep the player engaged, but at the same time doesn't take itself too serious. Also, How can Caribdis make all the girls so lovable is beyond me. It made me feel like harem route is the only right way to play this game, but anyway Penny is the best. 10/10.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely an amazing story, Great renders, All of it is great!, This is by-far the best vn on here, with the best story out of any.

    Caribdis did a great job on this, Looking forward to playing V0.8!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    To me, this is just overrated/overhyped. But I respect any work or other people’s opinions. For me, the only worse ones are those who give ratings based on value judgments of personal preferences. Therefore, I’ll add that the game is good, not the super best triple AAA great story and yummy scenes like most of writing here, but good, but for me it’s boring.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of two games on this site I can honestly say I would continue reading without any sex scenes. The comedic writing is excellent and the story, although cliche, is well done. The characters are all great and the music choices are quite good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly the greatest adult game I have ever played, and it's not even finished!
    The characters are hot and lovable, and that justifies the long story that is being told here. The story is awesome too, and probably the best story I've seen in an adult game.

    If you don't mind a good long-winded story then this is the game for you, but if you're only here for sex scenes and a quick fap then this isn't for you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I have probably played 100 VN games from this site.
    You will not see anything even remotely close to Caribdis quality. This truly is the AAA of these VNs.

    I loved his previous game, Once in a Lifetime. This one follows a similar concept, but on a whole another level in all aspects.
    Super cool story. Extremely cute girls, with believable bodies and each with cool and interesting personalities. Story progression and character development at a level that is very difficult to find here. And literally AAA scenes.

    There's many games that have super good graphics, but either fall short on depth or lenght. Other games have super cool and complex stories, but they lack either decent graphics, have hilariously disproportioned models or have disappointing scenes. The thing about this one is that it has all.

    Seriously, don't even doubt about playing this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Edd Blue

    Man this visual novel is so good! I found this game from a fellow user's signature here in the F95 forums a week ago. Now I can't get enough of the chapters. The story constantly shifts from light to deep discussions, from playful and happy to dark and serious, and there's comedic jokes to lighten up the plot when it may stay at a certain vibe for too long.

    This constant shift of emotion is exhilarating! Albeit I think it's my first time reading a harem visual novel, so I'm not used to having them all as I prefer pursuing a certain lovely woman and only her (not that I'm complaining tho).

    I find myself caring a lot more about the story than the porn itself, so that may be a con for players who just want to rush and get to the sex scenes of a game asap. It's not that the porn isn't great, it honestly surprised me how smooth and detailed the sex scenes were in this game.

    This game's definitely up in my top contenders. It'd be pretty hard to beat. The story, the visual graphics, the animations, the sound design, just about everything is on top gear. Hoping for a lot more chapters to come!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This VN isn't good. Actually, it's terrible.

    It's ridiculously boring, it doesn't make sense, it's filled the bland tropes you would see in amateur projects that typically get abandoned upon a few updates, and the girls feel like cardboard imitations of actual girls.

    I've tried playing this VN 3 times now and every time I eventually end up checking the box to skip unseen text. It's just too boring. I'm in shock that this VN is so well regarded. There is not a single game or VN on this site that is more overrated than Eternum.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Hattivatti 98

    Great humor that made me laugh multiple times, combined with visuals and animations that were top quality with the small details in them that really added polish to the experience. But the thing that makes this 5/5 VN for me is awesome story pacing and music that makes you fully immersed at all times.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    if you're looking to just jerk off this game isn't going to be for you .

    with that out of the way the game is amazing in so many ways , the story is good, funny and very aware it shouldn't take itself seriously but that doesn't mean it doesn't get serious or deliver amazing points or touch on important subjects.
    The music and song choices are top notch .
    The renders and the scenes are good, sex scenes are really good as well .
    the characters are diverse, this isn't just going to be character number 65 with big boobs just trying to fuck you and all she thinks about is dick anyway , while it IS a porn game and has a lot of that the characters are unique and I enjoy many of them , I highly suggest playing it and if you can supporting the Dev .

    10/10 game
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best VNs here. The storytelling is excellent. The art direction is impressive. The writing is steady and fun. Each girl has a distinct and endearing personality. The sex scenes are tactful and tasteful. They're utterly hot and realistic. You come for the sex, you stay for the story with fantastically well-realized sex scenes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Going to be honest, this is the first time I've ever sat down and read any of these VN. I've never been one to read for the "plot" but this surpassed my expectations. The only reason why I even decided to read it was due to the insanely high reviews this got. I've never seen anything with a 4.5 star rating with this many reviews before on this website, so I gave it a shot.

    There's a wide variety of girls who falls into that classic cliche and I am glad they didn't try to be overly inventive and try to do something too out there with their characters. Each one has soul and feels a live. Honestly while playing through this, you might even learn something about yourself and your preferences of girls' personalities.

    This was my first time playing the game 0.7 and I am glad that the developer isn't lazy and has great work ethics to be consistent. The updates being released aren't just updates to meet the quota but quality ones where you can feel the amount of work being put in during that time period.

    Anyways I digress, great stuff and you deserve very much all the success you've gotten from this work. Can't wait for the next update!

    edit: Actually one point of advice that I forgot to mention that I think is pretty important, at least for me. Better strategical spacing of the buzz kill moments from the sexual scenes because mentally you do a pretty huge 180. I know sometimes for plot purposes it can be difficult, but i.e. the barn and the cube, stuff like that would be better in a lengthy exclusive lore bit imo if you do decide to implement them.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Started playing this because I was horny and got totally hooked on the story. The sex scenes were phenomenal and the writing was amazing. And hilarious. I actually found myself playing more for the story than the sex scenes. Which doesn't say anything negative about the scenes, but more speaks to the story
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It weren't but a few days ago I played through the developers previous title, Once in a Lifetime. And I liked it a good deal despite some minor issues.

    I'm pleased to say that those issues aren't issues here in the follow-up. Heck by my reckoning the game is a straight up improvement across the board.

    Everything from the writing, to the renders, the models, the animations - even the music choices. And I usually mute the music in like 95% of these games, but nothing here sounded out of place or overly grating.

    I couldn't recommend Eternum more and I wait with bated breath for the next update - especially since the last one ended on a dang good cliff-hanger!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Be me:

    - Support and play Caribdis last game, slavering for each update worse than a heroine addicted dog. Finally finish said game. Swear not to replay it for at least a year.
    - Immediately start a new playthrough the next day.
    -Run out of tissues.
    -Play the first chapter of Eternum.
    -Run out of tissues again.
    - State longingly at Caribdis Subscribstar page growing increasingly frustrated.
    - Learn my lesson and stop visiting Subscribstar to remove temptation.
    -Swear to support BUT NOT PLAY game until it is finished.
    -Buy more tissues. Wait. Wait. Wait some more.
    - Observe that the game has reached .7 and rationalize that I could simply play a little, at a moderate pace and thus stay behind Caribdis' development pace so I never run out of content, arriving at the ending at the EXACT moment it is ready to be released.
    - Download game.
    -Start playing.
    - Wake up two days later and realized I have skipped work and binged the entire thing... And am out of tissues.
    - Cry.

    In all seriousness, Caribdis is one of those rare developers that elevates the entire genre. His command of the narrative has only deepened in this sophomore offering, and he's more effective than ever in painting with all the colors of human emotion.

    Because of the nature of the game (it's porn, in case you didn't know) many authors are constrained, unable to conveu emotion or imprint themes and philosophic questions on their players. Eternum is the exceptions. The characters have real heart and (to the limit that can be expected in an harem game) real agency. Moreover, Caribdis is one of those few artists with enough talent to truly evoke a response in his work. The tense moments are thrilling. The scary scenes, frightening and of course the lascivious truly titillating.

    I'd be lying if I said the man didn't have quirks and foibles, but it truly would be like complaining about the improperly folded napkin at a Michelin star restaurant, and especially noticable when all the other eateries are burger king....

    In short, the graphics are excellent and he has a great command of them.
    The writing cute, funny and often witty.
    The story and lore are gripping.
    The sex out of this fucking world.

    This isn't the game you ask yourself if you should play. You need to play it.

    This isn't the game you ask if you should support. You must support it.

    This is the game that's so fucking good, you wonder if you can tell you IRL friends about, just so you can have more people to gush over it.

    Five stars, no regrets.